Ch21 Apologies and Snow cones

When she woke up, Vyr saw the shocked expression of her companions once more. When she asked what was wrong this time. They explained that after she fell asleep all the corruption around came rushing to her before being absorbed by her Prototype powers.

"Oh that was me using Manus's soul to clean up the corruption."

Ciaran looked suspicious and asked "does that mean you have taken his place in the abyss?"

"Kinda but not really." Vyr said with a thoughtful face.

Artorias sat down next to Vyr and asked "What does that mean?"

Vyr looked at him surprised and asked "you're not scared of me anymore? I thought this would have made you even more afraid."

Artrorias scoffs "I was never afraid. I was just cautious. And no, I'm not wary of you anymore. While you rested I thought back to what I knew. I found that since sif didn't act differently towards you i would have nothing to worry about. His senses are much greater than mine anyways. Plus our soul connection was still stable and never shook or changed, so it should be fine."

Vyr smiled and hugged Sif who had been guarding her in her sleep. Artorias looked affronted and asked "where is my hug? I was the one who overcame their caution and decided to trust you."

Vyr just pointed at Ciaran (Who by the way was shocked at the sound reasoning and logic Artorias had pointed out) while still hugging Sif with one arm and said "go ask your girlfriend for hugs if you want one."

While artorias slumped forward Vyr listened to her stomach and got up to make breakfast.

Ciaran broke out of her stupor when she saw vyr walking to the fire and said"Do not think you are safe yet. What was with the music when we fought. It seemed to know too much about what had happened here. And One of them seemed to be about Artorias and sif in particular." (Abyss song)

Artorias chimed in here and said "yes! I could feel a different kind of strength as that one played. It was like I was at my last bastion and the enemies were outside the doors."

Vyr Sighed and said "trust me you don't want to know yet. I can tell you after we leave. I don't know how the world would react if i told you now."

(Artorias)"You speak as if the world is a living being."

"Isn't it? Have you ever thought about how complex it is? How everything falls into a kind of balance? Who's to say it isn't alive, keeping and recreating that balance. Just like when we fought manus. The reason the spells were so powerful was because the world resonated with the song. When it did it made the song more powerful."

As the two were thinking about what Vyr said. Vyr started to cook breakfast. Ciaran walked over and asked "Why are the songs so dangerous then? If it empowers us then why not use it constantly?"

Vyr pulled out some raw thick cut bacon and fed some to the happily waiting Sif. She then looked at Ciaran and said "Because they were not under my control. At least not fully. If it weren't for that I could have used more magic in our fight. I was having to split my focus and keep the spell from giving manus the same effects. Also it is not good for your body to be constantly under its effect. Just like anything else too much of something is bad."

Vyr went back to cooking as Ciaran went to talk with artorias. As she was plating the food for everyone the two walked over.

Vyr looked at them as it was easy to tell they wanted to talk. When she did she preempted the two and said "here take your plates first. There is no reason we can't talk and eat at the same time."

After the two sat down and had a couple bites Vyr looked at Artorias to see what they wanted to talk about. But she was soon corrected as he shook his head and motioned to Ciaran before returning his attention to keeping Sif from eating his portion.

Ciaran shoots him a glare but Artorias just smiles at her before going back to eating. She sighs and looks at Vyr before saying "I wanted to apologize for the suspicion I directed at you earlier. I thought over what Artorias said and decided I should just be honest. I was scared to think what would happen if you were corrupted like Manus. I -"

Vyr cut her off and said "You don't have to apologize to me. I should have handled the situation better in the first place. I shouldn't have worried you two. I'll try to do better in the future, but thank you. I'm glad you decided to trust me." Vyr smiled a bit at Ciaran when she finished speaking.

Ciaran seemed lighter after hearing that and nodded with a happy smile on her face as well.

Artorias looked up and said " I'm sorry for breaking up this emotional moment but i wish to ask. What is it that we will be doing now?"

Vyr laughed a bit then said "I need to do one last thing before we leave."

As she said so Vyr finished off her meal before saying "Now come on, thinking about what's next has got me excited."

They watched as Vyr waved her hand and made all the tools and utensils she used disappear. She then started walking away while eating the leftover bacon with Sif. The two quickly finished their food before rushing after the bacon eating duo.

Vyr saw the two catching up behind her and said to sif "do you know where the coliseum is?" sif nodded to her and tried to get another piece of bacon. But Vyr jerked her hand away and said "good then lets race to there. The winner gets the rest of the bacon. Deal?"

Sif nodded but didn't wait to check if Vyr noticed before taking off up the path at full tilt. Vyr yelled "Hey! You're cheating!" happily while taking off after the mischievous wolf.

When ciaran and artorias reached the township they could hear barks and shouts in various forms of emotions. The two could see sif sprinting along on the pathways and rooftops, while Vyr was swinging from chains that were shooting out from her arms and even her legs.They quickly followed them before both sounds stopped after a particularly happy shout and a sad howl.

When they arrived at the coliseum they could see a happy Vyr with a stick of bacon in her mouth, gloating to a sulking sif. From time to time she would tease sif with some of the bacon in her hand, but the wolf would only snap at her hand.

When they walked up Vyr was teasing Sif again by waving her victory bacon in front of him. She turned when Artorias asked " you never explained what we are doing. Why have we come here?"

Before she could answer, Sif noticed she was distracted and lunged for the bacon she had been teasing him with. Even with all her enhancements, it was unavoidable. She had let her guard down, plain and simple. She watched in shock as the wolf's lunge was successful. All the bacon she had in her hand was taken away in one fell swoop. While sif was celebrating his bacon filled victory, vyr had collapsed onto her hands and knees with her head held down in sadness.

Artorais looked at Ciaran while scratching the back of his head awkwardly. She quickly waved her hands at him and motioned for him to handle it himself. She thought to herself 'you think i'm stepping on that landmine? Hell No, especially not after you made me apologise by myself earlier.' The knight sighed and asked "Are you ok? It was just some bacon."

When she heard him Vyr jumped up and grabbed him in a headlock before saying "Just bacon? JUST BACON?! Do you even know how much of a pain it is to cook bacon? It's hot, greasy, and if you're not careful it can even burn you. Plus that's not the point! I won fair and square-" Vyr stopped herself when she saw Artorias was starting to choke. She sighed and released the man. After she let go she started to go through the system to buy herself something to drink.

When he regained his breath, Artorias looked up to see Ciaran talking casually with his assailant as she ignored his plight. Vyr on the other hand was eating something from a cup with a white spoon. The substance was sparkling in the light and seemed to be crystal like in nature. The blue coloration of the crystals stained the white spoon she was using a bit as she scooped some of it into her mouth.

As she ate the snow cone she bought Vyr was explaining what it was to the ever curious Ciaran. Finally getting fed up with the questions Vyr asked "What is your favorite flavor?"

Ciaran tilted her head a bit before answering "i like the flavor of strawberries myself but they aren't in se-" She was cut off as Vyr stuck a red snow cone in front of her.

"Shut up just try it." was all Vyr said before turning to artorias and repeating the question.

"I like the taste of a good steak myself. Also don't act like what you did before didn't happen!" artorias said getting up from where he had fallen.

Vyr slapped him on the backside of his head before saying " What sweet flavor? Fuck it, you get grape." ignoring what he said about her assault and handing him a purple snow cone.

Artorias took the purple treat before saying "did you see that Ciaran? She is abusing her retainers! This is horrible, what have we gotten involved with?"

When he didn't get a response he turned to see a hurried ciaran eating her snow cone as fast as she could. Seeing his companion act like that got him curious as to what the cold cup would taste like as well. He followed the two girls' example and carried some of the purple "snow" to his mouth. If he had been more observant he could have spotted the mischievous smile Vyr was sporting as she watched him out of the corner of her hood.

After he put the spoon to his mouth he immediately knew something was wrong. His face scrunched in on itself as he jerked his head back from the drink. He thought himself 'Good God! That is horrible! It's like I ate one of those lemons from the south. How can those two eat this?!"

Vyr crouched down and started laughing as she watched the expressions on Artorias's face. Ciaran gave Vyr a curious glance before sending the same look at artorias.

"I don't know how you two can eat this! It is horrible! The only good thing about it is it's cold. Here, you can have this back."

Vyr got up and took back the purple drink. When she did she turned her back to Artorias to walk back to where she was. After her back was turned she quickly swapped out the super sour grape snow cone she gave Artorias for a regular one. When she turned back around she looked like she was holding artorias's snow cone but really it was just a regular grape, not sour grape one. She took a bite in front of the other two and just shrugged her shoulder at Artorias before holding it out to Ciaran so she could try.

Ciaran gave Vyr a knowing smile as she took a bite of the purple ice. She also took the cup after Vyr motioned for her to have it seeing as hers was already gone. Artorias watched in disbelief as the two sat there eating the mouth numbing ice.

Vyr started laughing at the knight again before handing a snow cone to the waiting Sif and began walking toward the door. As she was she heard Ciaran offer Artorias another bite. When she heard that she took off running again but didn't get far before she could hear the angry shout of her name and the clanking of armor chasing her.