Chapter Seventy Hundred And Twenty-two: Torment Him For The Rest Of His Life

The third point of view:

"That lunatic!" Isabella stomped her feet as she heard Julie's threat. She knew there was no way on earth Pedro's brain would split open on the first hit but he would get hurt and she wasn't inclined to see that red liquid spilling down his head right now, not when everything is going wrong. They were driving her crazy!

"At the count of one….. two….. three!"

"No!" Isabella didn't even know when the scream tore from her throat and she raced to the door.

"Her fiancé was crazy!" was the thought in Anabelle's head as she winced and shut her eyes just as Pedro banged his head on the...

"Huh?" Anabelle peered out through the gape in her fingers and saw Pedro's head on Isabella's palm that rested on the wall.

 It happened that right before Pedro could bang his head on the wall, Isabella had already left the room with lightning speed and put her hand in the way.