Where are you...

After I heard that story I felt sympathy for him. "Since you went through all of that and you never wanted to hurt the girls you can happily stay here for as long as you would like." Obi Hugged me, And I hugged him back. "I'll call someone to show you to your room." I then left to talk to a maid. Once I told a maid to show Obi to his room I left to tell Shoto about everything. I ran as fast as I could. I looked everywhere the last place he could be at would be the garden. When I got out I knew I was too late. There was a woman standing by him flirting with him. I decided to go find Shenyo and tell her everything instead. When I got to her bedroom I saw a huge mess. "Shenyo!" I realized that she is a very clean child. She hates having her room a mess. I knew something wasn't right. I ran all around the place screaming her name "Shenyo! Shenyo! Please come out Shenyo! I can't loose you too!" I was scared. I knew that there was one place I haven't checked yet. And it was outside. I got up my courage and promised myself to only look for Shenyo and ignore Shoto. I ran outside. "Shenyo!" "Please Shenyo where are you!" I was checking everywhere I could think of. I then lost all hope, I fell to the ground crying. All I could think of is my little sister lying some where screaming my name. And then everything went silent, I pictured a woman figure standing by her holding a knife and cutting every piece of her body. And all I could do was watch her. All I could do was watch her get cut, all I could do was listen to her screaming for me to help her. I was terrified.