Chapter Two Hundred And Sixty-one: Have So Much Fun Together

Reina's point of view 

"I'm sorry I'm late," I apologized, drawing out a seat, and sat down comfortably.

"Woah!" Eden exclaimed, taking in the sight of my dark emerald hair.

"Don't say a word, I don't need your critique, " I warned him quickly. 

Thankfully, Allen was sensible enough to use some gothic emerald and not pastel mint green or worse punk Neon green. 

"What criticism," He said, "I was going to say you look goddamn sexy,"

A faint blush crept up my face but I hid it away. Seems while Niklaus's good with his hands this one's good with his words - I need to be careful with both.

"You really think they look good?" I still couldn't help but ask. Sigh, women, and beauty.