Youido Raid Competition (4)

"Please go ahead."

"This is a fight that requires a one-on-one confrontation with the boss. Why should you share the reward? Isn't it only natural that the reward should go to the person who wins the fight at the risk of his life?"

"Uh, I understand you have suggested this idea first for the sake of fairness…"

"Yes, I mentioned fair, not equal, distribution. Each of us will deal with the monster with different levels, but do we receive the equal reward, apart from that? That would be really…"

Sungwoo looked at Junghoon and smiled gently.

"Oh, this is no fun. Do you need Carrie? Is that why you called me to make me your zzol follower?"

Sungwoo asked provocatively on purpose.


Pushed to third place by Sungwoo in the players' rankings, Junghoon seemed uncomfortable.

Then, Junghoon's supporters began to make lousy complaints.


"What the heck is that guy talking about? Did he mention something like zzol?"