CH 27 Bullies and Scars

*\Few days after Kal got settled in at patch/*

Team RVBYS is currently going to lunch at the school cafeteria. Blake and Yang were talking about some of the places they had been to outside the walls. Places like waterfalls, lakes, caves, and a few others. While Ruby and Weiss were discussing tactics and strategies against different types of enemies.

After her abrupt awakening Weiss mellowed out or more like is in the process of mellowing out. She is trying to make an effort to fit in with the team more. Unsurprisingly after she stopped insulting her teammates, everyone accepted her very quickly. There was a bit of an awkward atmosphere at the beginning but it disappeared after Ruby asked how she should be a better leader in Weiss's eyes.

Where was our multicolored prototype? Vyr is being dragged along the floor by Ruby currently. Turns out when Ruby says she wants to do something as a team you should shut up and follow along. Of course Vyr wasn't hurt in any way besides her pride.

Sighing Vyr got Ruby to release her and she started walking on her own. She quickly joined in the conversations with her team as they arrived at the mess hall. As they were getting their food Vyr was explaining what Kaer morhen was like to the team. While talking about the forests around the lake they started walking towards team JNPR where Pyrrha was motioning for them to join them.

But as if God was showcasing the problems with society, on the way to the seats next to JNPR they walked past the leader of team CRDL bullying a girl for being a faunus. Seeing this the team walked past and joined their friends at the table.

*\Blake POV/*

I hung my head low as we walked past the poor girl being bullied and laughed at, just for being born a faunus. I held back the stinging in my eyes while begging for forgiveness in my thoughts. I felt anger boiling up inside of me. I was angry that no one helped. I was angry that these hunters and huntresses would stand by and allow this. I was angry that my friends were not standing up against this. But mostly I was angry at myself for not standing out and helping her myself.

As I sat down first I thought about all the years I had fought for faunus rights. Years of my life, since I was a child! I had been at the front of every rally. Shouted my voice raw. I had even joined Adam against the wishes of my parents, all to fight for equal rights. Yet now here i am, pretending i didn't see anything just to protect myself.

As my feelings continued to build I didn't notice one of my teammates was missing.

That was until I heard shouts bringing me out of my thoughts. Looking to the source I could see my teammate Vyr lifting the bully off the ground by his throat. I couldn't see the face she was making but when i heard her say "sorry for the wait dear. I had to put down my tray first." I could swear she was wearing the threatening smile I had come to associate with her being angry.

*\Vyr POV/*

As I was holding the scum in human form in front of me, I could feel the want, the almost thirst to end his pathetic life. I had seen idotic people like this before, ended their stupidity before. But now was not the time to be lost in thoughts of my training with the Witchers. Now i had to make this waste of space understand that there will be no next time to this.

(Cardin A/N i think that's his name can't be bothered to be honest.) "You Bitch do you know who i am?"

Pulling myself from my thoughts i respond to him "huh? Oh you. Sorry I was thinking but whatever. No, I don't know who you are, and frankly I don't care. Learning the name of a racist idiot like you is not only a waste of time, but also a waste of brain cells." Before the sad excuse of a human could sputter out whatever meaningless drivel he was no doubt going to, I cut him off by continuing "Look i'm gonna keep this simple so your small brain can understand it. DON'T BE A DICK OR I WILL CUT YOUR'S OFF."

To make my point extra clear i made my ring finger partially transform into claw form, leaving a cut on his throat. As i didn't put any power into the blade it only left a small cut like a cut when he was shaving.

Feeling the blade on his neck the Coward nodded careful to keep the blade from moving. "I-I-I w-won't do it again."

"Good" I said, dropping the boy onto his ass. While he ran off I turned to the bunny girl who was being picked on. "So now that that nuisance is taken care of. Take you food and follow me."

She looked shocked before nodding quickly and following me back to the rest of the team.

As I was sitting down next to Ruby I motioned for her to sit as well. She seemed embarrassed and a bit frightened at how everyone looked at her. But after everyone shrugged it off she sat as well.

Nora being the energetic power plant she is soon yelled "That.. was.. AWESOME!" with stars in her eyes. She started going over the whole scene to Ren next to her, like he wasn't watching as well. Soon everyone had started talking while I greeted our new addition.

"Now then let's at least try and ignore what just happened. I'm Vyr from team RVBYS, that's Ruby the team lead, next to her is Blake, over there is Weiss, and last from our team is Yang. Next up is team JNPR but I'll let them intro themselves."

As i introduced everyone they waved or in Weiss's case didnt smart off about her being a Faunus and instead nodded to her. Which in my case is a win. Just gotta remember baby steps, years of bad upbringing doesn't disappear overnight.

The girl looked shocked at how accepting everyone was of her. The only one who was nervous was Jaune as he stuttered when introducing himself to everyone.

(Jaune)"H-H-Hi i'm Juane Arc. I guess I'm supposed to be leading team JNPR."

(Ruby)"I know you! You're the guy who threw up on the ship!"

Juane was looking petrified at Ruby's exclamation, when yang chipped in "he's barf boy?! You owe me new shoes!"

As Juane was defending himself, Pyrrha and I were laughing at his predicament. I stopped and turned as the faunus girl I helped tapped me to get my attention.

(???)"T-t-thank you." she half whispered to me in a pretty thick accent.

"Ah? Dont worry about it. Hell if you have any trouble again come ask me. I don't mind sorting it out. 'Specially if it's a racist bully. Now then -" i drew up short realizing i didn't know/remember her name.

Thankfully she quickly remedied this by saying "Im Velvet. Velvet Scarlatina."

I smiled at her and laughed off the awkwardness I felt and said "a good name. Now then miss Velvet, let's dig in. i don't know about you but this is my first time eating here. Gotta know if i'm coming back or not."

She giggles and soon everyone was enjoying silly stories of Nora and Ren, or the telling of past fights from me and Pyrrha.

As one of Pyrrha stories came to an end Ruby got Vyr's attention and asked "Hey, you never told me how you got that big scar."

Hearing this Vyr flinched while yang said "No she did. Remember it was something called a leshin. It was on your leg right?"

Before Vyr could try and play it off ruby shook her head and said "No not that one this one's much bigger. Vyr got it while she was away last week."

(Vyr)"Ruby,can we not?" Vyr asked semi-quietly knowing it would most likely upset her girlfriend once again. But when she looked around she could tell by everyone's faces that they wanted to know as well. Faced with the choice of immedient annoyance and who knows how long of annoyance Vyr opted for the first.

*sigh*" It's not a pretty story. The short way, I fought a man. He had a sword. I thought I won. I let my guard down. I got hurt. Now let's talk about something else."

Pyrrha seeing Vyr wasn't comfortable with the topic tried to change it but surprisingly Blake was the one to cut her off by asking "and the long way?"

"Do i have too?"

(Ruby, Weiss, Yang, Blake, Nora, Juane)"Yes"

Even Ren was nodding when she looked at him. She turned to Velvet and asked "et tu, Brute?"

"um i-i would also like to hear."

"fine , ok? I was fighting a man-

(Nora)"did he have a name? What did he look like? What weapon did he use?"

"You know what? how about we just watch the fight?"

Pyrrha looked shocked along with the rest of them but asked "you recorded it?"

To which Vyr simply said "Semblance"

This made sense to everyone but yang and ruby who knew she didn't have a semblance.

*\short skip later/*

They were now in the auditorium of beacon. There was a projector and a screen set up so she could play her fight with corrupt artorias.On a different note what had at first been only around ten people had turned into a full house. Most of the teachers had even shown up.

It had started with a small call to ozpin to see if there was anywhere she could use. This led to his offer of using the auditorium. Vyr obviously accepted. But then she thought 'well if i'm gonna do this might as well profit off it.'. So she used her Prototype account and announced that she would be showing off Prototype fighting against a special grimm. Obviously Ozpin as a fan saw this. Seeing the coming repercussion and remembering the opening ceremony fiasco did what any good principal would do. He closed classes for the rest of the day and made a school wide announcement. Anyone who attended would get bonus points.

Sorry did i say principle? I mean fan, he did what any good fan would do.

So now Vyr was standing in armor form next to the project about to play a mashup of her fights in dark souls. Obviously they had been edited so no one knew she wasn't using dust and aura. That and the truth of her enemies not being grimm.

She started up the live stream and signed a few peoples merch while waiting a bit longer so everyone who wanted had a chance to get ready.

(A/N i forget if i mentioned this but in prototype form Vyr uses magic to change her voice. Just a little extra effect that i thought i should add.)

(Prototype)"alright i think it's about time to start this. But before I do I want to thank everyone who is here or watching elsewhere. I also want to thank the generous professor Ospin who allowed this to happen. Now as i said before i was gone for a bit last week. This video is more or less what I did while I was away. But let me make this clear. This is NOT for the faint of heart. This is a real field video that I recorded. It is visceral and i didnt clean up some of the bloody stuff. So parents be warned and classmates this could be what you see in the field. Be prepared. Now then let's start this show."

(A/N ok so this will be a bit of a rewrite of what happens in the dark souls arc. You can skip it if you want. I will only be highlighting certain parts. If you do skip there will be an author note (A/N) letting you know where it ends. Btw the camera from the POV of a drone. Obviously this is to hide the fact Vyr didnt record it. Valkira did :) )

The show started with some fake video of Prototype walking through a forest. Suddenly she fell into a cave. You can hear her grumble a bit "stupid fucking mission, fucking hole in the floor."


She had just killed the guardian (in the video it was changed to look more Grimm like) so she walked past showing the view of the sanctuary. The part of her talking to Elizabeth and the bonfire was changed to a slightly informative tutorial on how to set up an effective ground camp.

After a fast forward she woke up and moved on to the forest after. There were many shots of how she was fighting with her twin scythes. As the video went into the next part there were many oohhs and aahhs as the screen showed off the views of Oolacile forest.

This was quickly changed when the scene of Kalameet landing on the bridge in front of her played. Prototype got a few weird looks as you could hear "I am sooo gonna get one of those."

But she ignored it.

On the other side of the bridge the video showed her taking advantage of the terrain and her getting ambushed a few times. When she moved on to the coliseum people were once again in awe at the structure.

It then followed as Prototype moved into the center of the arena. As a new type of grimm moved into the arena people leaned forward only to jump back in surprise and the Grimm was skewered by the form of a large Knight shaped Grimm. They were even more shocked when it launched the body of the first Grimm at Prototype before fighting her itself.

(A/N this is where the video stops and the after effects start.)

There was a rollercoaster of emotion as the fight went on. Gasps and shrieks, even the comment section on the live stream was a rolling boil of emotion. When the fight came to its final moments there were many exclaimes of "yes!" or "they did it!". The camera had changed from an aerial drone to a first person helmet cam, this allowed the reveal of prototypes victory being a phyric one to be so much more impactful.

There was no better showcase of this than the chat log of the live stream. It went from memes and shouts of joy, to dead silence. This only lasted a few seconds before people started posting in an entirely different fashion than before. Gone were the memes and congratulations, now there were so many messages it was impossible to read the chat at all.

While this was happening Vyr had messaged Ozpin to take over and calm the crowd for the Q&A they would inevitably have to hold. She had moved next to ruby at the back of the room to comfort the distraught girl.

*soft sobbing* "i-i-i k-knew it was b-bad when i saw the s-s-scar. But i d-d-didn't think it was l-like that!"

(Vyr)"look it's gonna be ok. I survived! Else I wouldn't be here now."

It seems Vyr underestimated the amount of worry she would receive as after she said that yang pulled her by her shoulders and made her look at her saying "You idiot! You almost died!"

It was then Vyr noticed it wasn't only ruby who was crying, so was Yang. Even velvet was crying, though she might just be a softer person. Luckily this did not draw much attention as a few others had shed tears.

"I've said it before, but i don't die easily. Yeah that hurt but it was nowhere close to putting me down for good. Now will you help ruby? I would do it myself but I have to BS some people so they calm down."

Yang grit her teeth but nodded while saying "this isn't over. You hear me? We WILL talk about this later."

Vyr sighed but nodded her head. Seeing this yang let her go as she went to comfort ruby.

(Vyr)'haaaa. This is why I didn't want to show this. Let's just get this over with. How am I going to explain surviving without exposing magic? Oh, let's go with the simplest solution. Semblance! Yeah its not like they could tell the difference from the video.'