Lost hope

Vaillant Estate is one of the few places in Lagos meant for the rich to reside away from the rest of the middle and lower classes. It is filled with luxurious and beautiful houses, yet at the same time looked so quiet and desolate to Grace. She could bet none of the neighbors there knew each other closely aside from their names and titles. Efe had warned her before he left in the morning that she had zero chance of getting into the estate but it wasn't enough to discourage her from going.

Grace realized why he said so as soon as she saw the security in front of the estate. They weren't armed to the teeth but judging by their attire, she regarded them as the real deal. At that point, she decided to play it cool and try her luck.

"Good afternoon sir," She said to the man in front. "Can you please let me in?"

"Who are you looking for?" The man queried with a straight face. Grace thought he looked like he had been wearing that expression all his life.

"And who are you to assume that I don't live here?" Grace glared.

"Well if you do live here like you say you do, you would know that the smaller passage on this gate is just for formality. Everyone who goes in and out of this estate do so with their cars, or at least an Uber."

Grace was bewildered by how wrong she was.

"I'm so sorry sir," She pleaded. "It's just that I want to see my friend's--"

"Spare me the nonsense! You can't go in." The security personnel retorted. His other partner inside the small room paid no attention like it wasn't the first time they encountered something of this nature.

"No you don't understand, I have to see her."

"You better leave here now if you know what's good for you."

"But sir please--" Was all Grace could say before the security guard closed the window shut.

** ** **

The girls back at Ketu decided it was best not to go to school on Monday to avoid stares and questions from their classmates and the rest of the school. While Margret helped out her mother in taking care of her patient, Mr. Rilwan, June was about to go to the pharmacy to help out her mother. Just then, her father walked into the living room.

"Daddy!" June exclaimed as she rushed to hug him.

"Hey, baby." He said with a smile as he held her close to him.

"I didn't know you would be back by this time. Mummy didn't say anything." June said releasing him."

"Well we finished the seminar yesterday night and I entered the first flight this morning."

"Great. I was on my way to the store to go help mummy... Do you want to eat something?"

"No, I'm okay for now. Where is your sister?"

"Uhm, she is inside, let me go call her," June said taking her father's luggage along with her while he took a seat on the couch.

She went to her parents' room first to drop the bag before heading to her room to call Joana.

"Joana daddy's back."

June was taken aback immediately as she saw Joana folding up some clothes into her school bag. Joana threw a glance at June then continued packing like no one was there.

"Jo, what is going on?" June said walking closer.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Joana replied not taking her eyes off what she was doing.

"You're leaving. But why?"

Joana stopped.

"Are you seriously asking me why? I'm probably going to be dead in four days. Do you think I'm going to wait around for that to happen?"

"I-I'm sorry," June said. " But where will you go? And what about mum and dad?"

"John has a cousin who lives alone, and he is coming to pick John and me."

"Wait, you told John?"


"Why didn't you tell us?"

"That isn't important right now... What matters is that he brought the idea and I am going with him. And concerning mum and dad, we don't tell them anything."

"So you want to run away just like that? Without even a goodbye? And what about our friends? Grace is out there trying to solve this mess and this is how you show your faith in her?"

"Come on Ju," Joana said. "Tell me, do you honestly believe that Grace can solve this on her own? At least before I'm dead and in a body bag?"

"No," June said after a brief silence in deep thought.

Joana sighed.

"It's not like I want to tell anyone, but the few people that know the better. I'll come back as soon as this mess is all over."


"So what are you standing there for? Help me pack jhor!"

** ** **

Grace as soon as she realized the security guards were never going to let her in but she wasn't ready to give up just yet. She sat under the scorching heat of the afternoon sun on the pavement close to the entrance of the estate and watched as cars drove in and out. The security guard when opening the gate would shoot a glare at her which she would return immediately. He eventually got tired and let her be.

Most of the cars had tinted windows on and Grace was starting to wonder how she would be able to sight either of Veronica's parents if she couldn't even see through the window but just as if the universe were listening to her dilemma, the answer served itself on a platter.

A black Lexus started pulling in but it was the name inscribed on the plate number that caught Grace's attention; BADMUS.

"Oh my God, it's them!" She screamed as she jumped to her feet and started hitting the windows frantically, forcing the driver to slow down and wind down his window on his side of the car.

"Young girl, do you have any idea who the owner of this car is?"

"Yes," She said as she quickly sighted Abike Badmus at the back seat."I mean good afternoon Mrs. Badmus. I'm so sorry for causing any inconvenience--"

"Madam no hear anything."(1) The driver told Abike. "I know her type, na one of all these celebrity bloggers wey wan yarn your matter outside." (2)

"No ma, I'm not... I want to talk to you about--"

"Hey stop it!" Abike yelled. "I'm not in the mood to hear anything you want to talk about."

"But it's very important--"

"Chidi," Abike said to the driver

"Yes madam."


At her instruction, Chidi rolled up the window and drove away. All Grace could do was stomp her feet in frustration and watch as the guards opened the gates and Abike Badmus drove through to the entrance.



(1) Madam, don't listen to her.

(2) I know her type, she is one of those celebrity bloggers that leak people's private matters.