"Peanut butter and chocolate, right?"
I laughed as I saw the familiar smirk on her face, "you know me too well!" I took the cup as Kensi still stared in surprise.
She chuckled, "how's the new place, captain? Shown off your skills yet?" She leaned a bit closer, "shown those Alphas a thing or two?"
"Not yet. So how much do I owe ya?"
"Treat me at the restaurant and we'll call it even." She glanced to the group around me, lost her smile slightly, but it returned as she looked back to me. "Ty said you're home on the weekends, so I'll come by!" She turned to the group and began taking their orders.
I went to Luca, "I'm gonna go wait outside at the free table." He nodded, so I headed out. I sat at the only free table and began eating. I looked up and smiled to each of the group as they came out one-on-one. They sat at the table but, when Olivia came out last, there were no seats left. I rushed to stand and gestured for her to sit.
"I'm okay, really!"
I smirked, "I was raised this way, Olivia. Please."
She blushed before going and sitting in the seat. "I wish more guys were like you!" Kensi said with a chuckle.
"I got lucky with great parents."
"I thought you were raised by your mom."
I nodded to Luca, "I was raised by my Mom and Dad. Well, technically my step-dad."
"So why'd that girl call you captain?"
I leaned on the wall behind Olivia and Luca's seats. "I was the captain of the basketball team at my last school."
"Then you should join our school's team!" Olivia said with excitement that I couldn't reflect.
"I've got too much going on to worry about sports."
Kensi smirked, "too much going on? Do you mean that Omega?"
Luca grunted, "just about everyone in our class was talking about it. Is he really your boyfriend?"
I nodded, "of over 5 years."
Olivia glanced to me, "it must be hard, with the move and all."
I nodded, "we'll make it work." I looked at my phone, "ah, I've gotta go. I'll see you guys tomorrow." I quickly texted a number before throwing away my trash.
Aaron rushed to his feet, "I'll come with you! I promised Ava that I'd take you home."
I smiled, "I'm not going to that house."
I looked to Olivia, "I have to go to my second job."
"You have 2 jobs? Why?"
I looked to Kensi as my smile faded, "the courts make it where I cannot leave his home until I am 18. I'm going to move out the day after and need to get money together for that to happen."
"You're gonna pay for your own college?"
I shook my head, "college isn't in the cards for me..." A sports car stopped in front of the ice cream shop and caught everyone's attention.
"Come on, kid! We'll be late!"
"Comin'!" I went to grab my bag, but Aaron got it first. I looked to him with confusion.
"Who's that Alpha?"
I frowned, "a coworker." I pulled the bag out of his grip. "See ya' later." I rushed over to the car and hopped into the passenger's seat.
By the time I got back to that man's home, it was nearly 10 pm. I quietly crept inside and nearly got to my room, but was stopped as he came out of his study and down the hallway towards me.
"Where have you been?"
I reflected his glare, "I helped out a friend who couldn't go to his job."
"You were supposed to come back here after school every day except for Wednesdays. That was our deal."
I scoffed, "deal? I said I would only work at Dad's restaurant on Wednesdays and weekends. I never agreed to only having 1 job." I adjusted my bag on my shoulder to give myself a minute to cool down. "I planned to live with Mom and Dad after high school until I could support myself. Now I need to make enough money to be on my own by the time I graduate."
Peter huffed, "you're going to succeed my company, so you're not going out on your own. You're going to college." He moved closer as his scowel deepened, "and that lowly Beta isn't your 'dad'. I'M your father!"
I let out a sarcastic laugh, "so now you're my father?! HA! You have never and will never be my father! You're just the sleazy Alpha that raped my Mom and then abandoned us." I unlocked my bedroom door, "don't decide my future, Peter. I know what I want and you won't change it. Give up controlling me because it's not gonna happen."
He smirked slightly, "you're a Beta, boy. It doesn't matter what you do. You will never have as much power as Grayson and I."
"And I'm blessed every day to know I'm NOTHING like you or other Alphas."
I began to go into my room but paused when he moved to stand directly next to me. Even with all the confidence I was trying to exude, my heart thumped harder with his presence so close. "Inform your step-father that you will not be going to his place this weekend."
I whipped around in pure rage, "weekends are the only time I get at MY home with MY family! You're not taking that away from me!"
"There is a party for one of the company's most important partners on Saturday. You are to attend and present yourself as my heir."
I tossed my bag into my room to fight back my pheromones from bursting out. "I'm not staying just to meet with some rich, pompous elites." I rushed into my room, slammed the door shut, and locked it.
I quickly went to shower and got into bed. As I went to plug in my phone to charge, I saw I had a missed call. I quickly called back and listened.
"Why didn't you pick up earlier? Are you okay?"
I felt my heart lessen in pain, "sorry, I was showering. It took me a lot longer to get home than I expected." He didn't speak, but I heard some quiet movements. "What's wrong?"
"I don't know how long I can take this, Cal!" He sniffed, "I miss you SO much, I'm going crazy!"
My heart ached and I fought tears, "Ty..."
"I know it's not something we can fix but I...I've never been away from you for this long!" Suddenly there was a bunch of noise on his end, including his mom yelling. He sighed deeply, "I've gotta go. Mom caught me."
I gulped, "okay. But Ty," I choked back slightly, "I love you so much, it hurts. Its killing me to do this to you. I'm so sorry."
Ty scoffed slightly, "I know you love me, Cal. I love you too. We'll get through it...I...I just had to get out some of my feelings or I was gonna break down."
"I know, now go before your Mom whoops me."
He snickered, "goodnight."
"Goodnight." I waited for Ty to hang up as I couldn't do it. When the call ended, I sat and watched the screen until it went back.
What can I do for him? To make him feel better? To show how much I love him? I sighed deeply before laying back on the bed. I still have to tell him about what happened with that Eli guy and I have no idea what to do. I don't want to make him worry...but someone else touched me. That's gonna kill him and make him worry.
I yawned and decided to get into the bed. I quickly fell into a deep sleep and relaxed.