Chapter Five Hindred And Seventy-six: A lighter Sentence

"Would you believe me, your loyal lord who stood by you for years and fought alongside during the invaders or a kid still in diapers, your royal highness?! "

That question carried a lot of weight and everyone turned in the direction of the queen to know what her decision would be. Most of them believed Lord Albert, however, something must have happened for the kid to come up with such an allegation. Hence, it was suspicious.

To their surprise, the queen didn't reply, rather turned to her son, Prince Kai, asking, "What is the result? What did you find?"

At once, everyone returned their gaze on Judy recalling he was with the evidence.

Judy looked down on the phone and then at the audience before he shook his head sadly, "There's nothing here,"

"What?!" The kids shouted from shock.

There was a great uproar from the crowd. Even the queen was struck dumb. Above all, the kids were the most confused. 

"How is that possible!"

"No way!"