Sudden Body Change

When I woke back up, I thought to myself, "Someone has taken the golden glowing crystal but why had they left the silver box? The silver box looks even more expensive than the golden crystal because of its complicated design and age and the golden crystal cannot be taken out from that small hole in the box." I was totally confused. I must have hallucinated yesterday.

It was already morning. I got up and found my shoes in the mud. I started climbing up from the mudhole and headed straight back home. While entering my house, I checked my smartphone. There were so many missed calls from my mom and my brother.

My mom saw me, she was standing at the main door and said, "Where did you go last night? I called you so many times, and why do you look so dirty, I cannot even recognize you properly!"

I looked down at my outfit and realized how dirty I was. My clothes were full of dirt and even my face looked unclean.

I smiled and said, "Oh this! I slipped and fell down into the dirt on the side of the road!"

My mom was looking at me suspiciously and said, "And where were you last night?"

I stared at her directly, "I was at my school friend's house, we haven't met each other for so long, so I stayed in his home and sorry for not informing you."

After talking to my mom, I entered the room to get ready for a shower, but my brother was glaring at me.

"Oi, at least you should inform us if you are not coming home, and were you sleeping with a girl last night, so you don't have time to receive our calls?"

I blushed and said, "N….no, don't you know I don't have a girlfriend!!"

He laughed and said, "Oh right, how can you have a girlfriend, you even don't have the gut to say hi to a girl, Virgin boy, haha hah!"

I shouted at him, "Shut up or I will turn off the wifi."

He laughed and said, "Ok ok, go take a shower, you stink."

I enter the bathroom. I opened the tap and stood under the shower. I was thinking about the golden object inside the silver box.

"It felt so real yesterday evening, that glowing object…. but how was it not there this morning,"

"Whatever, I should think about a way to sell this!"

After a bath, I looked at the mirror and was surprised by my body changes. My chest was curve-shaped and there was a small golden tattoo on my left side of the chest. It surprised me.

The tattoo was in a weird shape that I have never seen before. I looked at my bicep and legs. My muscles are increased. But I haven't done exercise recently. Finally, my face looks cleaner than before. Some dark spots that I used to have before were gone.

Meanwhile, I was wondering what was happening inside my body. All of this must be illusions.

"No No No! My head is okay and I am fine!"

I took out the silver object from my jacket. It was dirty because of the mud. I washed it and analyzed the box completely. It looks like the object originated from the royal family because I could see the king's crown design on the silver box. There were also some words carved on the front side. It's an ancient language from my ancestor who was from the Thakuri clan. I used the internet to translate that word.

After an hour, I found out that the carved words were,

"King Prida Sa

Protect the Birdesh nation!"

I was happy that this object is over 400 years old. But the second sentence was disturbing me. I did not pay attention to it too much and thought about searching for a method to sell this antique. (silver box)

I checked and found out that this silver box which was over 400 years old can be sold for around 5 million Nepos because those types of silver boxes are used to preserve precious items by the royals but this one I am holding in my hands have unique design and different carving. I thought this must be more expensive than others.

I was full of joy from the inside and jumping alone in my room.

Suddenly, I felt my body burning and sweating a lot to the point of falling down the floor face first. After that my chest felt extreme pain, I started to grip onto my chest to cool it down. I tried to shout but I couldn't. I feel like I was trapped with an unknown burning sensation from my body. At last, I fainted again.

After an hour, I woke up. I was sweating a lot even though the floor was wet. I again went back to the bathroom for a shower, it's the first time that I am taking a shower twice a day. I was feeling so hungry so I entered the living room.

Mom saw me with a face full of surprise.

"Wow, my son looks so handsome today after a bath, is that the reason you spend 2 hours in the bathroom?"

My brother was playing a game, and he looked at me and he was also surprised.

"Oooh, from today Bishal is not single anymore, best of luck."

I looked at him and kicked his leg again and said, "Mom, it's not like that, I was just drinking a lot of water nowadays, that must be the reason."

Suddenly they both are silenced and looking at each other.

Oh, crap what a lame excuse I just said, they will ask me more. But my mom and brother just laughed.

Mom said that I have to marry a girl selected by her and should be from the same caste.

I laughed and said, "Ok mom, I will marry the girl from the same caste or maybe more, heh heh,"

But she shouted at me saying, "Don't be like your grandfather, don't you know how he had to struggle to handle his three wives. He ended up dying too soon."

I laughed and said that was the old times but this is modern society and anything can happen nowadays.

My brother came next to me and whispered, "Oi, please tell me what skincare product you used for your skin, you look so handsome, my girlfriend is angry nowadays, she might be happy seeing my handsome clean face!"

I was totally numb hearing my brother's words and whispered back, "Just drink water and don't play video games too much."

After hearing my advice he was giving me a weird face and got back to playing his game.

Mom said you haven't eaten anything since the morning. Come to the kitchen and I will prepare a meal for you.

Wow, mom read my heart. I ate a lot and later realized that I also ate the food from my brother. He was too busy in-game and thinking about eating it later.

After eating, I went back to my room. My body feels so great, even the back pain I used to have sometimes, is completely gone. My body feels like I was reborn again.

I think I still have time to sell this silver antique but my priority is to get admission to the university. I found one and it looks good to me, it's academic fee is cheap but the drawback is that the university is involved in political activities. Whatever, it's still better than the others. I looked at the entrance schedule and found out that the entrance entry form will be open for this week only.

So, I informed my brother about this university, he also agreed to it because it's not as strict as the other private universities and we planned to go there today to fill-up the form.

We visited the college and filled out the form. My brother and I were out near the university heading back home. I saw Rita again.

She saw me too. I already knew, "She is going to act like a bitch again!"

She came right in front of me and gave me a nasty look.

"We met again, I heard you ran away like a dog from Malish, I knew already that you are only good at running away," while looking down at me.

I just listened to her crappy talk. My brother also felt uneasy. He was glaring at Rita.

"Ria is organizing a party this Saturday! She might have invited you, don't come there, you will ruin the entire party with your crappy appearance!" She chuckled like an evil witch.

I was angry at her because she was always talking to me like that and today she is doing the same. But this is not the time to deal with her. I have to go back home and figure out the reason behind my body changes and the silver box.

I shouted at her, "Mind your own business, don't disturb me!"

Me and my brother walked away and ignored her. But she is still shouting at me, "Don't ignore me! If I see your face again at Ria's party, Malish will break your arms and legs for the whole party to see!"

My brother said, "Who is that bitch, she was so rude to you and why did you not talk back to her?"

I was happy that my brother is supporting me.

I told him, "When a dog is barking, we should not join them and bark, but from today, our future will change!"