Chapter Four Hundred And Sixty-five: Father And Son

"It's okay, Cecil. Don't worry, I'll talk with him," Emerald assured her.


"Yes. Perhaps, what Pedro needs is a simple conversation between men. So you do me a favor, go to the dining and have your breakfast. I'll join you in a jiffy,"

"Alright," Cecil stood on tiptoes and shared a brief kiss with him - yep, that happens when you marry a giant. She just hoped their child would assume a normal height.

True to his word, Emerald tracked Pedro down to the garden where he was seated on one of the rocks and had a headphone on.

"Hi dear," Emerald awkwardly settled on one of the rocks. Sometimes it hurts to be tall.

However, no response came from Pedro.

"I know the music is off so can you be civil enough to grant me an audience," Emerald pointed out his trick.

"How did you know?" Pedro was surprised.