Ch 24 Found out and Mom?

As my vision cleared I was no longer on the side of a cliff. Now instead of being surrounded by nature. I was in a house, it was a wooden style house. The floors were wood as well as the walls. One whole side of the house was windows and wooden cross sections, letting those inside see the view of a valley and lake. There was a second floor above her with a clear view of wooden doors leading away. If you were on the second floor you could see the living room below. The whole place had a mixed feeling of Country, modern, and homely ness. There were obvious hallways leading away from where she was but before Vyr could explore a voice interrupted her.

(Valkira)"Are you just going to stand around and stare, sister? Or are you going to come say hi?"

I spun around to see a small girl and a woman sitting on one of the couches in the center of the living room area. The girl was obviously Valkira judging from the voice and height. Unlike last time Vyr could make out her face and other defining characteristics besides gender and height.

Valkira was a beautiful girl that if vyr didn't know better, she would say she looked 14-16 years old. Her height and baby face made her seem younger than her bodily age much less her true age. She had black hair with streaks of red, blue, green, purple, and white going through it. Her hair went down to her shoulders even though it was tied up in a ponytail. She gave off the vibe of a sporty athlete even though Vyr knew she was a lazy tomboy.

"Hi" I responded with a monotone voice as I continued to look around while walking over. When I sat down I said "This place is nice. Much more comfortable than the Gym. I'm assuming you were at Middle school for classes that day."

She puffed her cheeks at me and shouted "Hey! Is that anyway to treat your worried sister? And I told you to stop calling me short!"

"I didn't call you short. I was referring to how you look like an underage teen. Seriously if you went to a restaurant people would ask where your parents are."

Before Valkira could respond, the woman next to her laughed and sternly said " It's good to see family get along but you shouldn't pick on your sister like that."

I turned my attention to the woman for the first time. She (unsurprisingly) was beautiful as well. Her appearance is of a woman in her mid 20's. She has earth brown hair and eyes that resemble the green of summer leaves after a good rainfall. She gave off the same feeling a mother does. Just being around her made you feel at home with family who loved you.

As i stared at her she just gave me an accepting look as if to say "you are safe here my child. You don't have to worry about anything. Nothing can hurt you while i am here."

Valkira interrupted our nonverbal exchange and said "Vyr this is the goddess Demeter. She is more or less my mother. So she is technically yours as well."

I gave her a funny look and said "what?"

Demeter just gave me another comforting look while my sister said "long story short, Demeter mothers everyone and has taken care of me long enough I just accepted it. Honestly, at this point i can't see it any other way anymore."

Demeter laughed again and said "I love you to Val."

I sent my sister a questioning look and said "Val?"

"Yeah what of it? Not everyone has a short name like you. Plus sandstorm's sister is named Kyra so it would get confusing if we still used Kira like when i was small." before she could continue Vyr said "but your still small?" Valkira ignored the jab and continued with a fed up face, "Look that's not the point, Demeter is family. End of discussion, so just get used to it."

"Uh huh, sure whatever you say."

"Good now that that's out of the way, we have more pressing issues to -"

Valkira was quickly cut off by Demeter who said "Not yet. There is still someone who should join us."

Valkira sent her a questioning look as she wasn't expecting anymore company but she quickly realized Demeter was looking at Vyr as if waiting for something.

Seeing her look at me I said "don't look my way. I have no idea who you're talking about unless it's Kalameet but they are still evolving/ learning his human form.. I mean I can summon him but I doubt it would help, unless one of you sped him up."

Demeter shook her head and said "no not the dragonling though i would enjoy meeting him in the future. I am waiting for a certain wolf to make an appearance."

"Sif? He went with Artorias and Ciaran. So i don't think he can make it."

Demeter laughed a bit before saying "not that wolf. I am waiting for a long time companion of yours."

Finally realizing what she meant Vyr tensed up and readied herself to do everything she could do if she had to. Even though Demeter noticed she still just gave Vyr a motherly gaze. Valkira on the other hand was more than lost at this exchange. Before she could ask who they were talking about a sigh rang out from Vyr's direction.

Valkira watched in awe as another Vyr formed next to her sister on the couch. The only difference was the new one had longer hair, animal ears, and a tail.

Ash sighed once more and looked to Demeter before asking "How was i found out. I don't remember doing anything that would give it away this quickly."

As Valkira tried to wrap her head around this new visitor, Demeter just laughed and sent the same loving smile at Ash while saying "unlike my daughter over there. I make sure to check people's past before accepting them into the family."

Seeing how Ash was so nonplussed about being discovered Vyr relaxed a little and laughed "haha, you must have low standards then. I mean I'm still trying to figure out how out of all people I was picked. Sis seemed to know my past when we first met, yet instead of eternal torment. I was met with family and a second chance. Seriously sis, did you know nothing about me?"

Valkira seemed to puff up a bit and crossed her arms while looking down. "i did know! Just .. not… everything." she said, getting quieter and quieter as she continued.

Vyr smiled and moved next to Valkira and said "what was that? You were so quiet we couldn't hear you."

"Fine ok! I just read through the summary! Are you happy now? All it said was you were very important, lived a long time, and was a hero and leader to those around you. It also said you killed yourself cause you were bored. It caught my interest so i wanted to meet you Ok?" Valkira started tearing up a bit and was embarrassed at her outburst so she curled up on the couch.

Vyr hugged her and said "there there, was that so hard? It's ok. I'm happy I got to meet you so it's all fine now, right? Besides if you didnt you wouldn't have me as family anymore."

Ash sadly interrupted this sisterly bonding moment by saying " you know, now that i think of it. Doesn't that same description fit hitler in a way?"

Vyr started shaking as she tried not to laugh, while Valkira just shot Ash a tearyeyed glare that tried to be threatening but just ended up being cute.

While Vyr sat next to Valkira and comforted her, Demeter and Ash were having a stare off. A few moments later Ash caved to the pressure Demeter's motherly smile let out.

*sigh* "fine. I'll skip over my questions and let you go first."

(A/N yall aint ready for the info dump im about to lay down. So I'll put it in simple terms after it finishes."

Demeter gave a small laugh and said "Good, I believe we should go back to the topic at hand. The reason why you two were claimed." seeing she had everyone's attention Demeter continued "normally one cannot be claimed by another without the involved person's consent. But this does not apply to someone who can be recognised as the same as the other party. I know that sounds confusing but really it means that if you and another person share too many similar characteristics you can be viewed as the same person." Seeing the blank look on the others' faces , Demeter sighed before saying " know the world of Elder Scrolls, yes?" seeing everyone nod she continued " Good, in that world there are paths to becoming a god. Many have taken them in different ways but the one I want to talk about is Mantling. Mantling is when you become so much like another god you take the gods place. It has been described as walking so much like a person, that said person walks like you. You effectively mimic a god to the point you become that god and take their place. An example would be the hero of the oblivion crisis in the elder scrolls oblivion. After they finished their fate the world no longer had a need for them. Knowing they would die soon they looked for ways to change their fate. They found it in a way. The hero began the process of mantling the daedric prince Sheogorath. They were one of the few able to pull off the process and succeeded in becoming a part of the Prince, effectively changing their fate. So more or less when you are too much like another person, even if you are not the same, reality may view you as the same. And since reality viewed you and the person who claimed you as the same. It didn't need your consent to make a contract with yourself."

(A/N so if you read all that and know what is going on just go to the next part.

For those of you who need a little help. Basically the reason Vyr got claimed is because she and the person who claimed her were so alike that reality itself said 'oh you want to claim yourself so no one else can? Sure, go ahead and as long as you give consent i can't see anything wrong with it."

For those that still dont know whats up, supergod said "ooga booga, you and Vyr same. You can fuck with dis." then supergod went back to doing other shit. 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜

We good?

Nice, imma go back to writing the story now. :)

(Ash)"so more or less , Vyr is so much like this person that they can just fuck with us no reprocusions or nothing?"

(Demeter)" i would put it in a nicer way but yes. Also it's not Vyr who they are like but you. Since you two are connected in the way that you are, Vyr got pulled along as well."

Valkira thought for a second and said " I'm gonna ignore the who "my sister is actually two people, one of which is a wolf" thing for now. So basically this whole thing is really simple to fix. Since the law sees Ash and this person as the same. All we have to do is cancel the claim since ????" she turned to ash" what's your name?"

"Asha but since your family. You can call me Ash."

"Thank you. Since Ash doesn't consent. Then I can beef up the security on my system and we are good to go."

Demeter nodded while saying " i've already got it arranged. I just need to know where you stand on it."

Ash thought for a minute before nodding, ' i think this would work for the best. I don't think i want to come with Vyr yet. So this should work well."

Everyone then looked to Vyr to see her opinion. When they did they saw she had stopped paying attention and was eating a snow cone. When Vyr heard the conversation stop she looked up from her frozen treat and saw they were looking at her. She looked at everyone then back to her snow cone before pulling it closer and said "Fuck off. This one's mine."

Ash sighed before walking over to her counterpart. Vyr saw this and hid the snow cone even more. When Ash arrived next to her, Vyr was protecting her with her body and growling at Ash like a wolf, she had even gone so far as summoning her armor.

Demeter and Valkira watched as Ash sighed once more and head chopped Vyr while telling her to pay attention when people are talking. Once she had gotten Vyr's answer "I don't care what you do. I mean I had fun one way or the other. Besides if you and whoever claimed us are so alike, as long as we dont bother them we should be fine anyway."

Ash sighed once more and said "that's not the point now sit up and put away the armor. I'm surprised the crystals did not destroy the couch already. Demeter, can you set up this nullifier contract?"

Demeter smiled and said "I have but I want you to do something for me before I show you where to go to sign it."

This got both Ash and Vyr's attention. Vyr thought 'so much for family. Though I guess not every family is a good one, at least Vals nice. Lets see what this fake mom wants. Not like we could give much anyway.'

Ash gave Demeter a sharp look and said " so that's how it's gonna be, huh? Fine what do you want, Demeter?"

Demeter just smiled her motherly smile this time with a bit of mischief in her eyes as she said ' I want you to call me mother."

Ash locked up a bit as her mind drew short, "what?". While Vyr just anime fell at the unexpected request.

Demeter laughed at the two's reaction to her request and repeated herself.

Ash stared her down for a minute before saying " you're serious aren't you?" with disbelief. Seeing Demeter nod she said " Can you show me the contract … mother?"

Demeter's smile seemed to level up as she was practically oozing motherly affection while she said "it was a little stiff, but what can we expect as this was our first time meeting each other. Here, down that hall, up the stairs, and the second door on the right. That's my office where I handle different businesses. The contract is on the desk as well as a pen so you can sign. Look it over and see if it's ok with you. I will stay here with your sisters."

Ash nodded and walked off following Demeter's directions. After she left Demeter turned to Vyr and watched as Vyr finished off her snow cone, frowned, then summoned another and took a bit before smiling at the taste.

Vyr noticed the other two watching her once more. This time she caught Demeter looking at her snow cone. She thought 'aha! I knew she wanted it. Luckily I came up with a plan.' she looked at Demeter and said "you can't have mine but i can give you one of your own if you want. Just tell me what flavor you like."

Demeter chuckled a bit and said " ill try the same as yours." Vyr nodded and handed her one of her favorite blue snow cones.

Seeing vyr return to eating Valkira cut in and said "Hey! What about me?"

Vyr looked at her and smile before handing her sister a green snow cone topped with red ice. Valkira quickly took the snow cone and bit into it. When she did she seemed happy with the flavor and said" this is soo good! No wonder you keep eating them. What's this one called? i want to get some later."

Vyr smiled at her and said "mine and demeter's is called "blue raspberry". Yours is called a "frog in a blender"."

Valkira stopped and looked at the color scheme closer and realised what it looked like. She started tearing up again before saying "noooooooo. Poor froggy ! but you are so delicious.' and began eating again.

Demeter smiled at the two before starting up a small conversation with Vyr about her plans for the future.

(A/N i took a break here and after reading some other fanfictions, i would like to know some of your opinions. In my writing I try not to repeat the same word too much. Like when I was talking about snow cones I would swap out and say frozen treat. Or when people talk I try and not have the word said every two lines. Does this help anyone at all or is it ok to repeat words more often. I know that I prefer to read it the way I have it but it's a pain to keep erasing and changing thing. Honestly I just want opinions here.)

As they were talking a dull banging noise started up. When Vyr turned to see what it was all she saw was a person banging on one of the windows with a sword. The man was around 8 foot tall and armored in Ancient greek spartan style armor mixed with Ancient roman armor. What skin he was showing was dull red and he was on fire as well. His face wasn't able to be made out as his helmet hid everything besides his fiery red eyes.

The man was banging on the window wildly with his sword and seemed to be shouting as he did. Vyr looked to Valkira and asked "should we not do something about that?"

(Valkira)"nah, that's just Ares. he'll probably just tire himself out."

"Are the doors locked?"

"No he just doesn't want to use them or something like that. He's weird like that."

After Valkira said that she got lightly tapped on the head by Demeter who said "Hush, do not speak of your brother that way. And you Ares, be careful. Make sure you don't hurt yourself."

Ares seemed to hear what Demeter said and stopped for a second before adjusting himself before he began beating on the window again. Slightly less wildly this time, while his fire was no longer raging like before. Demeter saw this and nodded while saying "good." before turning and continuing "Ares is alway a little rascal. Just don't let him pull you along with him. And if he bullies you just tell me."

Vyr nodded as she watched Ares shudder a bit, his fire seeming to sputter as well, when he heard what Demeter said. She then ignored the man as he returned to beating on the window.

Not long after Ash came back and handed Demeter a roll of rainbow hued paper. Ash then sat next to Vyr on the arm of the couch and summoned a snow cone for herself.

While Demeter was admonishing Ash for her choice of seats, Vyr got the attention of Valkira and asked 'hey i got a question about worlds and stuff."

"Hmmm, yeah go ahead and shoot."

"So like, am i just allowed to do whatever i want or should i watch out for backlash from the world. Like I read this book that said if you change to manythings the world will basically rewrite itself to get back on track."

"You don't really need to worry about stuff like that, no. I mean sandstorm did something like that in Harry Potter once, but that happened because of what kind of god she is. You could probably erase the whole scale and it would be ok since the timeline/reality you are going through isnt the core one so to speak. But you normally aren't overpowered anyway so it's fine."

"Says the lazy butt who granted mastery of all things sound related to someone who wanted a magic mp3 player. I mean, you do know I could just summon the pale blood moon if I wanted, right?"

"Yeah but you won't do that."

"I don't know sis. I was really tempted to see how the witchers would handle it. It would be so fuckin' cool to see Geralt with a trick weapon!"

(Demeter)"language" The only response she got to this was a magic circle singing a song whose only lyric was cuss words. ( A/N it's called the curse word song and it's about 30 secs on youtube. The one I know is by rusty cage. Word of advice, don't listen while others are around.)

As Vyr ignored Demeter and the laughing Ash who fell off the couch she said to Valkira " so back to the point. It would be fine if I just RDM a main villain, right?"

Vakira looked over to Demeter before answering " yeah that's fine. I thought that would be boring for you though?"

"Meh not really. There are some I just don't want to deal with."

When Ash got up off the floor she said 'ok we delayed enough, we need to get going."

Vyr got up and nodded while saying "guess thats my que. See you later sis. And since you know about Ash now feel free to pop by and annoy her."

(Ash)"no offense but, DON'T. I like the peace and silence."

"see , my plan is to annoy her enough that she has no choice but to come out so she can run away."

Ash just sighed while Valkira started laughing "you can count on me sis. I'll make sure to help out with the plan. Besides, I wanted to talk with her anyway."

Demeter giggled seeing the three of them and started the teleport(?), before saying "goodbye my children, be safe until we meet again."

Vyr and Ash waved goodbye and faded out.