Chapter Six Hundred And Sixty-eight: A Mad Woman

The third point of view:

Unknown to Anika she had made enemies who were hell-bent on dealing with her and so they monitored her movements. As soon as she went into the restroom, Charlotte and her two minions made their move as well. 

After confirming that Anika was indeed in one of the cubicles, they chased the rest of the students inside of it and prevented the others from coming in. They then waited patiently for Anika to come out. 

A satisfied smirk crossed Charlotte's features, she would teach that bitch a lesson today. However, five minutes passed by and there was still no sign of Anika and the two minions passed Charlotte a disturbed look. 

Both of her girls were posed with mopsticks they would use to hit Anika once she comes out and teach her never to step beyond her boundaries. Sadly, their arms were beginning to hurt and there has not been sign of Anika.