Chapter Five Hundred And One: I Don't Do Charity Work

The third point of view:

Isabella woke up with a satisfied smile on her face. They had fucked thoroughly - every single place in the house had not gone untouched. She must have an insatiable libido else how was she able to keep up the pace with Pedro? Well, it was pleasing to know that her boyfriend had the stamina to satisfy her sexual appetite. 

A smile lit up Isabella's face when she discovered they had broken the other leg of the bed. One foot of the bed had always been broken as far as she recalled and Isabella didn't need to guess who was responsible nor what they were doing that led to it. 

At least it was a huge achievement to have broken the other leg and left her mark here. Who knows what Niklaus' face would look like when he sees it? Isabella couldn't help but laugh at her imagination. 

Looking around, she discovered that it was already late and Anabelle and her boyfriend should be back by now.