**The heart was meant to be broken**-- Oscar Wilde.

Do you know how it feels when your heart is being broken into a million microscopic pieces by your beloved one???

That was how she was feeling 10 years back. She experienced that pain when she was only 13 years old. But still she managed to throw a smile on her face before leaving that place.


BELLE!BELLE!! we have an emergency!!! shouted Ae Cha. There was no response from the other side so Ae Cha decided to go and see Belle herself.

When Ae Cha opened the door, there stood an average height,slender woman with long black hair and beautiful round,wide honey-brown eyes. Those tempting pink lips of her complimented her slightly tanned skin perfectly.

"Don't you remember what happened today 10 years ago???" Belle exclaimed sorrowfully.

Ae Cha didn't know how to answer her question or how to tell her there was an emergency! she was interrupted by Belle-" What's the emergency?"

Ae Cha was both confused and shocked by Belle's statement.

"H-How did you know?!" Ae Cha stuttered

We've been best friends for the past 8 years and I know you better than you know yourself. You only barge into my office when there's an emergency- Belle giggled after saying.

"Well one of our best lawyers met with an accident and is in the hospital. She needed to visit a client today and those clients are really important for us!- Ae Cha stated.

"Well you can't do anything now... reschedule the appointment for tomorrow. All of our best lawyers are currently dealing with important cases now....Soo I'll take up on this one. Bring the files related to the case to my office"- said Belle.

Ae Cha brought the files and placed them on Belle's table and left the room. Belle was now left all by herself. She started going through the files.

"Hmmmm....okay so this is about the cancellation of a business deal and we are fighting for the CRIMSON KINGS company and against the SAPPHIRE SHINES!!"- Belle said to herself...

"So this the fight between the two biggest companies in the U.S!" she thought.


Belle was all set to go and meet the clients at the Crimson Kings office.

As she reached the office,she asked Mr.John(her driver) to park the car and go have breakfast. She was always kind and straight-forward.

As she entered the office, everything seemed normal until she saw....HIM!!