CH 31 Return to the Keep

(A?N Gawr)

It was a normal day at Kaer Morhen, at least for trey it was. He woke up, stretched, made some food, then went to study up a bit one some lesser known monsters and variants. Unlike Josh, trey preferred to stay and train at Kaer Morhen rather than run all over and take contracts constantly. He still went on contracts but just not near as much as the other witchers.

After finishing up his studies he went out for his daily training. This was something else that set Trey apart from most witchers. Vyr had damn near beat it into his head that daily training could save your life, witcher or not. So while the others only trained every once in a great while, those who were near to Vyr were forced into a steady schedule of training.

Trey smiled at the thought of his battle sister. His body stilled when he remembered how long she had been gone.

"Damn near a year now. Heh… almost spent half of it stuck in prison 'cause of that royal type "friend" she made in wine country." Trey said to no one in particular. (A/N *cough background story summary stuff cough*)

Trey took up his stance again or at least tried. But as he straightened his back a portal opened not far from him. Never one to think too hard over something unexpected, Trey readied himself subconsciously as he quickly went over the possible threats that could use portals in his head.

He quickly settled on witches as Yennefer was recently complaining about them. He silently cursed as all he had on right now was his armor and the hammer he was training with. What's worse all his bombs and consumables besides his Swallow potion were left in his personal room. This meant no magic canceling dimeritium bombs for this fight. He had hid a few small blades around his armor at Vyr's recommendation but they weren't much in a head on fight, though he was thanking his missing sister for the suggestion now. Speaking of his armor and Vyr's recommendations, Trey now wore Bear school armor instead of wolf school.

He pulled the training hammer over his shoulder and thanked the stars he was using a greathammer for training today, much better than a dull or wooden bladed weapon. You cant really fuck up hitting someone with a hammer. As long as you land the hit with a bit of momentum behind it, it is almost a done deal for whatever is on the receiving end.

As he stared into the portal he tensed his muscles and loosened his joints. He could see some shapes in the magical gate. Before he could make out anything in particular something came through to his side.

'A girl?' Trey thought to himself seeing the all white figure coming through the portal. He almost let down his guard at the unexpected figure. It was a girl dressed in pure white with light blue accents. But that was not what caught him off guard, it was the girls age. He was shocked, she was just a few years older than him! That was until he remembered sorceresses stopped ageing after gaining magic.

The girl didn't seem to be used to portals as she stumbled going through, and ended up on the ground. Never one to "look a gift horse in the mouth" as Vyr would say. Trey dashed forward, planning to make the most of the girl's slip. He swung his hammer in a vertical drop aiming to crush her skull with one blow.

His plan was interrupted as another girl came through and seeing him attacking the downed girl the new one quickly deflected the blow by landing a solid kick to the side of his hammer midswing. The newest arrival seemed to be a few years older than the last. Or at least she had a more mature body. The girl was dressed in some, let's say interesting Brown and yellow clothes. Though to be fair she did seem more prepared for combat than the white girl, at least she had some armor.

"Aww Yeah! Just got here and the party has already started." the yellow girl said as she slammed her fists together and took up a fighting stance.

Trey did not respond and readied his hammer once more. He wanted to curse as he missed a prime opportunity to finish off one of his opponents, but he didnt let it get to him. And it seemed his calm paid off. As right when the white girl stood up a loud "wheeeee!" a sound came from the portal and the white girl who was getting up was knocked back to the floor as yet again a new girl appeared. Continuing with the colors theme the new one was dressed in a black and red dress. This one like the yellow one had some armor on.

Trey wanted to go forward and engage the downed ones but yet again another showed up. This time some real fuckery was going on. From the other side of the portal Trey heard a distorted voice yell "Yeet!" before a girl dressed in black came flying into the two girls trying to stand.

At this point Trey was beginning to feel bad for the girl in white, but this was a chance like any other. Using his hammer as a projectile he threw the hunk of iron at the yellow girl before rushing the downed trio. Swiftly sliding his largest blade from beneath his bracer he sent a swift kick to the torso of the newest arrival causing her to fall back onto the white girl. Without looking back to see he grabbed the red one around the neck pressing the blade against her throat.

Seeing the situation the rest of the girls stilled. Trey for the first time spoke "Get up and get the fuck out."

"Trey I love you brother, but if you don't get that blade away from ruby's neck. I'm going to take your eyes and implant them in your ass, just so you can get a first person view when i rip you a new asshole." Vyr growled out, before one of the girls could respond as she walked out of the portal.

"Sister?" Trey asked simply.

"Move your hand." Vyr growled once more as her eyes glared at Trey.

"Hn" Trey said with a nod after confirming it was her.

"Ruby you ok?" Vyr asked worriedly as she checked her up and down.

"Yeah, yeah i'm fine Vyr" Ruby said with a small blush on her face.

"Aww and here I thought you cared about us. I see how it is, only worried about Ruby." Yang said with mock hurt.

��Seeing how you're smarting off, Yeah you're fine." Vyr said, waving her in her general direction with one hand.

"Aright sound off, who's hurt?" Vyr said turning away from ruby and looking at the others.

"Here" Weiss said, finally getting to stand up.

"Here" Yang said with a small laugh, while looking around in awe.

"Here" Ruby said, bouncing from one place to the other after escaping from Vyr's check up.

"Blake? You good?" Vyr asked looking over at the girl still on the ground.

"Yeah… Just … give me … a sec." she wheezed out.

"What happened?" Vyr asked Trey.

"I .. may have … kicked her?" he said with a bit of embarrassment, looking off to the side.

*sigh*" I won't save you. Just know that. Blake come find me if it keeps hurting. Even if it doesn't, I'm gonna check your ribs tonight, knowing Trey, they might be broken." Vyr waited to see if blake heard her before looking at Trey once more.

"So, how ya been big guy?"

"Good. They are?" Trey said shortly gesturing towards the girls.

"Ah yes, let me introduce everyone. Trey, that one is weiss. The one whos probably gonna torture you later is Blake. Yang is the Yellow one, who packs a mean punch. And the red blur that's going around is my girlfriend Ruby. They're a team I found myself a part of. Everyone that's Trey, big, silent and a teddy bear at heart once you get to know him. Me, him, and a guy named Josh were teammates before we finished training. Now we're basically family. Now that i think about it, where is Josh?"


"Josh, Potion making. Sure and Geralt replaced his horse." Vyr waived him off.


*sigh* "I knew hanging out with Geralt and Eskle was bad for you but this is ridiculous. Ok so he is helping Vesemir with potions. Got it."

(Weiss)"You can't be serious, potions?! Do you honestly believe in this stuff? Dont be stupid."

"Oh yeah~! You and Blake haven't had the talk yet." Vyr said remembering she never bothered to explain magic to them.

"Someone will explain it later, but for now some ground rules while we are here. First. Don't leave the valley. I don't care where you go inside it but don't leave. Second, the forest on the right side of the lake from here is off limits. We use it to grow some special dangerous animals so no going there. Third , we don't have dust here so don't waste yours. *sigh* Yes, weiss people can easily survive without dust. No weiss, I'm not joking. Four no racism here. I don't care how you feel. There will be no racism here. Five, Yang, Ruby your dad said you two cant drink. So NO alcohol. Are we clear?" Vyr said pointing a glare at Ruby specifically.

"Yeah yeah ok." Ruby said knowing the rule was really just targeting her.

"Ok then. Let's go see who all's here. Yall can run around after you introduce yourselves. You gonna come Trey or you gonna finish whatever you were doing here?"

"Stay" he said simply before walking to retrieve his hammer from earlier.

"You know, if you keep talking like that I'm gonna have to beat the words back into you." Vyr joked at Trey as they left.

"Hm." was all she got back.

The group of girls left the training field and took the long way to the keep. As they walked Vyr talked about the different things there were to see and stories she had about the place. How the small "sheds" scattered around the place were actually rooms where the teams had slept. She also took the time to prove to Blake and Weiss that magic was a real thing. After a lengthy and arduous debate on whether Vyr producing actual magic was her semblance or not. The group finally reached the keep's front door.

"Why is there a boot print in the door?" Ruby asked looking at the towering door with a clear mark from the bottom of a boot on the metal reinforcements.

"Oh that's simple." Vyr said before lifting her leg and kicking the door, her boot fighting perfectly in the mark.

"OI!!! Im back!" Vyr yelled as the door make a loud *Bang* from getting kicked open.

The rest of the group stood stunned as Vyr walked through the hall like she owned the place, which technically she did. They quickly came back to themselves and started following her. Yang had stars in her eyes as she looked at Vyr.

"Girl! What did i tell you about kicking in that damn door?!" a voice came yelling in from the back.

Not long after a man came walking in with a smile on his face contrary to the harsh tone he just used. The man was wearing armor that consisted of layered jackets made of leather and reinforced with metal studs/rivets. It was further reinforced with the outer jacket made with panels of mail armor and metal spaulders on the shoulders. You could tell the man was old by the time worne face framed with gray hair. But the way he moved spoke of refined grace and a lethal edge honed with his age.

"Grandpa Vesemir!" Vyr yelled as she ran up and hugged the old man.

"Ah girl let me get a look at you. I see your still wearing those torn up rags you showed up in. Wait what happened to your swords?!" Vesemir asked with shock. He had personally seen how much Vyr struggled to learn the wolf style.

"Oh shit. They are uh. Shit. Ruby where did you leave my swords?" Vyr asked as she turned to Ruby.

"They are in our room. I left them on the weapon stand. You haven't used them in forever." Ruby said in defense.

"Oh really? She hasn't used her swords in forever, you say?" Vesimir asked in a threatening way.

"He ... hehe … heh. H-hey I heard you were with Josh. where is he?" Vyr asked, trying to divert the conversation.

"Over here sis. Thank the gods you're back, another second with old man Ves and i would've been dead of boredom" Josh said coming out of the back room. Like trey he too changed his armor from the wolf school armor. Now Josh wore Griffin school armor, its yellow gold scale mail looked form fitted to his body somehow showing off his athletic figure.

"O-ho now who are these lovely ladies?!" Josh said as his attention quickly shifted from Vyr to her friends, Yang specifically.

"Don't even think of it Josh. The red one is mine, and Yang could easily beat you flatter than a pancake." Vyr said as she grabbed ruby and moved her behind herself.

"Haha" Josh laughed dryly before saying "not everyone has super strength like you sis. Hey on a completely unrelated note, none of these ladies happen to be a dragon right?"

"Uh, no? Why?" Vyr asked, confused.

"Yes! See me and Geralt had this bet. The deal was if you brought back a dragon or a wolf he wins and if -" Josh said excitedly before he was cut off by Vyr.

"Fuck, hold on. Ruby you and the others stay here. I need to go pick up some friends I forgot about." Vyr said running off towards where they came.

"Hah somethings never change. Now while she is gone how about y'all come and tell me what my granddaughter has been up too."