
The five men in black-clad were alarmed after hearing the name of the legend.

They may newly hatch being an assassin but with the terror lives in the eyes of individuals who portray his fierceness, they can tell that how unnerving demon he was.

What they don't see why the terrifying Thunder Strike abruptly pulls out his job as the incoming assassin's head after he found out his last quest and decided to get comfortable in this far off and modest country.

He didn't also dare to verify the authenticity of this old man's words. To him, to know the legendary name alongside his sparkling electric qi covers him are sufficient to persuade him that this old man is telling the truth.

"Guy's mission abort!"

After the leader of the team finish his words they lined up in one and saluted to Lei Shen Tie (Thunder Strike is his famous assassin's name ) by cupping their hands.

Before the group in black-clad depart, Lei Shen Tie gives them a warning.

"Don't be hasty lad, before you leave, I want you to deliver these words to my foolish sworn brother. Tell him that we are residing in a martial world, wherein, some tree eats lightning storm very much like a bird eating a worm."

After Lei Shen Tie said these words, the group once again clasps their hands with respect and affirmed his request. The five men in black vanished.

Lei Shen Tie withdraws his qi and then he looks back to see Xiao Nan.

"Fortunately I was able to arrive in time, boy it seems you need to move to the new location for your wellbeing. I may able to save you today but not all the time. I knew my brother well, I'm certain he will hear me out this time. But what I'm anxious about is his sons. Their head is already big but no mouth to swallow the pride."

Xiao Nan nodded his head while one hand crosses his chest and the other holds his chin as if he is seriously speculating.

"Thank you for helping me, this junior understood what senior wanted to say. However, I don't understand why they wanted to kill me? " He said while he is clasping his hands.

Lei Shen Tie response with a hum and nodded his head.

" To be precise, you are not the only one they aim to kill by the Xin Faction but also your mom. " After seeing the panic in Xiao Nan's eyes after hearing the news, he quickly ensured the safety of his mom.

" Young las, don't be restless. I already saved your mom, although she received internal damage it is still far from death. She is recuperating right now in Heaven's Pagoda at Brown Tea City." He added.

Xiao Nan only clenched his fist and takes a deep breath to cool down his rage.

" Senior, if I'm right, the Xin Faction is from Starlight Nation. The only person that wanted to exterminate us is..."

Xiao Nan was not able to finish his words, because Lei She Tie spits his last words.

" Wang Clan, right? Hahaha, you probably confused, why I know your secret. " He said.

Lei Shen Tie explains to Xiao Nan.

Lei Shen Tie is also a member of Hunter's Guild to cover up his other job. Lin Fan ( Xiao Nan's grandpa) is his comrades that sacrifice his life to save him.

That's why he raised Lin Ai and guided her about the world of cultivation. When she married to Xiao Mang, she change her last name to Xiao. He also revealed that he is the one who saves them from assassins when they were sent to this nation.

Lei Shen Tie also said who is the culprit of this problem, Liu Hui. He lusted for Xiao Ai but no matter what he did, Xiao Ai's answer is still no to him. So he wants to find a way to tame the horse.

He collaborated with Wang Clan to catch Xiao Ai and use her as his toy. But they miscalculate Xiao Ai's strength and interference of Lie Shen Tie, that's why they failed.

They wanted to use Xiao Nan as their bait to lure Xiao Ai out.

After their conversation, Lei Shen Tie brought Xiao Nan to his new house and left Xiao Nan with a plan to revenge Liu Hui.


Xiao Nan can't sleep in his new house, he sits on his bed and pondered.

"Hmm?... Did I forget something? Ohh!!... 10 pm at Li Jiao's room! The heck! I did not know the exact location of her room!" He said.

He teleported near the entrance gate of Li Clan.

The guards were guarding have good awareness and they immediately noticed Xiao Nan's presence.

"Who is it? "

The guard said as they were in a fighting stance.

After they completely saw the person who suddenly appeared, they immediately put back their weapons and clasps their hands.

" We apologize, we didn't see it was Master Nan." The guards said.

Xiao Nan nodded his head.

" No problem, just keep it up. "

" Thank you, Master Nan!"

As Xiao Nan stepped in he met a slender and beautiful lady wearing armor along with a Li Clan warriors.

The fairy is none other Li Jiao, they were in a hurry because of sudden circumstances happened in Li Clan's mining.

" Master Nan, good evening. It seems Master Nan has some appointment with Patriarch. " She said.

" Ohh.. Yea...Yeah, I need to ask something at him." Xiao Nan's responded.

" Oh, I see, please pardon me Master Nan if I can't go with you now to meet our Patriarch. We suddenly received an important mission that needs to be completed as soon as possible."

After Li Jiao and Li soldiers departed Xiao Nan takes a deep sigh. This is one way of Li Jiao telling him that their plan to have pleasure is suspended.


After an hour passed.

Xiao Nan is on top of Yecao Mao, while she is lying behind him. It seems their position is called Flatiron position.

Xiao Nan is thrusting his at Yecao Mao tight pus.s.y.

" mmm... mmm... mmm..."

Yecao Mao keeps on moaning as Xiao Nan keeps on thrusting his big and long spear at her.

Sometimes she buried her at the pillow then screams, sometimes she bit it, and sometimes she opens her mouth wide open as Xiao Nan periodically speeding his thrust.