
The atmosphere outside was gloomy in the aftermath of Hakim's death despite the huge relief everyone had that the girls were still alive. Two ambulances had arrived minutes later in addition to the five police cars already on the scene. They all went to work immediately, gathering pieces of evidence and tying up loose ends as Hakim's body was taken out on a stretcher. Joana and Margret were by the other ambulance, receiving medical treatment. Grace and Veronica sat by the stairs leading to the front door of the house as Officer James interrogated them.

"So let me this straight," He said. "Hakim was behind all of this? He was the killer?"

"Yes," Grace answered as she and Veronica stared at each other. Veronica tried nibbling at her fingers to keep her composure but it wasn't working, her knees were shaking badly and Grace could feel it.

"Is that true, Veronica?" James asked.

Grace's eyes were sharply fixed on hers without blinking, warning, and pleading with Veronica to follow their plan. In response, Veronica also had questions in her eyes, questions that Grace understood perfectly like it was being spoken to her.

Did she have to? They were about to frame an innocent man for what he had no clue about. Uncle Kim was dead because of her and now he would be remembered as a psychopath forever. It just wasn't fair.

"Yes." She replied, turning her face to the other side as tears streamed down her cheeks. She quickly wiped them off then rested her elbow on her laps as she held her arms together.

'Forgive me for what I'm about to do, Uncle Kim.' She prayed silently within herself before she spoke. "He confessed to everything before you guys came in. He was there when we played our game and decided to go after everyone we wanted dead, including us."

James nodded slightly and scribbled on his notepad. "But what motive does he have to want to do all these?"

"Since when do serial killers need a motive to start killing people?" Grace demanded. "They just do it because they know they can."

James nodded again. "Mhm, I guess so, although sometimes it tends to be far deeper than that."

"Well, I guess we won't be able to know now cause he's dead," Grace said.

There was a lingering pause from officer James before he spoke again, this time to Grace.

"Why ignored my call?" He asked, looking intently at her.

"Mr. Bello had called and warned me not to go to you guys or he would kill my friends."

"And what happened after?"

"I went to Veronica's place to asked for her help before heading here." Again, she and Veronica shot glances at each other. "The two of us working together managed to bring him down but he got back control by taking the gun from Veronica when I was releasing my friends... And then you guys showed up."

"I see," Officer James said. "But what I don't get is why he called us."

"He didn't know Grace would bring me along," Veronica answered this time. "He must have thought he would be done by the time you guys arrived."

James sighed. In no universe would he have expected Hakim to be the killer. He was both shocked and doubtful because although Grace and Veronica's story looked believable, it was their words against a dead man. A dead man that he shot!

"Alright then, I guess it's all over." He said. "The most important thing is that you girls are safe and I am happy for that. Thank you for your time, if you need anything, just call on any of the officers." He turned to take his leave but Veronica asked a question that stopped him in his tracks.

"Why did you shoot?"

He turned to face them again, not sure of his answer.

"I wasn't planning to, he already used you had a human shield for his body and I didn't want to risk hurting you so I aimed for his head instead. I--" He cleared his throat. "I panicked when I saw how recklessly he handled the pistol he aimed at you. There was a chance it could have gone off accidentally so I decided to put him down... I'm sorry." He said as soon as he read the grief in Veronica's face. He finally shook his head and walked across to meet his partner by their car.

"How far?" Ade said as James approached him.

"The man did it," James answered.

Ade shrugged. "Most times the people we least expect are the ones that end up being responsible."

"What did the other two tell you?"

"The same thing," Ade replied. "And it seems like that girl was the true hero in all of this." He motioned to Grace.

James sighed again.

"Something's on your mind guy... Or you think they are lying?"

James folded his arms and rested on the car. "I don't know man, I don't know."

Ade smiled and slapped him on his broad shoulders. "The case is closed man, the girls are safe, you got your man... It's a big win, you should be celebrating."

"Celebrating? I didn't solve anything, all I did was pull the trigger and I am not sure if I got the right person."

"Oh, I see what's going on here," Ade exclaimed. "Listen to me man, just look at the facts, he was standing with a gun and yelling out threats, wasn't he?"

"Yes, he was," James answered. "But I should have held on longer before shooting him."

Ade rolled his eyes then placed both his hands on James' shoulder. "James, you soft-hearted teddy bear, did you believe that girl was in danger before you took the shot?"

"Yes, I did."

"Then stop working yourself up, I would have done the same if I was in your shoes, forget about it."

James took a deep breath, soaking in the cold air of the night for the first time since he stepped outside. "You're right," He said warmly. "It's all over and I should keep it that way."

** ** **

Another car arrived moments later and to Joana and Margret's surprise, it was their parents that emerged from the back seat. They quickly jumped to their feet and ran towards them as their parents were running too. They met halfway through and hugged themselves tightly, Joana to her mum and dad and Margret to her mother.

"Mum, I'm so sorry I lied to you." Margret cried.

"Shh, it's okay, it's okay," Maryam said as she tried to fight her tears back. She sniffled the pulled back to look at her daughter's face once more. "You're okay, you're safe now... But please, no more lies, no more secrets."

"Yes mum, I promise," Margret answered sobbing before they hugged each other tighter this time.

Meanwhile, Joana was being smothered by her parents as shed tears of joy.

"We thought we had lost you," Her mother admitted.

"Did he touch you or do anything to you?" Her father asked.

"No dad, I'm fine... Where is June?" Just then she remembered John and the accident. "What about John?"

"John is currently in the hospital, but he's fine" Her father answered. "And June is at the police station, we will go and pick her from her... Oh God, thank goodness you're okay.*

As they sat and watched as their friends reunited with their parents, Veronica wondered why Grace was still by her side.

"Isn't someone coming to pick you up?" She asked.

"Nope, my brother is out of town, remember?" Grace replied.

"Yeah, right," Veronica murmured and looked away.

Grace stared at her, worry written all over her face.

"How are you?"

"I don't know, honestly." She paused to catch her breath. "I should be the one in that body bag, not him."

"You can't blame yourself for anything, it was all Cassandra's and you didn't know until it was too late. It's not your fault."

"It wasn't Uncle Kim's fault either!" Veronica groaned. "And now he's dead, because of me--"

"Because of Cassandra, not you."

"And so?" She asked gesticulating with her hands. "She is still a part of me, isn't she?"

Grace's temper was beginning to rise by the moment.

"Fine, why don't you go to Officer James then," She said in a harsh whisper so that people won't notice. "Go on, he's over there, tell him the truth so you will get punished and let your uncle's sacrifice be for nothing. Wouldn't be nice huh?"

Veronica put her hair behind her ears and clasped her hands. "I understand what you mean Grace, but... I don't know, this guilt... It's heartbreaking... How do I make it stop?"

"I don't know," Grace answered truthfully. She knew Veronica would get over it eventually. Maybe it was because she had no personal relationship with Hakim, but all that mattered to her was that it was all over. Hakim was now the killer and Veronica was in the clear- the perfect cover-up.

There was a brief silence as the two of them watched the policemen carry out their jobs.

"What do we do now?" Veronica asked her after a while.

"I don't know either." She replied.