Alan and Belle then bid goodbye to each other. Belle then got into the 'Sweet Home' and was greeted with everybody's smiling and cheerful faces which warmed her heart. She then talked with everyone and left for home.

Alan got into the car and started driving. While he was rethinking about what he just heard and saw an uninvited smile crept on his face. He was smiling.....no to be accurate he was beaming. He then realised he was smiling like an idiot and stopped it. He then reached his home...uhh to be specific a whole damn mansion!

It was modern looking. But it was all made up of glass. It was in the combination of white Walls, grey wall paper on them and then glass. All in all the mansion was gorgeous and was a worthy one.

Alan stepped inside his house and was greeted by the head maid Mary who was woman in her late 40s. All of them bowed to him and Alan went to his room for a warm shower. When the warm water droplets fell on his muscular and toned body...only one thing ran in his mind and that was HER....

Where as Belle now was about to sleep but events of the day were replaying in her mind....just how much happened in only one day! She shrugged it off and tried sleeping but wasn't able to...she was tossing continuously and started thinking about something random to fall asleep but only one thing was running in her mind and that was HIM...