To what seemed like walking to Lee,was running to Belle! When Lee finally stopped, Belle was panting heavily.

He immediately started patting her back in order to stabilize her breathing and pulse.

"Are you ok?!" Lee asked worriedly

"I-I'm fine!" Belle said trying to control her breathing.

When Belle was finally breathing like a normal human, she questioned Lee

"Why did you drag me out of there saying that we have some work when we have none?!"

"You know how mom is! She will not leave you so easily, so why do you want to get to her easily?Let her try hard to even get your appointment or even a glance!" Lee said.

"Aaand let her recover from the shock I just gave her!" Belle spoke which made Lee and Belle laugh with their hands up in air inorder to give each other a High-five.

Just then Alan walked into the place they were. Lee and Belle turned their heads to see who came and couldn't control their laugh after seeing Alan's face!

Alan was shocked to see Lee's and Belle's fingers interlocked in the air. He just stood there his eyes widened with confusion and shock with his hands in his pockets.

Alan's face only made Belle and Lee laugh harder!

Finally Lee said,

"Why are staring at us like you've just seen a ghost?!"

"Ahem..." Alan cleared his voice upon being back to his senses and said,

"There's still a week before you officially start working with us. Any reason you're here?"

"Indeed there is a reason. I know that there's still a week before I officially start working,but I came here to bond with the people I'm going to work with...After all I will have to stay in this environment for 5 months!" Belle justified herself.

'Bonding....huh?' Alan thought to himself and just nodded.

"And I wanted spend some time with Lee here before I actually head to work" Belle said giving Lee that bunny smile of hers.

"And I have no objections!" Lee said raising his hands up in air like he was surrending himself to her!

Alan just stood there looking at them all bonding with each other.

'When did they become soo close?' Alan was busy thinking and Belle and Lee were busy looking at Alan who was just lost in his thoughts until a voice brought them back to earth.

"Oh! it's good to see you again Belle! I was going to call you anyways but since I found you here with these two, let me inform you all three together!" Liam said looking at the three members present in the room.

"It's good to see you too uncle Liam!" Belle greeted him back with a smile.

"Ah! I've missed that smile of yours dear!" Liam said smiling back at Belle.

"Pa,you wanted to inform something?" Alan asked Liam.

"Ah! yes! I wanted to inform you that the annual ceremony of the company is on this Friday, and we can also welcome Belle properly into the company with this!" Liam exclaimed.

"And the theme of the party is masquerade!"