Chapter Two Hundred And Forty-two: Yearning

Niklaus' point of view 

Today was D-day. And no, it wasn't the day when I kidnapped the owner of the company Nirvana but speak with him. Oh, scratch that, it was her, contrary to my belief. 

Princess Reina Armani

I couldn't help but grimace at that name, hoping to God I wasn't about to deal with some spoiled young miss who has fallen for me or something. Over the years, I've seen a lot of women try every possible tactic just to get me to date them - I didn't know I was still that famous. 

However I didn't have to lift a finger in chasing them off, Isabella was there to do me the favor. Just a glare from her and they were sent running - after making sure to remind them that they'd be dealing with her if they dare marry me. 

Nevertheless, there was something mysterious about this particular woman. No matter how much I searched, I couldn't come up with anything-not even her photos - almost as if she was hiding on purpose.