Chapter Eighty-six : He Wants To Murder Me

Maya's POV

I must be crazy ! No, I am crazy ! How and where in the world did I get such boldness ? No that can't be , a spirit must have possessed me!

After I walked back to the gala, I realized how foolish I had been, engaging in a bathroom fight? Yeah it was pathetic but I wasn't going to sit and watch some spoilt rich brat step all over me.

Now the adrenaline was spent, the feeling of nervousness overwhelmed me and I stopped a waiter carrying a fresh tray of champagne glasses, grabbed one and gulped it down.

" Wow!" I exclaimed internally and my eyes rolled in delight, that was strong and invigorating. So I took another one and downed it and another and another and ano-

"What do you think you're doing? " Eden questioned and snatched away my fifth drink much to my annoyance.

"Give it back! " I demanded but he simply moved it out of my reach and before I could say a word, drank it till there was nothing left.