Chapter Two Hundred And Forty-eight: Return Home

The third point of view 

"Ninety-seven…. Ninety-eight…." 

The crowd of onlookers counted down as the girl standing upside down chugged from the tapped key without anyone holding her up. 


They all cheered as she climbed down. 

"Izzy!" " Izzy!" "Izzy!" 

The girl roared victoriously, beating her chest and splashing the remaining alcohol in her mouth out in the open. 

"That was awesome, girl! I saved this special drink for you," That rat called her girlfriend handed a plastic cup to her which Isabella accepted, yet the girl was oblivious to the faint sly smile curving her lips. 

"Hey, babe," Her rat of a boyfriend also appeared by her side, intending to kiss her but Isabelle pressed a finger against his lips, then gripped his chin to deviate his face to the side. 

"Not now nor ever" she pushed his face away. 

The rat of a best friend smiled uneasily, "Izzy, what are you doing? He's Kelvin,"