We are no better

Making sure they kept their distance so that the driver's suspicions wouldn't rise, the motorcycle Grace boarded continued to follow Mrs. Badmus' car across the city until it stopped at a shopping complex.

"Okay, stop... I think she is coming out now." Grace said to the man riding the motorcycle, bringing him to a stop too.

They watched as a young girl, not too older than Grace wearing a blouse and a skirt rushed to the side of the car. She bent her knees in a gesture to greet Mrs. Badmus who stepped out of the car and handed the girl her bag immediately. Probably her assistant, Grace assumed as she watched. Mrs. Badmus went on to say a few things to the girl who replied with a nervous nod. Satisfied with the response, Mrs. Badmus decided to go inside while the young girl followed behind her. This was the opportunity Grace was looking for. She knew it was the time to act!

"Okay, I'm stopping here." She said alighting from the motorcycle and then gave the man some money after which he sped off immediately.

She looked towards the mall again. The driver from the day before was out of the car too and was busy chitchatting to the security personnel in front of the building. She knew such an opportunity might not come again so she decided to collect her words first and know what she was going to say.

"Okay Grace," She said to herself after pacing a little. "You can do this." She took a deep breath in and out before advancing to the building as casually as she could. Unfortunately for her, the security guard would not let her pass.

"Good morning madam, may I help you?"

"Good morning." Grace replied with a straight face. "Just let me in please."

"Hold on, you know what we sell here right?" The guard said with a skeptical look on his face. "If you're mistaking here for the cosmetics shop just take those stairs up."

"I know sir, now please let me in."

Meanwhile, the driver had been studying Grace and although Grace did her best to avoid that by tilting her head away and downwards occasionally, he was sure that she was familiar.

"Weren't you the girl at the estate yesterday?" He asked.

"No, what estate?" Grace lied but it wasn't enough to sway the driver's conviction.

"You're lying! I can never forget your face." He turned to the guard. "Guy na this girl I dey tell you about wey block me and madam for road yesterday." (1)

The guard was bewildered but compensated for his ignorance by standing more firmly with his arms spread wide indicating that Grace couldn't go any further.

"I'm sorry ma but I can't let you in." He said to Grace as he forced her to move. The driver joined in too.

"No, you don't understand. I really need to see her." Grace said as she tried to maneuver away from them. Luckily, she found an opening under the guard's arms but if she would take the chance, she had to drive them away from the door.

"Please, I don't mean any harm..." Grace said pleading as she walked. When she was satisfied with their distance away from the entrance, she quickly ducked under the guard's left arm and dashed towards the door. The two men began chasing after her.

Mrs. Badmus was busy giving out instructions to her sales girls when Grace rushed inside the shop.

"Who are you and how dare you barge in like that?" She glared.

"Mrs. Badmus, I'm sorry for--"

What followed was a tackle from the guard that sent her crashing to the ground and her face cap falling from her head.

"Madam," Chike said catching his breath. "Na that girl from yesterday." (2) He added as the guard pulled Grace back up.

"And you have the guts to show up here? I'm calling the police... Keep her at the entrance." Abike ordered as she searched for her phone.

"Please ma, I'm Veronica's friend--"

Abike was stunned by Grace's words.

"Liar." Chike said.

"I'm Veronica's friend and classmate from Ketu." Grace said struggling with the guard's grip on her waist. "I came all the way here because I think your daughter is in danger and she lied to us about who she really is."

Abike suddenly realized that Grace wasn't a blogger like her driver had suspected.

"Leave her alone."

"Ma?" The guard said with a confused look.

"Release her you imbecile!" She yelled again and Grace was free of the guard's clutch immediately.

"I'm sorry for misunderstanding you." She said to Grace. "Please have a seat so we can talk."

** ** **

Margret was home alone when June had called her about the car accident and Joana's kidnapping. As expected, it sent a wave of panic and terror through her. She met June in front of the general hospital where the policemen said John and Timileyin were admitted.

"Hey," Margret said to her as she hugged her. "How are you holding up?"

"I don't know honestly," June answered. "I want to believe this isn't true."

"Me too... let's go find out."

They walked inside the hospital and met a nurse at the counter.

"Good morning ma." They greeted in unison.

"Good morning, may I help you?"

"Yes, a friend of ours was admitted here this morning... With another guy, we would like to see him please." Margret said.

"And who is this boy to you?"

"He is our classmate." June answered.

"Okay," The woman said taking a few glances on her notepad."There are in the third ward by your left, ward C."

"Okay, thank you very much." June said ten left with Margret.

The ward was oddly quiet with just John and Timileyin inside. John was lying on a bed, a drip connected to his hands land was fast asleep. Aside from the bandage taped around his head, he looked fine. Timileyin on the other hand had bruises all over and looked worse than John.

"Oh my God!" Margret said while June placed a hand on her mouth as they beheld what had happened to their friend.

"It's true," June said walking about the room. "No matter what I try to do it's still my fault."

"Ju, don't talk like that."

"Don't you get it yet Margret?" June said in tears. "Yes, we don't do the killing but we still picked the names and we totally planned out how they would die... We still played a part in the murders and we're no better than the killer himself!"


"Joana is going to die and it's all my fault!" June screamed as she cried.

Suddenly a nurse from the other ward came rushing in.

"Please, people are sleeping in the other wards keep your voices down!" She said in a strong harsh tone.

"We're sorry ma." June said wiping the tears off her face immediately. "We're leaving now... Let's go, Margret."

Margret seemed a bit lost but still followed June out.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"I'm going home."

"Okay, let me escort you then."

"No, I'll be fine... I'll talk to you later."

"Okay... Bye."

As June walked home alone after leaving Margret in front of the hospital, she thought about what her next choices would be. The killer now had Joana. She could be dead by now... No! If Veronica was right about the pattern, it was going to be on a Friday. But what could she do?

Her panic and terror all soon shifted to rage and irritation all directed at herself. She handed her sister out on a platter when she called her name. They were no better than the killer, she was no better than the killer. She finally knew what she was going to do, but her friends weren't going o like it.

** ** **

Gabriel and Gladys did not realize how irrelevant it was for them to had followed the policemen back to the station until about thirty minutes later. First, the policemen showed them the phone and backpack which they suspected was Joana's. Gladys confirmed it all in one glance.

They went on to drop as much information as they could concerning Joana and when it looked like they were not needed anymore, they started complaining bitterly and throwing blames at the police for their incompetence.

"I don't care how you do it, my daughter must be found today!" Gabriel barked.

"Erm sir, isn't that your daughter?" One of the policemen who were at their house earlier asked as soon as he sighted June walking in.

As soon as Gabriel turned around to see June, he was furious.

"I thought I told you to stay at home." He yelled.

"I know dad, and I'm sorry," June answered. "I came to turn myself in."

"Turn yourself in, for what?" The policeman asked.

"I'm responsible for Joana's kidnap."



(1) That's the girl that blocked me and madam on the road yesterday.

(2) It's the girl from yesterday.