Rabbit Before Hunter (1)

Something was running through the collapsed terracotta camp by passing through a storm of thick flames.


General Lee looked at the scene, keeping his balance while grabbing the ground.

What he thought was a lizard was a huge bone. To be precise, it was the bone of the creature that could withstand such powerful explosions and flames, namely Salamander.

On top of him was the Necromancer.

"Uh? Come on, I can't believe it!"

General Lee sprang to his feet, startled.

The Necromancer, who broke through the flames, swung a huge black scythe at the Emperor.

The fight between both sides was going on along the road about two kilometers from the invisible barrier of the fortress' wall.

Kyungsoo was worried that the wall and the barrier were separated from each other, but Sungwoo thought that the gap between them could serve as a kind of "buffer zone" to prevent the enemy's main force from approaching the wall.

'They fell into a trap.'