In the market trade which belonged to Eva's father, a group of people entered the place by a force
- Grey gets you f***ing**s here or I will make this place into dust ( one elder from the group )
- Lian Hao, why are you attacking my business ( Grey )
- you said that your daughter was in training for a month, and now she didn't back yet... what will happen to my marriage ( Lian Hao he is the young master Hao )
- who is the one make a lot of noise here ( Ling Xi )
- ohh~ such a beautiful lady ... maybe I will forgive you if you introduce this lady to me ( Lian Hao )
- you dare to be disrespected to .... ( Grey )
- let him be Grey ( Ling Xi )
- yes, my lady ( Grey )
- ... { who is this lady?... why that f***ing man so respectfully for her?... so, she is a big shot } .. I don't dare to be disrespected to this beautiful lady... may I know your name? ( Lian Hao )
- so you are the future husband for Eva? ( Ling Xi )
- ohh~ you had heard about me?.. am I this fame? ( Lian Hao )
- no, I am here to end this marriage ( Ling Xi )
- are you jealous my lady?... do you want to be my woman? ( Lian Hao )
- Lian Hao... you dare? ( Grey with angry in his voice )
- fret not uncle Grey.... that just proves how narrow-minded ( Ling Xi )
- I don't deserve to be called " Uncle " my lady, just call me by my name ( Grey )
- you now lick her shoes like a dog, what a shame ( Lian Hao )
- shut up if you know who she is, you will beg for the mercy for what you did ( Grey )
- I, Lian Hao, am in friendship with the seventh prince, who had come to attend my marriage, and you dare to beg for mercy from that b**ch ( Lian Hao )
- you will pay for what you have said and your marriage will be off ( Qui Li Yuin )
- wow~ there is such a beauty in the city and I don't know.... maybe if you become my woman, I will forget about my marriage with Eva ( Lian Hao )
- and you dare? ( Qui Li Yuin )
- and why he doesn't dare, after all, he is under my command
All of the people turned to see the group of people entering the building and before the one person wearing high-class clothes
- it's the seventh prince
- waaaah, cool
- it's a pleasure for me to come to our town your majesty ( Lian Hao )
- well well, it's junior brother Shui Xi ( Ling Xi )
- hmm.... waaaah... it... it's your senior sister Ling Xi... I.. I apologize for the unforgivable acts that he did while he under my command ( he said it with a fearing voice ) ... but... he wants to marry some beautiful woman so... sorry senior sister Ling Xi, but it is not your business ( with a disrespectful voice )
- but my information said that there a way to cancel this marriage ( Ling Xi )
- yeah, there is a way but.... this impossible for a Mana user to beat a qi user ( Lian Hao )
- that doesn't mean that because she is not a qi user that she can not defeat a useless brat like you ( Ling Xi )
- at the first place, she ran away so there is no way to define... ( Lian Hao )
- and who said that I ran away ( Eva and Xuan Jian came in the building and the ELEMENT DEMONIC WOLF walk next to them ) ... I said I will go into the forest for training
- y... your majesty... h..he is the one who took the demonic wolf that you are ordered us to bring it ( Lian Hao )
- huh.... isn't that the useless one who let his guards injured and ran away..... is that him who named Eva's future husband? ( Xuan Jian )
- ohh~ so you are the one who dare to take my wolf, if you apologized and... ( Shui Xi )
- let me continue this part... ahem ahem " if you apologized and kneel down three-time, kowtow nine times and let me cut your limps, I will make you died in a painless way " ( trying to mime Shui Xi's voice ) ... and my answer will be " stop talking and take it with your actions " ( Xuan Jian )
- hey, why are you late? ( Ling Xi )
- hmm... the truth is...
At the gate of Lan Ha city
- what?.. what does mean we can't enter the city? ( Eva )
- sorry but you can not enter the city before you make a plate for your wolf ( the guard )
- a plate? { like a car? } ( Xuan Jian imagined the wolf with a plate lopping from the wolf's neck like a necklace )
- so we stayed three hours waiting for the routine papers... so sorry ( Xuan Jian )
- so what the results of the training? ( Ling Xi )
- hmm... if she against that useless brat, he will absolutely lose for him ( Xuan Jian )
- is that so? ( Ling Xi )
- I will not let you insult me ( Lian Hao )
- the seventh prince, what about we do bet if Eva lose I will give you this ( Xuan Jian referring to the sword which made from the sparks )... but if I win you will be under her majesty ( he pointed to Ling Xi )
- hmm.. a bug dare to make a bet with me, but why not if I will win in the end... hahaha ( Shui Xi )
- ok so the match will be held into two days in the Lan Ha arena until that day no one will make a move against the other, is that ok with you? ( Xuan Jian )
- ok, our next meeting will be in two days later, you should prepare to hand your sword to me ( Shui Xi while he went out with his company )