Encounter with Old Trouble

That was the story between her and I. But it's been over 4 years already, I haven't talked to her for a long time but for some reason, she still lives around this area. She probably came back from studying abroad. I don't think she recognized me. I walked into the corner of the road and they were walking towards me. I passed by them and now they are behind me. I was overjoyed deep inside my heart and my inner mind was saying, "Yes! Yes! Avoid her!"

Suddenly, Rita stopped and turned around. She murmurs something with the guy next to her and starts shouting at me, "Is that you Juvial? It's been so long, why are you running away?!"

I clenched my teeth, "Oh crap! How did she recognize me, haven't my face changed for these past 4 years? Now, that bitch will criticize me again!"

I stopped running from my problems and turned around. They were both looking at me and Rita was giving me an ill smile. I looked at them and said, "Hi, how are you doing?" with a low voice towards her.

But she laughed and said, "You think you can hide your face behind that mask. Remove it! I want to see your face properly."

I laughed a little and said, "It's protecting me from air pollution. You should wear a mask too. It's good for your health."

Suddenly, the guy next to her didn't want to deal with my crap and glared at me heavily with a straight face. He screamed at me, "Didn't you hear her, remove your mask now!"

I was annoyed with that guy's reaction. He has nothing to do with this. But I calmed down and didn't want to create a scene. I slowly removed my mask and gave them a brief smile.

Rita was laughing and looked at Malish and said, "You know that one time I talked to you about a guy who rejected my proposal, this is the guy who rejected me, Juvial, I tried to teach him a lesson in school when he humiliated me in the entire class but every time when I send some boys, he was always protected by Suran and that ugly Ria."

She glared at me and said, "But now you don't have Suran, who will save you now?" while laughing.

My facial expression turned disgusted. How can this woman still hold a grudge against me that happened a couple of years ago?

Rita smirked, "And Ria is going to organize a class reunion party at Bir Hotel. Don't dare to come there because your personality will ruin the whole party and another thing, Kulesh will also be there with his friends."

I remembered who Kulesh and his lackeys were. They were one of the worst students in our entire school, he used his wealth to get good grades and try to control everyone in the school.

One day, Kulesh and his group of thugs harassed and sexually assaulted a girl from another class, but thankfully the school janitor saw them and stopped it. However, the next day, both the girl and the janitor were fired from the school.

So, no one dared to mess with them except some students and their twin lackeys Jite and Jitu, who were always together with Kulesh and bullied other people for fun. It's all because Kulesh dad is the owner of some branch of an automobile company and is backed up by the Radun group.

I was also one of their targets but with the support of Ria and Suran, they always failed to destroy my life. They even went far enough to use a teacher against me and vandalize the internal exams result of mines.

Because of them, the school's reputation was getting worse.

But, Ria reported the school to the government and a new principal and teachers came together and defended Ria's side.

Suddenly, the school totally turned from a shitty school into one of the top 5 schools of the Birdesh Nation.

As for Kulesh and his gang, they were totally bored and could not have as much fun as they wanted in school. So, they switched to another school. I heard they created the same mess there and even shut down the entire school.

I looked at Rita and said, "I don't care, they are not my problem anymore!"

I knew I shouldn't stay here for long because if I stay here any longer, she might create a mess here. I should get away from here as soon as I can. I told her, "I needed to go, I am in a big hurry."

She blocked my path standing right in front of me and started introducing the guy next to her.

She pointed towards the guy next to her, "Meet my Boyfriend, Malish, the son of a government official. He is very wealthy. But, you, on the other hand, are still wearing poor people clothes, I was so stupid to propose to you back in school!" she remarked with a proud look.

I replied back with a grunt, "I see, good luck with your joyful life with a rich guy! Now, I have to go."

But her boyfriend stood in front of me and told me while looking down at me, "You dare act high and mighty in front of me. I am kinda jealous that Rita proposed to you, so that means a lot of girls must be in line behind you. But, I see no girls surrounding you, you must be a country bumpkin!"

I was furious hearing his words, but glared at him and shouted back, "Are you done, can I go now?"

I turned around from their eyes and started walking away. But suddenly Malish threw his punch behind me, he was targeting the back of my head, but I reacted quickly and dodged his punch.

He felt down on the ground, hitting his face on the concrete floor; he was bleeding from his nose. I was still angry at him, then I started punching him in his face. If I didn't dodge, then I will be the one getting punched in the face. Rita was shouting at me, "Juvial, stop hitting him, you don't know who he is!"

I was like, "Who the fuck cares about his identity?" and kept on punching him so hard and threw out all my anger at him. His face swelled up. Then, I realized I was beating him up too much.

I stopped punching him and looked around. I saw that some people were gathering around and watching us. Some people were talking about calling the police. I got scared because I didn't want to create another trouble for my family. I wanted to get out of this situation.

I ran off saying nothing to them. Rita was holding Malish in her lap. She was trying to comfort Mahesh while he was murmuring to himself, "I will not let you live Juvial, you will die by any means! AHHHH I WILL GET MY REVENGE JUVIAL!"