Chapter Five Hundred And Twenty: Son-in-law

The third point of view:

Having a rich so in law was the best feeling in the world, Baz, Camille's father decided. When he climbed into the car, it was the perfect definition of luxury. The car seat was so comfortable that he could take a nap in there and his back nor body would suffer any pain.

Unlike what he thought earlier, his son-in-law Eden was kind of easy to talk with. The young man was quite taken with him. Baz was delighted inwardly, at this rate he might not even need to bother his unfilial daughter with his finances; Eden would give him all he needed.

In no time, they got to their destination and it was a high-class hotel. Baz's eyes widened with shock and admiration at his son-in-law at the level of respect the staff gave to him - even the hotel manager came to welcome him.

"Son, you seem to be favored here, you must be a regular. A VIP or something?" Baz inquired. 

"I own the hotel," Eden said so nonchalantly it shocked the man.