Ch 13 training results and concert?

\*Almost two months later*/

(Tai)"Does anyone know where Vyr is? it's almost time to start magic training."

(Ruby)"I go get her. She probably is working in the forge still."

(Yang)"Hasn't she been in there all day? She skipped morning training to work after all."

Ruby shrugged before heading to the forge in search of Vyr. When she opened the door she could see Vyr working on the massive sword she had spent all summer working on. Vyr was dressed in baggy shorts and a cropped tank top with no shoes. Her outfit was showing off the toned muscles she normally kept hidden, along with the multitude of scars she had on her body.Ruby flinched every time she saw some of the painful looking scars, she can still remember crying after seeing them the first time.

Blushing Ruby tried to stop staring at Vyr's well defined muscles, as the girl grinded details on the body of the sword. Vyr had spent two whole months on making the blade, scrapping it and restarting whenever she made a mistake. She hadn't even begun to work on the other parts of the sword. Much less the armor she had said would go with the sword. But her effort did show results, she had improved a ridiculous amount in the time she had been working. At the start she didn't even know how to start the forge, now she can work it like a pro. Even Ruby and Qrow take their blades to Vyr after seeing her work. 'I can still remember the shock on her face when we said we used aluminum alloy for our blades. hehe , she worked for a week straight on my new blade. She said it was some old katana making technique to make it cut so well. I don't think I can ever go back to the old alloy.' Ruby thought to herself.

Seeing a lull in Vyr's work ruby called out "Why aren't you wearing a shirt? You do know it's time for magic training right?"

Vyr stopped working and looked at herself saying " It's hot in here. Plus I've pretty much taken over this place. The only other person who comes here is you."

"So you don't mind being around me without a shirt?"

"Ruby, we sleep in the same bed every night. I'm comfortable with most things around you. Now let me put a shirt on and I'll be right there. Oh and don't forget. We have to cut training short today. You said you wanted to come with me to From Dust Till Dawn today."

Ruby smiles and says "I know! I can't wait, I heard they have the newest issue of Atlas Tech Weekly!" before running off to the training area.

Vyr arrived at the training area with a hoodie on and a Dust crystal in hand as a snack. Munching on it she said "alright training today will be a little short. Since yang is leaving the day after tomorrow. Today will be a review day, i wanna check everyone's progress. After I need to head into town for more dust."

(Tai)"I don't think i will ever get used to seeing you eat dust."

"Ah well you should. It actually tastes really good. My favorite is water/ice Dust, has a nice chill to it and tends to taste sweeter than the others. Anyway each of you in turn show me what you have learned. All of you have learned the basic signs, now all you have to do is augment them to fit your needs. Like the flame thrower I showed you all. Each sign has its own way of changing, discover them for yourself."

They had all learned the basics and even found which signs they had talent for! Tai was a prodigy when it came to Quen and was even ok with Yrden. Qrow was oddly good with Axii and he said he found Aard to be an easy to understand sign as well. Yang practically maxed out Igni, focusing only on it most of the time. While Ruby practically flew, threw Aard and moved onto Yrden. She had a very good potential in anything magic and was even learning the dark souls magic Vyr was practicing. She had picked up soul dart really quickly and would probably learn soul arrow in the next week or so.

After magic practice ended Vyr and Ruby loaded up into a car that Vyr had bought selling her music. She wasn't originally planning to sell the music but yang had set one of her songs as a ringtone, and things spiraled from there. Now she posts songs on Remnants' version of the internet under the name Prototype. Tai even turned it into a side business and made merch for people in Vale only.

They parked in the parking lot behind the shop (they got their own spot because of the amount of Dust they bought and they let the kind old man sell their merch.) before heading inside. While Ruby was teasing Vyr about the newest songs she released, someone tapped them on the shoulder to get their attention.

(Thug 1)"I said put your hands in the air. Now!"

(Vyr)"Are you robbing us?"

(Thug 1)"Yes!"

(Ruby)"Oh~! Hey vyr do you wanna handle him or should I?"

"You go, I'll make sure the old guy is safe after I armor up."

(Thug 1)"Do you think this is a Joke?!"

Both girls nod and say ""Yes!"" before ruby launches the man and herself through the front window and onto the street. While all the baddies are looking to the street Vyr forms her armor around her and takes out a scroll to record the fight. Luckily she was quick enough to get Ruby slowly standing up and unfolding her Scythe.

"Okayyy… Get her." Torchwick says to his men sounding one part confused and one part annoyed.

Vyr stood in the doorway recording Ruby's fight while also making sure the old man wasn't taken hostage. After Ruby finished off the goons Torchwick strolled out and said"You were worth every cent. Truly you were." as he went to say the rest of his lines Ruby quickly dashed forward to cut him with her scythe.

Freaking out Roman yelled "What that's not how this goes?!"

Vyr hears this and thinks 'Shit looks like i have more problems now'

After a few exchanges Roman still manages to get his cane shot off and run. Ruby sees Vyr in her armor standing in the doorway and quickly runs after Torchwick.

Vyr stops the recording and chases the two after making sure the old man was ok. When she arrived on the roof Gylnda was summoning a storm to stop the Bullhead from leaving, while Ruby distracted Cinder by firing shots at her while also messing with her head through Axii. Seeing the two didn't need any help Vyr fired her arm grappling hooks at the Bullhead while using her leg Grapples as anchors. When roman turned the ship to deflect Glynda's attack, Vyr used it as an opportunity to swing the unstable ship into the street. Vyr and Ruby wasted no time on the angry Glynda and rushed to the crash. Sadly there was no one around when they arrived, the two criminals had escaped.

The only two who didn't escape were Vyr and Ruby.

They were left in an interrogation room for about thirty minutes before Glynda came back.

(Vyr)"If you start berating us, I'll start calling in favors after I demolish this place. We did the right thing, for the right reasons, at the right time."

Before Glynda could start shouting at Vyr for her behavior Ozpin walked in. He had amusement written all over his face as he asked "Is that so? Then how do you explain this?"

In his hand was a tablet playing the video Vyr had posted under her Prototype account. The video included the same audio the fight originally had in the show. Ruby looked shocked before glaring at Vyr.

Vyr grinned in amusement before saying "that right there looks like proof we were taking out bad guys. And I think it was well worth the time I spent syncing the music on the way over here."

Ruby looks shocked at how Vyr talked to ozpin while Glynda was seemingly about to burst a blood vessel at how disrespectful Vyr was to ozpin.

Ozpin laughed and said "what do you think i should do with you two?"

Vyr shrugged and said "you should take two very talented girls into your academy."

(Ozpin)*amused*"Oh!? And why do you think you are talented enough to skip grades to gain entrance?"

Vyr had a smug smile on her face and pointed at the tablet still playing the fight.

Ozpin was visibly shaking with laughter at this point and said "well ok. You're both admitted."

Ruby was now hugging a laughing Vyr while Glynda looked at Ozpin like he had killed her dog and she wanted revenge.

The next day was a bit of a blur until they were on the shuttle to beacon.

(Vyr)*choking*"Down yang! Need oxygen!"

(Ruby)"Can't breath!"

Yang was holding both her sister and Vyr in a suffocating hug.

"I just can't help it, I thought I would be away from my sisters for an entire year. Of course I'm happy!" Yang says cheerfully

Vyr looks confused and asks "Sisters?"

(Yang)"oh don't think you can get away now. We basically adopted you. Plus i dont think ruby can sleep without you any more."

Ruby blushes and tries to cover it by looking at the tv while Vyr just teases her by responding "oh really? You know i caught myself thinking the same lately." Vyr looks satisfied at the amount of red on Ruby's face before continuing "I would love to be yalls sister. I enjoy my time with you two very much."

"It's settled then you're now a part of the family! Oh I spotted some of my friends. I'll see you two at the ceremony." Yangs says before getting swept away by a tide of people.

Vyr turns to watch the TV with Ruby only to see a report about a faunus rights protest turning bad after the White Fang joined in.

Shaking her head Vyr said " Great the cycle of stupidity needed more idiotic forces. It's too bad, the old White Fang had a point. If they would have kept at it things would have changed eventually. Now they are just breeding more ignorance. *sigh* I wish they would realize they are just making the problem worse and stop already. Come on Ruby i cant watch this anymore."

As Vyr was pulling Ruby away to find something else to do, a girl with a ribbon in her hair looked thoughtfully at her receding figure. Yang rejoined them as Glynda gave a short welcome speech before the landing. As she was talking Vyr was going through her scroll responding to some of the comments on her Prototype account.

(Ruby)"Arnt you going to listen to the speech?"

Looking up from her scroll Vyr replied 'No? All she is saying is pretty much lies anyway. There is no peace right now, just subtle warfare and destruction. The courage she is talking about is pretty much just fighting power. Hell most of the training might be useless and I doubt most of the students will even know the true enemy we fight against."

(Yang)"Well that was depressing. But hey at least the view is nice!"

"Too bad some can't handle the view." ruby says seeing Juan run by barfing.

(Vyr)"Yang some got on your boots."

Yang seeing this runs around trying to get it off yelling "EW EW EW EW!!!"

Haveing finally arrived at Beacon Vyr was about to ask something when Yang is once again swept away by a tide of people. Just as they were about to continue walking Ruby practically got run over by a trolly carrying luggage. As Vyr reached down and picked up a dust crystal a Girl in white ran up and yelled" what are you doing?!"

Ruby got up while apologising but the girl was having none of it and continued yelling "Do you have any idea the amount of damage you could have caused? This is dust from the Schnee Dust company!"

Having decided she had heard enough vyr said " No wonder it could have caused damages! It's Just like the Schnee Company to cut corners just to save costs. If they really cared they would have put more effort into securing their Product instead of lackluster safety features."

Wiess practically exploded saying " Excuse me?! The Schnee dust company never cuts corners. We alway make sure our products are safe and reliable!"

Vyr burst out laughing and said "yeah that's why the Dust your holding is leaking. You put volatile explosives into glass containers with cork tops. And reliable? Maybe a generation or two ago. Nowadays all the Schnee company is reliable for is questionable business ethics and Horrible labor practices! I'll give it to you. The Schnee dust company had a good reputation once upon a time, but now they are just a capitalist pig. And they feed off the weak and the misunderstood. If they didn't hold an unlawful monopolistic stranglehold on the dust market i wouldn't be surprised if they were put out of business instantly."

Wiess looked like all the blood in her body had gathered in her face. Right when Vyr and Ruby were going to walk away Blake walked past and said "thats two truths i've heard from you today. And I couldn't agree more. I'm glad there will be educated thinkers at this school, my name is Blake see you around."

Ruby led Vyr away as well, leaving the Schnee princess with nothing to shout at. As they were walking they talked about the different weapons they could see people carrying. Eventually Vyr asked "Hey ruby where are we going?"

Ruby stopped and looked at her panicked and said "I don't know! I thought you knew!"

Vyr laughed and stopped the panicking girl from running off while she checked her scroll. Seeing it was past time for the orientation to start Vyr said "It's too late we already missed it."

She grinned at the now distraught girl before catching her attention by wearing her armor form. She opened the mouth piece and said "I'll tell you what, how about we hold an impromptu concert while we wait? Don't worry about trouble. I know Ozpin personally. That's why he was laughing when you met him. He's a big fan."

She grabbed the confused Ruby before grappling up to a small one story building with a flat roof and a lot of open space around it. Once up there she sent out a message on her scroll to the Prototype fans saying "I got lost in Beacon so i decided to hold a mini concert. If you wanna live performance of my music, feel free to join in. Follow the music to know where I am." Taking out her electric guitar and making the Music magic circle start surrounding the area she asked Ruby "What do you think i should start with?"

\*In the assembly hall*/

The students and faculty were listening to the welcoming speech when students started leaving discreetly. After a few more minutes more and more students were leaving. Ozpin who was giving a speech on stage saw the students whispering to their friends after checking their scrolls before leaving. Ozpin himself had felt himself get a message as his scroll vibrated. Checking it he saw the Prototype account had left a message. As he read through it his face picked up a sense of urgency. He motioned Glynda to take over as he practically sprinted out of the Hall.

\*Back to normal … ish POV*/

Ruby watched as the amount of people grew more and more. She watched in disbelief when the people started to have more and more teachers join in, teachers in Prototype merch. Vyr had just finished a song called "land of confusion" (disturbed). Before the song she gave a short speech about the faunus and the world in general and how it inspired the song.

Blake in the crowd watched in disbelief as people cried and started to change their views on the faunus. Sure it was only a few but she could tell many had a change of view just from Prototype's one song. In that one song they had done what many protests never could.

Now right as the next song was about to begin professor Ozpin joined Prototype on top of the roof they were using as a stage. Many fearing he would bring the concert to an end began booing. Prototype held up their hands and allowed Ozpin to speak.

(Ozpin)"Thank you. Now before you start booing your headmaster again I just wanted to say a request. As the headmaster i must mention this is a welcoming day for new students. Why hasn't there been a song about beginnings? You must correct this at once!"

Having said this Ozpin jumped down and joined the crowd. Prototype seemed to grin before the mouth part of the mask opened and they said "Well said headmaster! You all heard him! This next one will be at the headmasters request. "Are you ready?" From the Disturbed album."

(A/N i've decided to just list the band who made the song as an album. Formatting errors are keeping me from posting lyrics again so i'll just stop trying.)