Dual with Lillian

Uncle Gilbert soon joined my parents and stood at the side and watched my training. Lillian was the top student when she graduated from The Royal Academy of Eriwick. The most prestige academy in the empire. They allowed only the highest nobility to enter the moment they turned twelve. The school taught an extensive range of subjects from swordsmanship to magic. The first year was the year where they taught the basic arts. Students tested on their abilities and did many tests to find out how powerful they were. Most students found their specialization by the time the first year ended. The second year was the year you trained further and became the master of your art. The techniques taught gradually increased in complexity. They taught the most powerful spells and combat techniques known in the empire. Thus making the Divine Zalem the most powerful empire in the world. By the end of the fourth year, they considered the students the master of their specialization. But only if they could defeat the pre-selected monsters in a specified exam. People who studied the arts of healing and other non-combat classes got different exams, of course.

Lillian and I started our training, she was nervous because our complete family was watching and Eloria, my little maid.

"What weapons are you interested in learning my prince?" She asked. She pointed at all the weapons laying on the floor and started explaining the strong and weak-points of each weapon. "The first weapon is a spear, the spear is a nasty weapon, they hit hard and the most important advantage: the significant reach advantage. The downside is that it's not powerful in close combat. The second weapon is one of my personal favorites, the sword and shield. Very versatile and the shield gives you a great defensive superiority. The cons are that they not good against mounted enemies and the range is low. The long sword, the most versatile weapon available and the most complex to master. I think this weapon suits you the most, my prince."

I absorbed the information in my brain like Kirby ate everything. Lillian pretty much convinced me to master the long sword. The other weapon didn't look interesting to me, anyway. There were a lot of other weapons, but I had my mind set on the long sword already. Maybe I'd become a dual blades person? I'd picked both of the long words and wanted to see how Lillian would react.

"Dual Blades? Interesting choice, but I think you should start with the basics. If you master one sword first the other will be easier to learn."

"Okay then." I responded. I dropped the sword in my left hand. I now only had one sword in my right hand. The weapons were all dummy weapons so Lillian and I wouldn't get hurt. I swung the weapon and got a sudden message.

[Complete Longsword Mastery unlocked]

[Learned Wrath Attack] (Strike your foe with tremendous force)

[Learned Instant Assault] (Teleport instantaneously behind or in front of your opponent and slashes them)

[Learned Furry Tornado] (Creates a whirlwind of blades around you and attacks the opponent.)

[Mirage Thrust] (Strike your foe with your sword, dazing them for a brief moment. And leaves a clone behind an original location.)

Sick, I thought.

"Artar are you listening? Quit staring and do as I say. Let's practice basic slashes first and the—"

"Let's do a mock battle instead," I interrupted, "I think I figured out the basics."

"Figured out the basics? You just picked up the sword a few minutes ago!"

"Trust me, I'm a genius, remember?"

"Fine, but don't cry if you get hurt."

We both both stood in the middle of the training field. Both facing each other. My mother and father looked relaxed, I think they knew the powers I possessed. My maid and sister looked worried.

"Don't hurt yourself big brother!" They both shouted. They looked at each other and became irritated.

I laughed and said, "don't worry, big bro knows what he's doing." They both smiled after that. Feeling reassured.

Uncle Gilbert and his kin looked flabbergasted. He looked towards my father and said, "The youngster going to battle against his guard? Wasn't this his first practice?"

"Just see and watch, brother of mine," my father said with a grin on his face. Uncle returned his focus on the battle I was holding.

"Ready when you are," I yelled.

"Sure!" She said and rushed towards me.

[Friendly opponent detected.]

[Warning opponent's stats are too low. Might cause unwanted damage. Do you want to adjust your own stats to match hers?]

Sure, I guess.

[Skill Total Damage Control learned]

[Total Damage Control activated, stats match your opponents.]

Sweet, now it is a fair battle.

Lillian grabbed her sword and swayed it in my direction. I intercepted the attack with my wooden blade with no effort. I took a few strides back, creating a greater distant between me and her. I was preparing for an attack of my own. I had to let her know I was serious about this battle. I used my ability that let me instantaneously teleport to my opponent called Instant Assault. I closed the distant between me and Lillian in an instant. Lillian looked surprised when she saw me suddenly in front of her. I slashed at her, but she blocked me with her instant reflexes.

"Nice attack there. Didn't know you could do that."

"Thanks, you too," I replied.

Lillian went into the offense this time and swung her sword. The sword glowed and left a white sparkling trail behind. She used her Divine Slash, but I knew she was holding back, because she didn't want to hurt me.

I thrusted my sword into her breastplate and dazed her for a few seconds. She could not move for a few seconds and I took advantage of that. I used another Instant Assault and appeared behind her. I slashed her with my wooden sword. She looked a little hurt, but she soon quickly recovered and attack me full on. She was dumbfounded when she destroyed me. She had destroyed my decoil, and she knew it!

How does he know such advanced techniques? Creating clones is a complex assassin's technique? Lillian thought.

She removed her barriers and went into rage mode. She knew I was serious, so she used her Holy Shield and Prayer of Power. I instantly knew saw that she became stronger. Her shield soon overgrew her, thus topping her in height. Her entire body engulfed with a divine glow that empowered her. Her complete body radiated the color red. She looked absolutely stunning and mighty, but I knew she would be no match for me.

I teleported behind her and slashed her. She blocked it with her shield and used her Divine Slashes twice. I perfectly timed each evade and spammed my instant assault and teleported before and behind her. I slashed and trusted her each time I appeared.

I saw her shield getting weaker and getting less powerful with each strike. I decided to finish it with Wrath Attack. I charged my attack to the max and stroke her with tremendous force. Lillian tried to block it, but her shield broke and she flew an impressive distance and landed on her back. I had defeated her.