CH 50 Where's Blake?

"Finally, FINALLY! I'm out of Ozpin's stupid office. All damn weekend we were sifting through papers. Over and over and over. What about this person? Or what do you think about this, or that or how about those over there? Fuck me! I couldn't care less if I tried."

"What was the point of even asking me about who he invites to his stupid secret circle anyway? I've never done anything like that before so how the fuck whould I know anything about it? Fuck it, let's just get to the dorms and get some fucking sleep. What time is it anyway? FUCK, I only have 3 hours til Ruby wakes up. Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Can't catch a fucking break. Whatever I'll just meditate then"

'It's gonna be a long fucking day, isn't it?'

Vry stiffend once she opened the door. Shockingly, everyone was wide awake and not curled up in bed, asleep. Like she'd expected. Hell, their beds were made!

"Whoa, yall are up early, aren't ya?"

"Vyr, your accent is coming out." Yang deadpanned as she stopped pacing in front of her bed.

"Where have you been? Where's blake?" Ruby asked one question after another while peaking around Vyr's shoulder, checking out in the hall.

"That Bastard Oz had me trapped in his office for the weekend! Can you believe that fucker? The whole fuckin' weekend! Gone!"

"What about Blake? Where is she?" Yang questioned sitting on the chair for the desk.

"What'd ya mean? She ain't with yall?" Vyr asked.

"We thought she was with you!" Ruby shouted, panic in her voice.

"No? I haven't seen her since we were in town. What happened?"

"Oh no. We have to go look for her!" Ruby said worried, as she quickly started gathering her clothes to change out of her pajamas.

Yang nodded and grabbed her jacket, while Weiss let out a harsh breath hmph "good riddance I say"

" Weiss." Ruby half said, half whined.

"You heard what she said," Weiss said with a shrug.

"Can somebody, please, tell me what's going on? I ain't a mind reader," Vyr asked, wanting some context. She was already guessing this was Weiss's new greatest attempt to piss her off.

"Weissandblakegotinafightandblakeranoff.Wethoughtshewenttoyoubutnowyourhereandsaodyouhaventseenher.whichmeansshehasbeenmissingallweekend.andwedontknowwhere,soweneedtofindherrightaway!" Ruby said as she used her semblance to dress herself as fast as she could.

Vyr stood in the doorway completely lost as she watched the rose petals around her girlfriend fade away revealing Ruby had changed her entire outfit in what was only a handful of seconds. She took a deep breath in before exhaling slowly. "Weiss and Blake got into it and now we need to find Blake cause she ran off and y'all don't know where."

Vyr took another deep breath to stabilize herself and said, " alright where do we start?"

Yang was shocked. "Just like that? You're going to help just like that?"

The blonde was floored at just how easily Vyr stepped up to help. She figured that Ruby would at least need to explicitly ask for Vyr's help. Blake wasn't exactly Vyr's problem, not in the slightest.

"Yep. Just like that," Vyr replied to yang. "Now what's the plan, Cap'n?" She asked ruby.

Ruby went unfazed by Vyr's quick acceptance, her trust in Vyr was complete and seemingly unshakable. She didn't bother to stop and ask for Vyr's help, she'd already concluded that Vyr would be helping.

"We'll split into teams, you and Yang will ask around and search together," Ruby pointed to Vyr as she spoke. "Weiss and I will go look around outside. We'll cover more ground this way. We need to find her and fast. It's been an entire weekend and she hasn't shown up once. We've only got a few days until classes start back up."

Weiss sat back, watching everyone nod at each other before turning on her heel and storming down the hall. She didn't know how to feel, seeing her teammates, her friends?, so determined to bring Blake back when she was the reason Blake was gone. It left her questioning her beliefs and education once again. She felt as if everything was against her, that everything she had ever known was wrong, that everything she was so sure of was wrong, that she was wrong.

But the White Fang? After all that they had done, to her, to her family, to her family's company? That couldn't be wrong too? Could it?

Ruby wasted no time chasing after Weiss, leaving Vyr and Yang to ask team JNPR if they knew where their missing teammate was. As the Vyr raised her hand to knock on the door, Ruby rushed back up to the duo with a package in her hands.

"Uhm, I-I know now isn't it-the best time, but it's the Vytal festival, and I-I just wanted to,uh, HERE!" She blushed as she shoved the package into Vyr's arms before dashing off after Weiss again.

Looking down at the package that was thrusted into her hands, Vyr smiled softly. It had been a while since she'd gotten a gift from someone. It was usually her doing the gifting. The last time she remembered getting something was when Yennefer had congratulated her on becoming a full fledged Witcher.

She carefully pulled the packaging string and unfolded the plain wrapping paper to find a large folded cloth. It was dyed a matching gradient to her hair, red blurring into blue. In the center of the cloth was a wolf symbol and pinned to the corner of the cloth were two small metal pins in the shape of Ruby's personal semblance symbol.

After seeing the pins it was obvious to Vyr what the thick cloth was. A cloak. Like the one Ruby had gotten from her mother. Ruby had gotten her a traveling cloak, personalized just for her.

Vyr's smile grew as she took the pins and threw the cloak over her shoulders before pinning it in place, just as she had seen Ruby do.

Yang smiled as well seeing how happy Vyr was about the gift and teased, "I'm pretty sure Josh said something about you not liking capes. Something about how they get in the way?"

Vyr shot her a sharp glare and huffed,"Shut up, let's go find blake."

Vyr walked off and Yang just laughed it off, enjoying being able to tease Vyr like this. It was rare for Vyr to not be on top of the conversation. Seeing her like this reminded Yang that no matter how harsh or brasen Vyr was she was still a person too. 'If only she was like this more often' Yang lamented while running to catch up to the embarrassed witcher.

*\Vyr POV/*

I tracked Blake's scent out from the dorms onto the campus grounds. It seems she ran around for a bit before heading down the main path towards the bullhead docking area. From there she departed on one of the in-city transports, but that's where her scent trail ended. I had lost her.

The bullhead currently docked wasn't the same as the one she boarded and there was no telling where she departed from the ship either. So unless we scoured all of the stops across town, we needed a new plan.

"Yeah, I got nothing after this point. Any ideas Yang?"

"You know Blake. She doesn't share a lot with anyone. I can't think of anywhere in town she might have gone."

We stood there for a second thinking about possibilities but Blake's reclusive nature was showing just how little we knew her. We had been a team for a while now but she never really shared with us about herself.

"Can you use some magic and find her?" Yang asked, thinking about what they could do.

"Nothing small enough to be used right now. If we don't find her when classes start I'll try something big then."

" Why not now?" Yang questioned accusingly.

"If it was easy I would have done it already. The only really available magic I know I already taught you. What I have in mind would take a while to set up and needs a bunch of annoying prep. It's better to try something else before that. And who's to say Blake won't return before it's done?" I explained. It'd suck to set up a whole spell just for it to be unneeded.

"Damn. Sorry, I'm just worried about her." Yang apologized.

"Its fine, we're all a bit stressed. You take a minute to calm down, I'll go see if the dockmaster knows anything." I suggested looking around.

"What's a dockmaster?"

"You know, the person who watches the dock and schedules ships. Do they call it something else here?"

"Vyr, Beacon's bullheads are on an automated system." yang stated plainly

"Damn! I was gonna ask if they had seen her leave. Back home they would track ships arrivals and departures too. We could've used that." I explained, shaking my head, trying to think up new leads.

"Wait, that's a good idea!" Yang exclaimed, walking towards a bullhead.

"What is? You just said they are automated. We can't ask the machine. Can we? Doesn't that need a password or some code?"

"Maybe we can't check dock's log, but that doesn't mean we can't ask someone who might have seen her.'' Yang said, boarding the bullhead and inputting a destination.


Yang took us to the beacon parking area only for us to get on her motorcycle and set off once again. We spent most of the day checking blakes frequent haunts, the scarce few we knew of, and a few hours before sunset we got a lead. She had a meeting with a faunus at a coffee shop she went to once. Yes we were checking places she went to only once. We were lacking choices alright.

Apparently the faunus was the same one that stowed away on that ship we saw. The owner didn't know where they were going but a few lien and he remembered they said they were going somewhere with a lot of people. Yang apparently knew just the place, and off we were again.

As the sun sank below the horizon we were darting through the industrial district. We dodged cars and trucks of various sizes only to stop in front of a club simply named JR's.

There was no bouncer and upon entering it was clear why. They simply don't care if you were old enough to enter or not. Some of the people on the dance floor were still in Signal uniforms, like the one Ruby had in her closet back on patch.

From the moment I stepped into the dark club, I was in love. There were people scattered about the room, which was surprisingly clean, and the music beat around us as spotlights flashed and lazers flickered in the air, accentuating the song. Alcohol of all different kinds seemed to litter the bar and the music seemed to be a remix of a song Ruby had shown me, but the base was practically making the room vibrate.

Yang walked in like she owned the place so I just followed her flow and walked like I was the most badass witcher in the room, which I was. She walked straight to the bar and ordered a strawberry sunrise like she had done it dozens of times before, even asking for the barkeep to add a small umbrella, whatever that meant. The large well dressed older man beside her struck up a conversation with her and Yang started flirting as if nothing was wrong with that. I had other things on my mind. Like the many bottles of alcohol I've never seen before.

As I was pestering the barkeep to bring me every drink he could, I heard the guy talking to Yang call out "Are you not gonna stop her?" in a high pitched voice.

Yang was standing there holding the boss of the club by his family jewels getting him to call her sir. I just finished off the latest creation I was served and said " you should keep playing with sir good cop. If it were me," I made a weak igni with my hand igniting the air and with a small roll of my wrist it released that cotton candy smell " you'd be eaten 'em roasted."

He shriveled up real quick then, I'm sure the almost sickly sweet smell wasn't helping too much right now either. I went back to my increasing line of drinks and tried to shake the pain out of my hand. While it was intimidating, fire and me just don't get along. Made learning igni a bitch and a half. Geralt wasn't joking about witchers losing fingers when learning signs. Makes me want to thank Valkira every time I remember it.

"Come'on~ let's kiss and make up, ok?"

I couldn't help but turn and look at Yang in shock, hearing what she said. She leaned forward with her eyes closed about to kiss the guy she just had by the balls, literally. I could only sigh in relief as she sucker punched the guy clear across the dancefloor, she was just playing with the poor idiot.

Turning back to my drinks I saw the barman reaching under the counter trying to be sneaky. I cocked a brow at him and asked "That a gun?" He looked conflicted but nodded yes.

"You were gonna try and shoot me weren't you?" He nodded again with a pitiful look.

"You know that's a bad idea right?" he looked over my shoulder to yang mopping the floor with people dressed just like him, and nodded with a scared expression.

"Alright. since you were honest, drink this, clench your teeth, and try to go with the force. It'll hurt less that way. After that just do yourself a favor and stay down, ya hear?" I said pushing back one of the shots he poured for me. He looked at me for a moment then sagged his shoulders nodding once more. He downed the shot and set his teeth together before nodding he was ready.

"Good man." I complemented before landing a clean hit to his jaw. It'd hurt and leave a showy bruise but he got off easy compared to if he had actually shot at me.

I hopped the counter and grabbed the shotgun the bartender was trying to grab, before tossing it away into a dark corner of the room. I poured another drink into a glass and walked out to where Yang was proving quality over quantity the hard way.

She was knocking his head left and right while syncing the beat down to the music. Which was nice to watch until the DJ in a bear mask pulled a gun and she had to beat the stupid out of him as well. Launched the guy clear off the stage and onto the dance floor in front of the newest contenders for bad ideas of the day. Two girls who had to be twins, dressed in similar outfits with differing colors of red and white.

"Melanie, who is this girl?" Red asked in a nasally tone.

"I don't know, Miltia, but we should teach her a lesson." White responded in a matching tone.

'Oof, those voices just ruined my vibe. Like seeing a nice show but you spilled your drink in your lap.' Vyr thought to herself while taking a sip of her drink. "Hey Foul! You can't just take out the music like that Sir good cop!" Vyr yelled, taking a seat at the side of the dance floor turned fight arena. Weirdly she was holding her bottle at arms length from her seat, leaving her looking extra unperturbed where she sat.

"It's fine! It's just loading the next song!" Yang yelled back as she jumped off the stage after reloading her gauntlets with style.

Her fresh belt of shells were depleted at a rapid pace as her two opponents closed the distance with haste and skill, not being hit once. The two then launched a chain of combination attacks showing just how well they worked with one another.

The red sister was using some kind of arm blade that came out over her knuckles, while the wite sister had blades on the back of her legs instead. Both knew how to use their unique weapons well, and working together they managed to cover each other leading to a flowing chain of attacks that left Yang on the defensive. Their advantage came to a screeching halt as Yang turned the tables by blocking a powerful kick from Melanie, creating distance between the sisters and herself.

Yang moved with the momentum and landed on her feet in a crouch before accelerating back into the sisters. A strong right hook left Melanie thrown back just as she had been, separating the pair. What followed was a flurry of punches at Miltia leading up to a quick kick to the legs destroying her balance. White didn't even have time to stand up before her sister came flying past her from Yang's four hit combo of stomach punches.

Melanie fared better alone against Yang as she fainted kick after kick while pushing Yang back with footwork alone. Yang who learned from her father how to fight was left waiting and losing ground as no opportunity to counter was present as all her opponent was doing was faints. Then it happened, what would normally be covered by her sister, a gap in her footwork left there for her sister.

But Miltia was nowhere to be found, Yang's blows were not that easy to recover from. What followed was a sloppy attempt to cover for herself with a high round kick. Yang ducked the awkward attack and elbowed the girl in the sternum, knocking the air from her body by force. Grabbing her outstretched arm, Yang spun the girl around herself, before ending it with a clotheslining roundhouse kick to the head.

Vyr flinched seeing the kick land so cleanly. It was a shame really, the sisters were a beautiful pair of girls, and a kick like that could ruin a face or two easily. Thankfully aura was a common thing here or else Melanie would be in for a harsh time. As it were, the girl wasnt even knocked unconscious and stood up before limping away off the dance floor.

Yang stood alone on the emptied and broken dance floor as Jr. himself walked back into the light. He had been missing since Yang had first punched him, kicking off this whole fight club scenario. And he didn't come back empty handed.

On his shoulder was a massive weapon, something that Vyr was unfamiliar with. Even in the knowledge of weapons from Ashe, such a weapon was not found. Naturally seeing such an unknown weapon, Vyr was excited. Her eyes were glowing as she sat at the edge of her seat waiting in anticipation to see what such a large weapon could do.

And Junior didn't disappoint, with a forgettable one liner of "Your gonna regret that" he pulled the trigger. Oh boy was it a sight, six, SIX separate projectiles were launched in a line from his one barrel. Then all of them went and targeted Yang, turning in the air, and staggering their arrival. The accuracy left a lot to be expected though, as a few of the projectiles missed, one even went towards the roof. But junior seemed unfazed as he fired a second salvo without even reloading his weapon. But Yang was ready and threw punch after punch shooting down each of his attacks with ones of her own.

Junior didn't sit still this time and rushed through the smoke left behind after his attack was countered. His weapon morphed into a bludgeon, and he swung with determination, connecting with Yang's crossed arms. It was a heavy and meaty blow, but Yang's aura shield held as she was pushed away from the impact, crashing through a glass table as she landed.

Standing up Yang was pissed, her hair cast a fiery glow onto the surroundings as her semblance began to show. Rushing back into the frey there was a short exchange of blows before Yang took the chance to release her frustration from their previous exchange. Right, left, right, left, right left right left, RIGHT! Her fists performed a wondrous chain of blows onto Junior's ribs, ending with an awfully heavy liver shot. Once again junior was sent flying away after one of Yang's punches.

Staggering to his feet he looked at his weapon, it was broken in half just above the handle completely destroyed. But it wasn't as if he lost without gaining anything, on the other hand was a long lock of yellow hair. Yang's yellow hair.

Vyr could only look away, you never, NEVER, touch yangs hair. That's the one surefire way to set her off into a blind rage. And sure enough Yang was raging at the sight of her hair in his hands. Thick blinding yellow flames were released from her person as she kicked off the ground closing the distance between her and her target with a speed that was reminiscent of Ruby's. The yellow flaming blur reached Junior before he could react and a fury filled fist connected with his jaw with only the barest remnants of his aura to protect him. Then, he was gone, thrown clear outside his own club. Exiting forcefully through the nice stained window installed above the entrance, out onto the streets below.

Seeing the show was over, Vyr stood up and walked over to Yang who was "cooling off" so to speak.

"Alrighty then. I assume you got what we came here for right?"

"Huh? Oh yeah. I got everything we needed. Blake was spotted at a hotel, center of town. She was with a faunus guy. The one we saw at the docks."

"When did you get all that?" Vyr asked, enjoying the crunch of broken glass beneath her boots as they walked to the door.

"You're not the only one with magic you know," Yang said with a mischievous smile showing off a document on her scroll.