Battle with Ausin

The arena ground was so big. It looks like a football stadium and there were some people on spectator seats waiting to watch the fight.I was surprised because like this scene can be only seen in the movie but Now, it's real in front of me.

Ausin jumped under the arena ground and shouted me to come down. He was excited and wanted to show who is strong and also want to impress Sima by defeating me in an instant. I also jumped down the arena and standing in the opposite direction of Ausin. Then Nethan announced,

"This is a friendly match, so no serious injury or killing if you cannot fight, you may surrender, let's the fight begin!"

Ausin laughed at me and said

"You might don't know my unique power but I know yours, its physical strength which is little stronger than crystal users, but I can deal with you in 10 sec "

After saying that, he rushed towards me with full speed, it was like speed of bike running towards me. I was scared of that speed. I have no option except to use my hand to block my head. He came right in front of me with the kick. It hit right on my left arm. The impact sound was huge and I took a few steps back. Everybody was surprised, Nima thought " how can be, with that power, Ausin used to throw crystal user 10 meters away but Juvial just stepped a few steps back!"

Ausin was still laughing and said

"Not bad, Not bad, it seems, the normal method will not work on you, I have to show you some tricks!"

Then he used his speed and attacking me from a different direction but my fast reflexes were helping me to block each and every attack. It's like I am already used to dodge his attack. Then I blocked his kick with the right hand and punched in his abdomen with the left hand. He has pushed back a few meters away. Everyone was shocked that I could hit him a blow, Nethan thought

"I didn't expect to see this, it's getting interesting!"

Ausin suddenly got angry, he realized that a normal attack will not work on me. He starts to get more serious and used his ultra-speed, it was like the speed of a bullet. He charged right in front of me, I was pushed back by his punch far away and hit on the wall. Nima was worried about me that I will get seriously injured. She asked Nethan

"I think it's time to stop them!"

Nethan said, " No, let him fight more". Dalan was also looking at my fight closely and said " Let them fight more!"

I was lying on the ground, then I got up, Ausin was laughing and said

"This is the power of elites if you have drunk the milk from your mother, then come and get me"

I was kinda angry at him and bluffing in front of me, I stand still and utilized the 'focus energy' and after the activation of 'focus energy', my body starts to generate more power. I can feel that I am getting more powerful.. Ausin continued to show his speed skill and swifting around me.

At the same time, my body was full of power. Ausin threw his swift kick right at my face, I used my hand, it was overflowing with golden energy and I blocked his kick. Ausin was shocked and sweating. other people were also amazed. Then Ausin used another kick at me, I blocked his another kick with another hand. He was about to fall on the ground, Then I used my kick right on his face. He was thrown far into the wall and the wall even cracked.

Everybody's mouth was wide open. All of them were surprised by my attack. I was also surprised with my kick, it seems, I am getting stronger than before. On the other Side, Ausin was bleeding from his nose and his teeth even fell out. He was angry and full of rage, cause he is humiliated in front of others, he felt ashamed. He shouted at me,

"I' ll kill you bastard, today will be your last day!"

Then he suddenly vibrates his body faster and creates his clone, and his leg and arm were starting to spark, it's like his body is generating electricity. He rushed right in front of me, it was so fast that my eye even could not catch his speed. The surrounding of him blew all the dust away. I thought I am done, this is the end and used both arms in front of my head to block his attack.

I closed my eyes and thought "I will use my hand to defend his attack, if I'm lucky I will survive and if I am not, then this is the end". Suddenly, it stayed quiet. I slowly put down my hand and opened my eyes. I saw Nethan and Nima in front of me. Nethan was grabbing his body and Nima frozed his legs and arms. Ausin was still shouting with rage and trying to resist them. His eyes were red with veins and desperately wants to kill me. This is the first time, I have seen someone so angry and want to desperately kill me just for the friendly fight. I thought this is not right, I am already in the society where normal logic doesn't work and even the slightest mistake can lead me to death. It's not that dangerous in BTC but it's too critical outside underground society.

I was still watching him with scared face. His face was bleeding and was red. Then Delan came down to the arena ground. He walked next to Ausin and knocked him out by hitting on his neck. He fainted standing on the ground.

Nethan said, " wow, Juvial, I didn't know you were this strong, this time it's your victory!" I was confused, I said, " No, you guys stopped…"

Nima said " No you are stronger than we thought, you may not know but he ranked top 50 in the Power crystal rank of the world" I was surprised.

Nethan smiled and said, " Today, the battle between you and Ausin was great, you can take a break, go get some rest!".

I was still confused and just thanked him and others for stopping Ausin in the critical time. Because if they haven't stopped me, I will be lying dead or seriously injured. After that, I bid farewell to them and was getting out of the arena hall but I felt something unusual and turned back. I saw a guy sitting on the spectator seats. Although there were few people, one guy was clearly staring at me without a blink. He was releasing an enormous amount of energy around him similar to the Elite members of BTC. First, I thought He must be another unintroduced member of BTC but he looks calm and young around 25 years old. And I am sure, He was clearly looking at me and smiling. I was scared and hurriedly walkaway from that place.

Nethan was sweating, he thought " This is too overpower, a normal human being who can battle face to face with the elite member, and it seems his strength is increasing rapidly, I need to take control of him soon!"

Suddenly, Renaru appeared out of thin air and stands next to Ausin, starts observing his face. He said

"I think his unique power is Enormous strength, that's why he is able to strike so hard against Ausin"

Nethan laughed. Everybody was looking at him. He said, " You think he is a Power crystal user, that's his natural power, I already checked his blood, he hasn't consumed any power crystal !"

Suddenly, everybody face looks surprised. They were sweating from their faces and scared.

Nethan said, " beware of him, never try to mess with him like this stupid shit, always bluffing when seeing someone weaker, I want him to completely support me, do you understand ?"

Everybody was still surprised and said, " Yes Sir!"

At the same time, the stranger guy who was watching the whole match between me and Ausin at the arena was also sitting alone on the seat and hearing the conversation from a far distance. Then, Nethan looked at him and he went away.

In the night time, Nethan sends his Video to the President. He was totally amazed by my enormous strength. he looked at each and every move of my body. He said

" Never ever make enemy with him, he will be our trump card in the future, With the help of him, we can make our company stronger and make this Birdesh great again.!"

Nethan said, " What if we let him marry my sister, she will be coming here next week, I can put them together in the same university and they can get close to each other, if they get married, we can get full support of him and will never betray our company." President laughed and said

"That's great, Blood relation is stronger than the friendly relation, and also give him some present or money to make him happy! "