The Maid

My mother came to wake me the next morning. She brought a housemaid with her and next to her stood our new guards.

"Good morning! Artar, my lovely boy," she said. This became her daily routine. The three servants bowed and stood there. "Edward, can you stand outside please? I will dress my boy."

"Certainly, My lady."

He bowed and then left the room.

Lillian also wanted to leave, but my mother interrupted her.

"Not you, darling, you stay here and watch."

Lillian nodded and didn't dare to reject my mother's order. Her face was flaming, and she didn't dare to look.

"Never seen a naked baby before? A lady with your looks should have seen a penis multiple times, " my mother asked. Lillian's face became as red as a tomato and she shook her head. She was embarrassed.

"Not even your father's?"

"no, my lady. I'm even a virgin."

"You're such a pure girl, darling," she laughed. Her direction then went to the maid's, "how should we dress our little prince today?" she asked.

They both looked at me for a while and decorated me. I now wore a white dress shirt with a dark blue vest over it. They also forced me to wear a white suit with golden outlines above it. With a blue cravat as a finishing touch. I hated to admit it, but I looked very stylish.

"My little boy looks like such a gentleman, he's so cute and handsome." My mother kissed me again and started hugging me. The maid and Lillian stood there and smiled.

"The prince's looks very refined, my lady," the maid spoke

"He sure does, what's your opinion Lillian?"

Lillian faced away and blushed, "He looks handsome."

My mother and the maid smiled.

The four of us went outside and Edward accompanied us. We walked towards the dining room, and my father already sat there. He greeted us, and our breakfast followed soon after. My father praised my summoning skills and said I would be a splendid addition to his army. I smiled, but I didn't like the idea that he would use me as a weapon of war.

"I'll take him to battle the minute he turns ten." My father said.

"But, darling, he'll be only a child. I think it's reasonable to let him live his childhood and introduce him to wars and politics the moment he turns eighteen."

"What? That would be an enormous waste of potential. We could conquer the land of the elves and the dwarfs in less than a year. His golems could prevent the loss of millions of my soldiers. It would be foolish not do to it."

"Just do it for me honey, and besides isn't your empire big enough by now? What's the use of an immense empire? I think you're overworking yourself. You should spend more time with us." She then gave him a long kiss on the lips.

"You're right as always, dear. Wars can wait."

My mother smiled and suddenly remembered something, "Oh, I almost forget to tell you, but I hired a private tutor for Artar. I think education is important to start at an early age. Her name's Miss. Salisbury and she comes from an excellent family. She teaches multiple subjects from history to basic magic spells."

"But he's only one-year-old."

"Your right, but you know brilliant he is. He's our little genius."

"All right then, but I want Lillian to teach him combat and fighting techniques when he's five. Those golems are powerful, but I think he should be able to defend himself in close combat. Few are blessed with the ability to specialize in multiple classes. I think our son has the potential to become accomplished in a few."

My mother agreed and smiled.

Meanwhile, in a hidden location.

A group of men gathered around a table. The room was shadowy and poorly lit by torches. They all wore robes. Their faces covered by masks in the shape of a serpent. At the head of the table sat a sturdy figure. His skin showed signs of aging, but he was unquestionably the leader.

"Master, our intelligent reports that the assassination attempt on the empress and her son failed."

The man became angry. He started screaming, "What? Impossible, we sent nine of our best assassins. They were all level 40 and the head even level 50! We did our research, and none of those guards could defeat them. We even planned the attack with the assurance of the emperor's absence."

"But sir, it was the baby."

"The baby?" The man laughed, "What the fuck could a baby do? It's just a fucking baby!"

"Sir, he…. He summoned eight golem champions and even one golem king…"

"Impossible, that shouldn't be possible… No man can summon golems! How sure are you of this?"

"Very master, multiple spies confirmed it."

"I see, we should avoid them at all costs. Tell every assassin to avoid messing with them. I will contact emperor Gilbert. I will let him know I cancel his request."

Four years flew by and I was five now. As promised my dad didn't bother me with his politics or wars. Today was my birthday and many important people came. All the emperors, kings and a lot of nobility. I would hold the party in the evening.

My personal teacher was a kind, but older woman. She taught me a lot about the history of our empire. The Divine Zalin empire mainly focussed on war. Slavery was normal, and the empire was very racist towards the non-human races. My teacher kept calling them lesser races. The other races lived in the empire, but most of them were slaves. Especially female elves, they were popular as sex slaves among the nobility. They were beautiful and stayed young for a very long time. It wouldn't be smart to live into the Zalin empire as a "lesser race", but some did. They usually lived together with races of their own kind forming their own towns and communities. The empire profited by increasing the tax they had to pay. The empire also didn't defend them, and they couldn't post requests to local guilds.

I almost forgot to tell you that my mother gave birth to my sister three years ago. A year after she "convinced" my father she hadn't any interest in her new guard. The surprising part however was that she indeed didn't. My sister however looked almost literally like me. The only difference was that she looked beautiful and I handsome. She was three, and I was five. The only problem was that I didn't get as much attention as I would have hoped for. But I didn't mind.

My mother and Lillian woke me up as usual. Lillian grew very fond of me, and our relationship became quite good. She slowly opened up and told me a lot of stories. The assassins never came again. In fact, nobody attacked us again, which was nice. Lillian and I spend a ton of time together, and she became very protective of me. Sometimes a little overprotective.

"Happy Birthday!" They both screamed as they entered my room.

I smiled and greeted them.

"My little boy is five now already, he's growing into such a handsome man," she hugged me and gave me a peck on the cheek, "I know that we didn't spend as much time together as I'd liked, but your little sister is a handful. She's the total opposite of you and an actual problem child, I think I spoiled her too much," my mother sighed, "but, I have a present to make it up with you!"

My mother smiled and shouted, "Honey, you can come in now!"

A cute pretty girl who appeared to be my age walked into my room. She was very nervous and wore a cute maid uniform.