Chapter Five Hundred And Forty-one: A Caged Bird

The third point of view:

Maggie was high, really, really, high in the sky, and then she crashed. Badly. Plummeted Iike sixty feet from the sky. However, she still had her bones intact.

The woman woke up with a start, her eyes immediately connecting with honey-brown eyes. For a while, none of them said a word, just staring at each other until he spoke, "Are you done hugging my body?" Andrew spoke icily as usual, but beneath that arctic layer, she could sense a hint of amusement. Her being stupid entertained him.

She looked down, "Oh," realizing indeed that she was hugging his body as if she was sleeping with her teddy.

"Sorry," She apologized, blushing scarlet red and as well, wondering what in the world happened here. This was not her room - probably his from the look of things - and how had she gotten here. The only thing she remembered was cleaning up her wound and eating... It hit her. 

Her eyes widened, "You put cannabis in my food?"