Chapter Seven Hundred And Eight: Deborah

The third point of view:

"Even with the years gone, you didn't learn any manners," Jennifer muttered, glancing down at her phone after her son hung up on her.

However, that didn't bother her because she simply brought her black coffee to her lips and took a sip, enjoying the bitter taste. She knew at the end of the day, her son would have no choice but to return to her after the plans were set in place.

Niklaus made the worst mistake of his life by dumping her and even let her rot away in her mental asylum. Remembering her experiences in there made her skin crawl and she felt the urge to just scratch her skin until it peeled and bled.

Those days were dark and filled with long hours of therapy and her freedom was restricted. They treated her as if she was a nut job, but that wasn't the case, she was perfectly well!