Chapter 1: NIGHTMARE

Yuan's POV

With my forearm covering my eyes, I lay down on my bed to rest and recover my sleep from the 48-hour duty I just had in the hospital. It may sound tiring, but it nothing new to me or to every doctor as this is part of the job.

If you ask me, I never wanted to become a doctor. I just followed the path which was laid ahead of me as every member of my family is a doctor.

I gave myself a self-pitying smile. If I tell other people about this, no one will believe me. Who would believe that the youngest person to ever be awarded Outstanding Surgeon of the Year does not want to be a doctor.

But whether they believe it or not, it's true. I never wanted to be a doctor. I always adapted a perfunctory attitude in treating my patients. That is... until I met her. He opened my eyes that doctors should be empathic and should do their very best capability in treating their patients.

I am no longer who I used to be. I'm already a capable doctor... but she, the one whom I wanted to treat, is no longer around. Funny how they say I am a genius surgeon...that I can save anyone in my operating table. They just don't know how I wasn't able to save the most important person in my life.

Like her name, she's like the moon--someone that I look up to...someone who was there during my darkest night but wasn't around when the morning came.

As I drifted to sleep, I once again faced my worst nightmare.

I saw myself running after a girl with a waist-length hair as she dashes in a walkway filled with blooming Cherry Trees.

"Hey, don't run! You're going to fall!" I chastised.

But no matter how I chastise, she keeps on running. And just as I was about to reach her, she fell down. Urgently, I inspected her to make sure she was okay. But what I saw shocked me--she was pale and unconcious with crimson blood dripping from the corners of her mouth.

Then the scene changed.

I was no longer watching myself running after her. Instead, I, myself, is wearing my surgeon's garb which I have worn who knows how many times. I hear the beeping of the heart monitor. I smell the familiar scent disinfectant and blood mixed together. I feel the familiar sensation of the scalpel in my bloody hands as I cut through the dead tissue of the heart of my patient. Everything was similar, yet different.

What is different? It is I. Unlike my usual calm facade, I am cutting through the piece of flesh as if my life depends on it. In a way, the phrase "my life depends on it" is true since the person on the operating table is my life. I am afraid that a lapse of my attention and concentration even for just for a moment will cost her life.

But it seems that fate has something against me. No matter how much effort I put in, I still heard the frantic beeping of the heart monitor, indicating that her heart is no longer beating.

Not believing what I heard, I continued to slice through her heart, hoping that a miracle will happen. Like a mad person, I sliced and sliced through while her name, hoping she'll hear me and she'd wake up.

"Yi Yue..."

"Yi Yue..."