Chapter - 5

(3rd person P.O.V)

After that, he walks to his office, and walks to the self, as he takes one book out from the self, the solve move aside and the door appears behind it. He opens the door and a stair which is going downwards appear in front of him.

He walks down to the stars and as he steps down the last step a tunnel appears in front of him and he walks in the tunnel which takes him backside of their area where the cars are parked in the parking plot. He had put it in the system of a game to have a secret tunnel behind his office self in case of emergency so that they can run away and save their life.

He makes a mental note to show the tunnel to his friend so that they know where to hide if they are attacked behind his back. He retreats his steps back to his office an walks towards his room to take a shower and get in comfortable clothes.

After getting dressed he told one of his servants to send a cup of hot chocolate to Lena's room and walk out to the storeroom. When he saw no one there, he walks backside of the storehouse, where he saw a brick coming out of the wall. He takes that brick and pulls it away, the wall separated from each other and the stairs going downstairs come in front of him.

He walks downstairs and walks inside the darkroom. He takes his phone out of his pocket and opens the flashlight on it then search for a switch when he finds it, he switches on the lights and close the flashlights on his phone and put it back on his pocket. He turns to see the same equipment and machines he has in his lab in office and sighed in relief. He attached the pen drive in the equipment and start the equipment. Then he opens the software on it and types something in code language. A smile form in his face when the smiling face of David come in front of his eyes.

"Cheif," Ethan said smiling at him.

"Ethan, how are you? I hope everything is fine there?" David asks him.

"Yes, Cheif, everything is fine, I have checked the tunnels and this room, everything is going according to the plan," Ethan said smiling at him.

"Good to know that, how is the feeling of in the virtual world? Is there any difference you notice in the virtual world or real-world? It looks like a real-world in the screen," David said to him.

"It feels wonder-full here, and it almost looks like a real-world, just the more advanced world, with a high technical advance gadget," Ethan said, a smile still intact at his face.

"Good, good, I hope you guys are enjoying there," David asks him.

"Yes, Cheif," Ethan said nodding his head at him.

"Anything more that you like to tell me?" David asks him.

"No, Cheif," Ethan said.

"Good, you know what to do if anything happened, right?" David asks him.

"Yes, chief," Ethan said to him.

"Good, call me if anything happened, or if you need any help, I would try my best to help you, as much as I can from here, Okay?" David asks and Ethan nodded his head at him.

"Just make sure, you have backed up for the electricity if the power goes out due to any circumstances and that no one able to hack the system, " Ethan said giving the instruction to the chief.

"I will," David said to him and end up the video call. From today's incident, Ethan realizes they need to learn how to handle the situation they have face today and become stronger so that they can finish this game and come out of the game safely. So he started working on the game, and arrange a training ground with a trainer to train them and started looking for the new place to move there with his gang.

While he was working on the game, other players, have taken bath, get in the comfortable clothes and come down for dinner, and after dinner discuss something about the game with Ethan. When they did not find him there, they call him and he picks up on the second call.

"Hello," Ethan said picking up the phone.

"Ethan where are you? Dinner is ready and everyone is waiting for you," Lena said on the phone.

"Okay, I will be there in no time," Ethan said in the phone and hang up her. Ethan saves all the work he had done on the equipment and walks out of the secret room. Then he walks back inside the building. He walks inside the dining room, seat at the head of the chair and the servants serve them their dinner. After dinner, they lead his friends to his office.

"You guys said, you want to talk to me about something," Ethan said sitting behind his desk and everyone started talking at the same time.

"Guys, guys, guys, please calm down and say one by one, otherwise I don't be able to understand you," Ethan said to them and Eric decided to go first.

"Dude, we need to train for this action game, we almost died a few times, it's all new to us," Eric said worriedly.

"I know, that's why I decided to, arrange training session for us, where we learn to shoot and fight to protect ourself, and Lena if you want to quit the game because what happened today, then you can I will understand if you do so," Ethan said looking at her.

"What? What happened to you, Lena?" Sam asked worriedly.

"She almost gets raped, by another gang member, when we are on the port for the material," Ethan informed them.

"What? Are you okay, Lena?" Sam asks worriedly looking for any injuries.

"I am fine, at first I thought of quitting but after knowing that you are arranging a training session for us so that we can fight better and protect ourselves self then I think I can handle it," Lena said smiling at him.

"That's my girl. that is what I expect from you," Ethan said smiling at him and ruffle her hair.

"Can we move out of this place and go a somewhere better place, until we finish the game?" Sam asks him.

"I don't like this place at all," Sam said making a disgusting face.

"So dose we," Elliot said agreeing with her.

"Just give a week and I will find a new place for us to leave," Ethan said to them.

"So how far did you like the game?" Ethan asks him.

"Good, we really enjoyed so far until we almost get killed a few times, but it was so much fun and full of excitement," Chris said smiling at him and others agreed with him.

"Okay, I wanted to show you guys something, however, we are going to another place I want you all to know about it, just in case," Ethan said showing them a secret door.

"Its a secret door, which leads you to a tunnel and that tunnel will lead you to the area, which will lead you to a safe place, in case of emergency, it also has cars beside the safe area if you want to run away from here," Ethan said and take them to the safe area. After that, they get back to his office and talk for some time. They said good night to each other and go to their room to get much-needed sleep.