CH 10 New World and New beginings

(A/N she purposely does NOT check what world she is in by using the system)

'A new world, huh.' Vyr thought looking around at the forest surrounding her. Sensing nothing wrong and shrugging her shoulders she activated her armor form just in case. She quickly checked to see how her pendant fit into her armor now that it was integrated. The small wolf head sat right below the base of her throat and seemed lifeless letting her know there was nothing wrong around her. She nodded at how well it fit into her armor, almost like the armor was remade so the pendant could fit into its place.

Vyr decided she had spent enough time admiring herself and it was time to decide a direction to go in. seeing no real landmarks, vyr activated her music magic so she could listen to it while walking and decided to trust the system and go straight forward. After walking for a bit Vyr found a mountain blocking her way. She used her grappling hooks{rope dart/chain dart?} to climb the mountain. When she reached the top she could see another mountain, on it there was an old shack. Vyr quickly made this her goal and started making her way there.

It took about four hours and the sun was setting but Vyr made it to the cabin. Now that she was closer it was easy to tell the cabin was abandoned. There was a mine about a hundred yard to the left of the cabin but it too looked abandoned.

Vyr sighed and went to check if the cabin was safe, and it was. Surprisingly the cabin even had running water. 'Guess I'm close to a town or city then. I didn't see solar panels.'Vyr thought, examining the toilet. The only problem was the amount of dust that had settled. After checking every room she spent the rest of the day cleaning the cabin, And scrounging for food. Sure she could just buy it in the system but she was bored and it also let her familiarize herself to the area. Setting dinner to cook Vyr went and did a more in depth search on the house. It seemed whoever was here either was in a big rush or didn't know they weren't coming back. The cabin was small and only really had three rooms, a bed, bathroom, and a kitchen/living room combo. The bed was big and surprisingly in good condition, the bathroom had a tub and toilet, while the combo room had a fireplace and wood burning stove. Around the back of the cabin was a butcher shed with a lot of firewood piled up under the overhang of the roof.

In the closet of the bedroom Vyr found an old chest. In it was a crystal, some kind of rifle 'or maybe its a musket' she thought, a journal, and like good luck was shining on her a map of the area.

She decided to examine the items in the order she found them.

Looking at the crystal, it was cut into a good shape, fit in the hand well, and in a nice blue color. It also gave off a good smell. Checking the system she found it was absorbable. It was also Edible? She looked to the crystal and shrugged before taking a noble to check the taste. It was sweet like rock candy and after a bit of time melted if she didnt swallow it. Deciding to keep the rest for desert she put it in the small holder on her belt with her trophy taking knife.

The rifle? Musket? Fuck it long gun, was make of wood and metal. It was oddly light, and the reason she couldn't decide what kind of gun it was, is because it was loaded like an artillery cannon. It had a hatch on a hinge at the back of the barrel that was held in place by a latch. The gun wasn't loaded and she couldn't find any bullets so she put it in her inventory.

The journal had her interested. Its black leather was still stiff from production. Seeing this she frowned and opened it. It was blank, more than blank it had never been opened. She sighed and gave the innocent journal a look blanker than its pages before tossing it into her inventory as well.

Now onto the big reveal, the map. She pulled the folded map infront of her and started unfolding it. It was a topographic map of the surroundings. From the marks left by the previous own Vyr assumed them to be a surveyor. On the edge of the map in the direction she was heading originally there seemed to be a walled city. Seeing the name of the city Vyr smiled before moving to the Kitchen to eat. Excited was an understatement for how to describe her right now, she was humming a happy song and seemed to have joyful energy rolling off her. She ate and for caution's sake put wards on the doors and windows before going to sleep. She couldn't wait to get moving.

After cleaning up the next morning she set off towards the town. On the way she pulled out the crystal in her excitement she forgot to eat it last night. Now knowing the world she was in she could guess what the crystal was. Even while knowing it could be dangerous she just shrugged be for snacking on the crystal while walking. She thought ' i mean it didn't kill me last night. Plus it tastes great!'

It was about midday when she arrived at the city. Before coming into sight of the gate she unsummoned her armor but left her two swords on her back. The guards were very nice after she answered some basic questions, and let her into the city fairly quickly. After making her way inside she was pleasantly surprised. The city was clean and didn't seem that bad, and the people didn't question her swords or appearance besides curiosity.. Her first order of business was to make some quick money by selling useless stuff in her inventory. She found a pawn shop and after a bit of haggling she walked away with some of this world's currency that was called Lien and a small phone-like device called a scroll that doubled as a credit card. Before she moved onto her next goal she stopped at a small shop called From Dust Till Dawn to buy more of the tasty crystals which were apparently called Dust.

Upon stepping into the shop she saw an elderly man running the counter. She went up to the man and pointed through the glass at a few different colored crystals before paying for them and leaving. While she was putting the 10 or so crystals into her belt, she planned her next move. Since she knew the story of this world quite well she could wait for it to start or go ahead and lay out plans before time. Deciding it would be better to change the story she asked some people directions to a place called signal academy so she could find a certain dusty old crow.

Signal was different than Vyr expected. 'I thought it would be like a high school or something but this reminds me of a college campus mixed with a military academy. Which i guess makes sense actually'. Having sorted out her thoughts she walked to what seemed to be the visitor center of the campus.

Reaching the desk the lady at the counter looked at her and asked "Yes do you need something?"

"I'm here to personally deliver a message to a man named crow"

"Do you have a way to prove what you are saying is true?"

"Not physically but if you call him and say ospin sent me he will probably come."

"Probably? You aren't sure?"

"Oh i'm sure he'll be interested but knowing him he might not come cause he is sulking or drinking."

The lady giggled and called him and told him what she asked. while qrow said he will be there soon and hung up. The lady offered Vyr a seat while she waited, to which Vyr thanked her and sat down. It wasn't long before a scruffy looking qrow walked through the doors. Seeing this Vyr hopped up and thanked the lady before dragging a confused qrow out of the building.

After they left the door, Qrow quickly stopped Vyr and said "what's going on, are you the one ozpin sent?"

"I would prefer to have this conversation somewhere else, preferably ozpin's office, but i doubt you will take me there without asking questions. So I will only say this, the warrior wizard of Oz is still planning, is he not?"

Qrow went still before drawing his weapon and asking "who are you? Why are you here?"

Vyr sighed and said "My name is Vyr BloodLotus, and I am here to get you to take me to Ozpin. I mean no harm you know? "

Qrow stared at her before slowly taking out his phone and calling ozpin. When it picked up he gave a quick explanation of what happened before turning on the face cam and positioning Vyr in the View.

(Ozpin)"I don't believe we have met, yet you seem to know quite a bit. I would like to ask you a few questions before we are to meet."

*smiling*"I believe i can very easily solve this in person. So to speed the conversation along I will just state my mission. I am here more or less to check what those two brothers decided was a failure. I quite like what I have seen so far, and yes I mean those two, you old wizard."

Ozpin looked seriously shook before he regained his demeanor and told qrow to bring Vyr to him quickly and be nice while doing it.Qrow looked at his phone stunned by the urgency in Ozpin's voice. He then looked at the girl who seemed to be around his niece's age before taking Vyr to ozpin.

Upon arriving at Ozpin's office at beacon Qrow took out his flask to take a drink to rid himself of the confusion plaguing him. On the way there Vyr acted like everything was new to her, and constantly asked qrow questions to sate her curiosity. The worst part was when she got his sword from him, he shivered when he thought back to that. As soon as he took out the flask it was stolen from his hand, shocked he saw the flask in Vyr's hand as she said "thanks i needed a drink, so let's see what kinda man you are." before qrow could warn her she had poured out a bit into her mouth, while making sure to not touch her lips to the rim. Qrow watched shocked as she turned to him perfectly fine saying "im disappointed i thought you'd drink stronger stuff, that shit was weak." qrow struggled to make sense of what just happened thinking 'that was the strongest alcohol i could find and she didn't even scrunch her nose much less cough. … wait does that mean she has better stuff?!!?!'

Ignoring the shocked qrow who was giving her weird looks she turned to ozpin. who was also looking at her weirdly.

(Vyr)"you know you can just ask and i will most likely tell you what you want to know. Theres no reason to stare at me like a pedofile with candy."

Ozpin's face twitched at the vulgar jab and asked"is what you said on the scroll true? Are you really one of them?"

"Yes and no. I am one but not like your thinking. There are many different kinds and I am still growing."

"But you are one of them yes?"


Qrow looked confused and asked "what the hell are you talking about. One of what?"

Ozpin sighed and said "qrow what you are looking at is a god. Or so she wants me to believe."

While Qrow was processing that Vyr just shrugged and said "believe me or not your choice. I will do what I will either way. It would just be easier for me if you helped me, and also let me help you."

(Ozpin)"Oh and what help could you provide?"

Vyr gave him the look she reserved for stupid people and said "I am more or less a god, while i may not be fully grown i am still a god. I can do a great many things like this." she took the flask she still had and pulled out a white gull from her inventory and poured it into the flask before giving it to qrow and said "Now stop staring and drink. It will put some hair on your chest."

Qrow gave her a questioning look before sniffing the flask and immediately regretting it. The stuff she put into his flask was so potent he felt drunk just from the fumes. Looking back at Vyr he saw her smug grin as she took a swig out of what was left in the bottle. He looked at her shocked when all she did was squint her eyes in pleasure seemingly at the strong drink.

She then turned to Ozpin and said "I might even have a way to save the girl you keep in a tube in the basement. That should prove my intentions well enough."

Ozpin was once again shocked at her knowledge before questioning "Do you really have a way? Can she really be saved?"

Vry shrugged and said "it depends on her really. The way i have onhand is not really pleasant and it will come down to her immune system."

Ozpin thinks a bit before deciding to take a leap of faith on the young god. The thing that convinced him the most was how she pulled a bottle of liquor out of thin air. He didn't even sense magic activation from her much less aura. He got up from his desk and opened the secret elevator in his office and motioned for the amused Vyr and qrow, who seemed to be debating whether or not to take a sip from his flask, to follow him into the lift.

On the way down Vyr's stomach rumbled to which she laughed embarrassed before pulling out a red dust crystal and taking a bite out of it to calm her hunger. Watching this ozpin and qrow were shocked at how not only was she super casual about this. they were also shocked at how the Fire Dust Crystal did not explode. Vyr had just finished the whole crystal as the elevator arrived at their destination.

They were in a massive hall that only had a cryopod with a woman in it at the far side of the room. Vyr walked up and started preparing to give the woman a basic swallow potion, while ozpin and qrow opened the pod.

As they were opening the pod ozpin asked "if you are a god why can you not just heal her straight out?"

(Vyr)*sigh*"just like you i am a young and special god. I don't specialize in healing, and I am too young to find a different way. This is called Swallow and will heal her if she can survive it. It was not meant for normal humans. I am hoping her powers as a maiden will help her resist its other effects. And just be aware this will cause extreme pain to her."

Ozpin grimaced and said "If she survives she will be healed yes?"

Vyr nodded and said "tired but healed."

(Ozpin)*sigh*"then i will trust you. But what did you mean when you said like me you were a young god?"

"I meant exactly what I said. If left alone you would become a god in time, though what kind I do not know."

Ozpin seemed like he needed time to take this in, while qrow was just thinking this is all a dream. After the pod was opened Vyr quickly fed the potion to the maiden. Surprisingly she did not have an adverse reaction to the potion, she didn't even show signs of toxicity. An hour or two later her vitals were stabilized and she was resting peacefully. They decided it would be best to leave her to her sleep since the potion probably took its toll.

"What are your plans from here?" Ozpin asked, looking at Vyr who was once again eating Dust crystals.

Vyr thought for a moment and said "honestly it depends on Qrow. there is a scent on him that has caught my attention. I would like to follow it and see who it belongs to, something tells me the owner and I will have some very fun adventures after we meet."

Qrow looked at Vyr weirdly after having heard what she said. He checked with ozpin before sighing and saying "I have a bad feeling about this but sure lets go kid."

Vyr smiled happily before jumping off her seat and following the slouching man, while asking "do you mind if we stop and eat? I've been hungry for a while now and i'm looking forward to this world's food."

Qrow nods and presses the elevator button leaving Ozpin in his office alone. He thought to himself 'great, I get stuck with the god while Ozpin sits back and drinks hot chocolate again. Well at least I get to see the family. I wonder how they'll react when they see the kid eating dust like candy.' he laughed at his own thoughts while leading Vyr away from Beacon.