
Seeing how the girl was being rude to her, Cyra decided that the best course of action is to get rid of her, her thoughts started to run nonstop, it was clear to her that to avoid future troubles she had to die here and now, the issue was the following she must have bodyguards waiting for her somewhere since she seems to be an important person inside the clan, also there is a chance that there are people that watch the interaction between them, just as she saw Cyra and Ender talk.

To take care of her she needs a swift method that doesn't kill her instantly but she also can do it, her choice ended up being the [Essence Spike] but instead of creating a giant spike that could be held in her hands, this time she created small needles that she could hold between her fingers, under milliseconds Cyra had a weapon ready.

She also started walking towards Zena, she had to think of 2 more things, the first was how to get close to her considering that their relationship seems to be already hostile by the tone that Zena just talked to Cyra seconds ago, she determined that the problem was with her ignoring Zena so she instantly said, - "I'm really sorry for what I did earlier I was deep in thoughts and didn't realize in time that you were talking to me." seeing that her apology seems to work as Zena facial expression change from hate to a much calmer state, she decided to approach her with a hug, since both of them were kids this should be an acceptable solution to their problem as they show their emotions through a hug.

Seeing that Zena wasn't rejecting the hugging motion that she started, Cyra had to think of a way to kill her but also make sure that the death doesn't happens now.

System while I'm hugging her what are my options to kill her?


[Bear Hug] [Death by Crushing them] [100% Instant Death]

[Long Hug] [Death by long period without enough oxygen] [100% Instant Death]

System I need a death option where she doesn't die instantly..

[Than I suggest host to use Front Bear Hug for the shortest amount of time possible and used the needles to stab her internal organs, than leave the needles inside, unless host is 20m away from them they won't disappear]

Cyra did just that as she was preparing to Hug Zena 4 Essence Needles appeared in each of her hands between her fingers, as she proceeded with the hug she pushed the needles inside Zena Body with out her noticing anything, after done with the hug Cyra decided to stay around a little more since she wanted to avoid any kind of future troubles, to the people watching this was a simple sweet hug between two adorable little girls.

Cyra also decided to take the initiative to talk with her so she said, - "I suppose you already know but let me formally introduce my self I am Cyra Ember the heir of the Dragon Clan" she also performed a slightly bow to show respect.

Zena was following Cyra example and said, - "I am Zena Ember, Daughter of the Head Alchemist in the clan." she didn't bow in her point of view she was on a higher ground than the heir her self, she had that innate arrogance as most children in the clan, while on the other hand Cyra had an innocent air around her, she didn't mind this at all.

The next 30 minutes or so went with Zena nonstop talking while Cyra would nod from time to time as she was listening at her nonsenses, after 30 minutes was up she knew that enough time has passed it was time to leave, she stood up from the table and said, - "I am truly thankful for your advices but I have to leave, so goodbye" after saying all this she turned around and headed for the door, this time no one stopped her.

The moment she stepped out of the restaurant a scream could be heard, apparently something happened what the system forgot to tell her, the moment the connection between her and needles stopped the needles literally self detonated, Zena was torn into 2 half's by the detonation and right after that she died, even if she wasn't a normal human anymore she had no way to survive the internal Essence Detention, the good part was that this made Cyra even less of a suspect since only expert Assassins could do such a things on the continent.

Cyra soon arrived home, she was in a hurry to what could this evolution bring to her, she told her servants that she will enter closed door cultivation and nobody is allowed to disturb her no matter what are they hearing from inside her room.

The next thing she did was taking of her heir dress, she didn't wanted to ruin it, after changing her clothes she sit on her bed and told the System to begin the evolution.

System Start the Evolution!

[Evolution Starting...]

The first thing she felt was sleepiness, slowly but steadily Cyra has fallen asleep, than the impurity's left inside her body from drinking human blood has started to form a red protective layer around her body, like a shell it wrapped around her body and Became a flexible shell.

[The Blood avatar that recreated the brain has still have a way to leave the body of its necessary, but for this evolution by sacrificing the ability to leave the host, the 2 creatures now truly becoming one]

The First visible thing that was happening is her spiky spine rising out of her back, than after a few minutes the sounds of blood dripping could be heard, the fusion has started and the blood Avatar started loosing its independent structure as some part of it melted into the spine.

[Now the body is whole, the parasitic life from has ceased to exist, now we have the foundation as a human, the next step is to rise the bones density to the maximum, which in return should creat a nearly unbreakable skeleton structure for the host body, building the absolute foundation of future developments]

The next thing that happened was a rather shocking experience, the bones density started to rise in an alarming rate, Cyra muscles were pushed to their limits to be able to hold her body weight, seeing that won't be enough the System used Cyra Essence to form a protective barrier around her, the barrier was crushed just under seconds, so by improvising the System used Essence Spike to stabilize Cyra body before it was to late, from that moment onwards Cyra body was constantly infused with Essence training it to be able hold its body.

Cyra body conditions were still getting worse due to the large amount of blood loss that she suffered from the system stabilization method, the moment she entered near death state a change has accrued, her body pain stopped and her injuries instantly healed also she didn't feel that tired anymore.

[Congratulation Host for discovering your Innate Ability:{Survival Instinct: if host life is in critical condition during a fight, Host innate ability will automatically release a large does of adrenaline inside the body, also ignores fatigue for 10 minutes, additional for 2 seconds host metabolism will speed up and regenerate the body injury} ]

[Host has Lost the ability to Swim, rising the bone density to 10 times of the original has caused host to be unable to stay up in the water, since Host weight is also 10 times bigger, suggested to avoid any area with large amount of water]

[Congratulation Host for gaining +1000% Strength]

[Human] -> [Feral Human]

[Starting the augmentation of the Innate Ability:{Survival Instinct} -> {Primal Instinct: if host life is in critical condition during a fight, Host innate ability will automatically release a large does of adrenaline inside the body, also ignores fatigue for 15 minutes, additional for 3 seconds host metabolism will speed up and regenerate the body injury} ]

[Life Spawn] [100 years] -> [500 Years]

The change of race had caused Cyra looks to also change, because of the higher bone density her height greatly increased, her height was almost equal to normal teens, her eyes turned into dragon eyes because of the blood avatar, her hair became longer also it's color shifted towards pinkish, her skin also became more smooth almost like a baby due to the life spawn increase.

[Humanoid] -> [Bonanoid]

[Due to the increase of the life spawn the greed is decreasing]

[Driving Force: Greed] [Active] -> [Inactive] {Currently Satisfied}

[Each Race has different driving force, searching...]

[Host New Driving Force is [Discord] ]

[Discord: Feral Humans also known as lesser demigods find it a great entertainment to cause Chaos, playing around with lesser beings sanity until they get bored and simply let them murder each other.]

How long till this is over?

[Host Body is still in critical condition due to the heavy mass, host body needs around 9 days to adapt to the new body conditions]

All Right show me my stats!

[As you wish Host]


[Name] [Cyra Ember]

[Title] [Heir of the Dragon Clan]

[Race] [Feral Human]

[Variant] [Bonanoid]

[Driving force: Greed] -> [Driving Force: Discord]

[Gender: Female]

[Bloodline] [Nidhogg]

[Int: 4.18] +200% -> 8.36

[Str: 10.06] +1200% -> 120.72

[E: 3.86]

[Fighting Technique]

[Gateway of the Dragon]

[Side Note: The Technique is a unique fighting style for those who have dragon bloodlines, the creator of this Technique is called Kaja Ember, he was the second Clan leader of the Dragon Clan, The Technique goal is to be able to adapt to your opponent fighting style and beat them in their own game]

[First Stance] [Current progress: 0/100%]

[Side Note: Swift Dragon Stance, your goal here is to be mobile and agile so you can easily out maneuver your opponent , you can go back and forth and go in and out of the fight, speed is key.]

[Second Stance] [Current progress: 0/100%]

[Side Note: Brave Dragon Stance, your goal here is to strongly step into the fight always bringing your body with you, gaining a bigger momentum this way for your punches.]

[Third Stance] [Current progress: 0/100%]

[Side Note: Heavy Dragon Stance, your goal here is to lower your body and heavily relay on your legs while attacking your opponent lower body parts.]

[Fourth Stance] [Current progress: 0/100%]

[Side Note: Flying Dragon Stance, your goal here is to keep your body weight of your legs or move it between them, use your legs to land kicks while also be able to bring them up fast if u need to defend your body.]

[Fifth Stance] [Current progress: 0/100%]

[Side Note: Shadow Dragon Stance, your goal here is to keep faking weak points in your stances and get your opponent to attack the weak points created by you, the moment they fall for it evade the attack and counter attack.]

[Defense Technique] [ - ]

[Support Technique]

[Left Path:By killing people and drinking their blood you can increase your strength]

[Stage] [Bonus: Str]

0 +0.001 strength

1 +0.01 strength

2 +0.1 strength

3 +1 strength

[Passive Technique]

[Runic Inscription]

[Novice Rune Master] [Unlocked]

[Rune] [Understanding] [Role]

ᚠ [0/100%] [Body Rune has to be inscribed on the body, it will grant the user enchanted Sight]

ᚲ [0/100%] [Fighting Rune has to be inscribed in the air by the using of Essence, [Cage: it will trap your opponent]

ᛜ [0/100%] [Formation Rune has to be inscribed on the ground by the using of Blood, [Shield: Makes a barrier]

ᛊ [0/100%] [Defensive Rune has to be inscribed in the air by the using of Essence, [Skin: Strengthen the skin with essence]

[Rune Master] [Locked]

[Rune] [Understanding] [Role]

ᚢ [0/100%] [Body Rune has to be inscribed on the body, it will grant the user enchanted hearing]

ᚷ [0/100%] [Fighting Rune has to be inscribed in the air by the using of Essence, [Slash: it will send a sharp essence wave]

ᛁ [0/100%] [Formation Rune has to be inscribed on the ground by the using of Blood, [Hallucination: Makes a Dream World]

ᛏ [0/100%] [Defensive Rune has to be inscribed in the air by the using of Essence, [Armor: essence around the body]

ᛚ [0/100%] [Weapon Rune has to be inscribed on the material by the using of Essence, [Vibration: The moment Essence gets poured into the Rune the weapon going to start fast Vibration which increases its sharpness]

[Rune GrandMaster] [Locked]

[Rune] [Understanding] [Role]

ᚦ [0/100%] [Body Rune has to be inscribed on the body, it will grant the user enchanted regeneration]

ᚹ [0/100%] [Fighting Rune has to be inscribed in the air by the using of Essence, [Flash: it will blind your opponent]

ᛇ [0/100%] [Formation Rune has to be inscribed by the using of Blood, [Space:can creat a separate place or can connect 2 places]

ᛒ [0/100%] [Defensive Rune has to be inscribed in the air by the using of Essence, [Wall: wall of essence]

ᛃ [0/100%] [Weapon Rune has to be inscribed on the material by the using of Essence, [Mark: The moment Essence gets poured into the Mark, a link forms between the user and weapon which way the user can move the weapon without holding it]

[Rune Sage] [Locked]

[Rune] [Understanding] [Role]

ᚨ [0/100%] [Body Rune has to be inscribed on the body, it will grant the user enchanted pain tolerance]

ᚺ [0/100%] [Fighting Rune has to be inscribed in the air by the using of Essence, [Pulse: disturbs your opponent]

ᛈ [0/100%] [Formation Rune has to be inscribed on the ground by the using of Blood, [Time:Slows time]

ᛖ [0/100%] [Defensive Rune has to be inscribed in the air by the using of Essence, [Element: makes host resistent towards elements such as fire,ice,wind,Earth,lightning]

ᛞ [0/100%] [Weapon Rune has to be inscribed on the material by the using of Essence, [Wave: Sends out a long ranged wave attack]

[Rune God] [Locked]

[Rune] [Understanding] [Role]

ᚱ [0/100%] [Body Rune has to be inscribed on the body, it will grant the user the ability to fly]

ᚾ [0/100%] [Fighting Rune has to be inscribed in the air by the using of Essence, [Force: can move objects or people]

ᛉ [0/100%] [Formation Rune has to be inscribed on the ground by the using of Blood, [Summon: an Essence copy of your bloodline dragon, it has a fraction of its original strength]

ᛗ [0/100%] [Defensive Rune has to be inscribed in the air by the using of Essence, [immunity: makes host immune to attack for a short period of time]

ᛟ [0/100%] [Weapon Rune has to be inscribed on the material by the using of Essence, [Affinity: Grants the weapon Fire,ice,earth,wind,lightning attack ability]

[Unique Technique]

[Mark Of The Dragon]

[First Mark] [Dragon Eyes: when activated the senses of the Host rises and the surrounding movement seems 2 times slower]

[Second Mark] [Dragon Hide: when activated the skin becomes harder and immune to fire or poison] [Requirements] [H:1]

[Third Mark] [Dragon Scales] [Requirements] [Need to Learn Dragon Hide First to unlock] [H:3]

[Fourth Mark] [Dragon Claws] [Requirements] [Need to Learn Dragon Scales First to unlock] [H:5]

[Fifth Mark] [Dragon Tail] [Requirements] [Need to Learn Dragon Claws First to unlock] [H:7]

[Sixth Mark] [Dragon Wings] [Requirements] [Need to Learn Dragon Tail First to unlock] [H:9]

[Seventh Mark] [True Dragon] [Requirements] [Need to Learn Dragon Wings First to unlock] [H:10]