Chapter Fifty-Nine : I Had To Murder Someone

Nik's POV

Where in the world has this guy being all my life? How was I not friends with him? Pablo is interesting and I'm actually learning a lot from him.

"I've never loved anyone aside from my late ex-wife Kay, and will never love till I pay Hades a visit. You see this heart here " I confessed , pointing to my chest

"This heart here is kevlar protected, platinum guarded and nothing can penetrate through it. I'm absolutely immune to love "

Pablo stared at me with an odd look while stroking his jaw " From all you have just said now, in conclusion, you're just marrying her to satisfy your needs? "

"No, we're marrying each other to satisfy our needs " I corrected.

He raised a questioning brow "The needs are?"

"Firstly, have bed breaking sex " I answered straight away and just the thought of it set my groin on fire. I tried to imagine maya sprawled out on my bed naked, all womanly curves in the right places and ready for me .

Snap out of it Niklaus or an abrupt cold shower awaits you. Fine, I grumbled inwardly. lets go to the unsexual part then .

Pablo stared at Niklaus dumbfounded, was this guy really serious? Sure, sex was one of the reason people get married but making it his first priority, wasn't it a little bit..... ugh, forget it.

Sure it wasn't surprising, his good stamina was suitable for a bed breaking sex ; the guy sure has all the money in the world to change his bed daily.

"Secondly ; care for each other " I stated my next reason and was surprised to find Pablo staring at me strangely.

Ahh right, it must sound foreign to him since this is the first time I am admitting I care and would care for my lady Maya.

Pablo narrowed his eyes suspiciously, why did this particular comment strike pleasantly close to home?

" Thirdly ; give birth to more kids - honestly I'll prefer Maya to give me three more children and hope they all turn out to be boys cause my only female daughter has made me develop a phobia for baby girls - but maybe, I won't mind if she gives me girls that looks exactly like her - a spitting image, especially one that carries that veins that threatens to burst whenever she's angry. She doesn't even realize she looks like a chipmunk with those puffy cheeks wherever she's angry. Though I wish whatever gender they turn out to be, they luckily inherit her good looks but my brains instead " I prattled for the first time in my entire life without realizing it. And why is it Pablo giving me that strange look again?

Pablo crossed his arms on his chest , shaking his head sympathetically. For someone who claims not to be in love with the girl, he sure knows and talks a lot about her. Tsk Tsk , so much for the Kevlar heart.

"But wait a minute, what even brought on this discussion? "I asked suddenly, realizing I might have drifted off the original topic.

"The cold feet, ring a bell? " Pablo, the ever observing CEO reminded me again.

I clapped my hands " Yes, that's right " I recalled at once "So tell me Pablo, why do you think I Niklaus who has never experienced a cold feet get it just because of a wedding that doesn't even exist yet? "

Pablo gulped " About that, I think you'll have to contact your therapist "

I frowned " Therapist? "

"Yes, that's right " He affirmed " This matter is quite complicated and totally bigger than me" Pablo lied through his white sparkling teeth.

Pablo wasn't stupid, how could he tell someone that just claimed his heart was Kevlar protected that his Kevlar has been penetrated and his heart in captive?

How could he relay to the world's greatest player that contrary to what he believes, that cupid's arrow has struck him? How can he tell Nik Spencer that he's in love?!

Truth be told, he doesn't even understand why Nik is sitting down here like a love starved puppy seeking counsel from him. He knows of Nik's exploits, his cruelty, his dominance and devil may care attitude.

But why?! why?! was the almighty and one of the most feared business man sitting down obediently and listening to the gibberish he was uttering. It couldn't be he has gone soft? has that girl finally melted down his cold heart? Fine, he must applaud this girl for a job well done.

Pablo was hiding something from me, why do I need to seek a therapist? I wasn't wrong in the head neither was I experiencing difficulties in my new blooming relationship.

I made up my mind to ask the reason for the sudden change of heart, after all he's being responsive since, so why suggest a therapist now and why suggest a therapist at all?

"Your Fiancee is absolutely capable and outstanding " Pablo said , disrupting my plan and leaving me with a puzzled expression. Why was he talking as if he knows Maya?

"Huh? "

But he went on

"We've had several deals with her through out the past month but I didn't realize she was your fiancee until moments ago when I glanced through the news on my cellphone while we were discussing " Pablo told me but it didn't take away the sudden uneasiness that washed over me.

My smiling face shifted "What are you talking about? what news ? "

"You haven't seen your en... " Pablo hesitated when he saw my confused state of mind.

Quickly, I grabbed my cellphone and realized I had uncountable missed calls from Judy and from several recognizable and unrecognizable numbers.

What the fuck is going on.

I had the habit of silencing my phone whenever I was in an important meeting. which explains why I didn't hear my phone ring.

I called Judy at once but the only word he told me was " Check the news "

Without hesitation, I opened the nearest browser app on my phone and didn't even have to search for #hottest trending news cause it was there already.

My blood chilled while my eyes darkened and I clenched my fist; I had to murder someone right now.