The Possible Solution

"There's something I can do, but as I said. You have to proof you used to be a boy before,"

He smirked and had a curious look in his eyes. He kept looking at my body as if his life revolved around on it. His face constantly looking at my feet, stopping at my nether regions and finally my face. He studied it thoroughly.

Nice, I could hear him mutter.

Was this old man a pedophile? I thought. How the hell could I prove I used to be a boy before? Wasn't my word enough?

He noticed my uneasy behavior and said, "I see your troubled, not so easy to proof, is it? Maybe if you give my a down payment, I can think of something…"

Down payment? Does he desire my body? I would have killed him if he wasn't the most powerful wizard in the city. Besides, I promised mother I wouldn't cause a ruckus.

"You think I desire your undeveloped body?" He questioned. Laughter came out his mouth. He started roaring so hard that I closed my ears. He kept doing it for a about ten seconds until he calmed down.

"Money," he suddenly said, "you're from the imperial family, kin of the 'mighty' god emperor," he said while making sarcastic finger gestures. This grandpa was making fun of my family, and I didn't like that.

"Cut the crap, old man. Yes, I'm their posterity, never talk about them like that or you'll regret it," I angrily warned him. I took a deep breath and continued, "how much coin do you desire for your 'solution'?"

He placed his hand on his chin, looking like a Greek philosopher and bluntly said, "500 platinum coins."

500 platinum coins? Was he insane?

"Why do you looked so shocked," he asked, "your family is the wealthiest in the empire. This is nothing."

He was right, my family was wealthy. But my parents never talked about their true wealth.

What were the true extent of our riches?, I thought.

Suddenly 500 platinum coins didn't look as high as before.

"It's deal, but I only have 100 gold and 100 silver coins with me."

"Then the deal's off, I want the coin now or never," he shouted, "besides, my client wouldn't be happy if I helped you."

My eyes widened up, "client, you said? Are you the one who made the poison? It was my uncle, wasn't it? You did this to me, didn't you?"

I became angry and was about to punch him, but he stayed calm and grinned, "You don't want to that. The only one who can revert you to your former self is me. I'm not obligated to answer any of your questions."

He had a point, and I let go of him. The old man fixed himself up and swept some dust off his cloths.

It was silence for a moment. The both of us didn't speak. It became stiff, I wanted to say something, but he suddenly said, "I see you're serious, let my tell you. I don't have a client. I was just joking, I needed somebody to talk to. Let me be blunt, I cannot reverse the effects of the poison, but I can give you information about it. The poison is a dirty one, they are difficult to make and they require the blessing of a god. The effects of the poison are permanent and cannot be reversed. But there is a way. Go to the realm of the elves and look for the divine one, proof your worthy and have no ill intent. They allow only those with a clean soul and good will to enter the trials. The trials are difficult though and only the most powerful of them all complete them all. Those that were powerful enough could not enter. Their intent was ill with their greed for power. But your cause is just. If you complete these trials she will grand you your wish."

What the fuck? I thought. All these trials for a frickin' wish? I just wanted to get my gender back. Was that too much to ask?

"Thanks for the help, I guess…"

"No problem, youngster."

I bid him farewell and left the store. Everyone asked how it went (except Oliver). I groaned and told them everything was okay and I got everything I needed.

I asked Lillian what time it was, she used her magic spell and said, "it's 15:32."

"15:32? We have to go back, if it was any later mom would be pissed."

"Of course, my princ… Artar," she replied.

Her reaction put a smile on my face, and we went to find our carriage. It took around ten minutes to find it, but we got it in the end. The guards and the carriage man greeted us. We hopped inside the carriage and headed to the palace. It was awfully quiet in the back, so I tried to start some small talk.

"Oliver?" I asked, he looked annoyed at me, "how old are you?"

"I'll be twelve in a month, why do you want to know, sissy?"

I ignored the comment and continued, "I'm just curious. Twelve, you said? Are you going to attend the Royal Academy of Eriwick by any chance?"

"I am, do I look weak or something? Why am I being questioned by a five-year-old? You think you're so handsome, but you're not. You look like a fucking girl. You're weak and I bet that personal guard of yours let you win on purpose."

I became angry and wanted to say something, but Charlotte intervened. "Ignore my brother's stupidity, he's just angry because your stronger than him. Back at home, he was the center of attention. He's actually a fire mage and quite talented. But he saw you outshine him, so he's jealous."

"Shut up, little bitch and mind your own business."

"Don't talk to your sister like that," I said, "I may look weak, but I won't tolerate your attitude."

"Or what happens? I won't let a 5-year-old girl boy talk to me like that."

"This happens."

I softly hit his neck with the side of my neck. He lost consciousness in the blink of an eye. His head landed on the lap of his sister.

"What did you do to him?" Asked his sister. She looked at me with worry. There wasn't anger in her eyes nor hate, just uneasiness about the wellbeing of her brother.

"I just put him into sleep, he'll wake up when we are home," I answered nonchalantly.

"I didn't know you could do that," Charlotte said,

"Neither did I."