Teaching him

I went back to my room after the chitchat session.

Deera was still laying on the bed. "Dragy, You are such a lazy girl. If we remove the classes from your schedule, what you do the whole day wake up, eat and sleep, nothing else." I said sarcastically.

( Dragu was her nickname in the school, her school friends always call her with this name. Dragu was for the dragon. Due to her laziness, her friend named her Dragu. I want a different name, so I renamed it Dragy. You won't believe Deera was this much lazy that she never went to the mess in the snack time. Every time I had to bring snacks for her. After the class was over, she went to the room and lay down on the bed, It was her daily routine. She never brought her clothes from the laundry, never went to breakfast. I had to bring her clothes from the laundry and even breakfast.

But I know she was good in nature, she always consoled me whenever I was said. She took care of me whenever I fall ill. So I don't mind doing these kinds of stuff for her. )

"hehe, oo Roomie. Why would I need to do anything, when you are here", She replied.

"ughhh", I groaned.

"Roomie, If you are going to bring water, please bring it for me too", She said.

"uhhh, you will never change", I replied.

"hehe", She laughed.

After dinner, I came back to my room.

"I have a new movie in good print", Deera said.

"Oh, nice", I replied.

"Let's watch together", She said.

"Okay", I replied.

We joint our beds, switched off the light, and put two bowls aside the laptop filled with chips and biscuits. It was an emotional romantic movie. The female protagonist died in the end and two of us became emotional after watching that scene. There were tears in our eyes.

"Why they made her dead in the end?", Deera asked.

"Because it was the best end for their story, I guess", I replied.

"hmmmmmm", Deera said.

And we discussed over the movie for more than 30 minutes and went to sleep.

The Next Day:

I attended the class and went to the library to teach Stephon.

After 10 minutes, Stephon came with his notes. He was in college uniform. There was a smile on his face. He sat beside me and said, "Hello, Myra".

"Hello, Stephon", I replied.

"Thanks for coming", he said.

"Oh, No problem!", I replied.

"How's your pain", I asked.

"It's almost gone. I will be normal in a few days", He replied.

"Oh great ! take care of yourself", I said.

"Let's start! Tell me what topics are not clear to you", I asked.

"Ummm, these 5 chapters," he said.

"Oh, Ohkay." Let's start with chapter 1.

"Let's start with the examples. Okay, so the problem statement is ....... this ... I am solving this first, After that, you have to solve the problem 2. So Please look at this attentively", I said.

"Okay", he nodded.

"The formula is .. and the solution is....", I solved the problem and explained it to him calmly.

"Okay, Now it's your turn", I said and gave him a question to solve.

He started solving the problem.

I was looking at him curiously. He was too slow. He took almost 40 minutes in solving that simple question and still he didn't solve it correctly.

"Oh, Stephon. This is not correct, you have written the wrong formula here", I said.

"Oh, I'm sorry!", He said.

"No, It's ok. Let me explain this again", I replied.

I solved that problem and explained it to him again.

"Now can you solve the same problem?", I asked.

"Yes, Yes. I'll", He said.

This time he took 30 minutes to solve the same problem. But at least he solved it correctly.

"He is too slow, How will I teach him the whole chapter? He took 2 hours to learn a single problem", I thought.

After that, he solved another problem of the same kind. It was already 5:30 pm and it's time to close the library, so we went outside the library.

Outside the library:

"Stephon, please practice these problems in the night. I'll teach you other questions tomorrow", I said.

"Okay Myra, Thanks a lot", He replied.

"Myra, I have something for you", Stephon said.

"Umm, What is that?", I asked.

"This is an audio file to calm your mind, listen to it anytime. It helps in concentrating the study and relieving stress", Stephon replied and gave me a Pendrive.

I was shocked after listening to his words. "He remembered that I was stressed yesterday and even brought a good solution for relieving my stress. He is a good person", I thought.

"Thanks a lot, Stephon", I said with a smile.

And then we went back to our respective hostel.