Last Steps before the END

"Why the hell did you do that, Good? You know that dealing with the others about this is a pain in the ass! Heck, some of them look for trouble for even less! But a whole universes worth of souls? How are you going to explain it to the others, how do you plan to get out of this big brother?"

Neutral just got a head flick from her brother as she was finally finished with her rant. Doing this only made her more upset, but Good stopped her before she would snap.

"Now, before you explode..."

Good glared at her, signaling her to stay out of his business.

"I am glad that you worry about me but stay out of my business. This is my problem to deal with and not yours. Now tell me what's been worrying you since you visited me."

Good waited for her response. He expected anything from his sister, from getting angry and loud to just clenching her body, trying to suppress her emotions, but her kind of didn't really expect one emotion...

...she started crying.

Neutral just straight up started crying.

"Is that so, good? You are right, things never really changed from back then, even now where we basically stand at the top of existence you still don't see us as worthy to support you. Why do you always carry your burden alone, why don't you rely on us for even a bit, we are your precious siblings, right? So why do you do this, this is the reason why Evil went down the path he went down, he just wanted you to rely on him a bit, he seized power, gained influence, but at the end you still shot him down and went to do you own thing? Tell me honestly, we are just nuisances that always stand in your way, right? We always were just holding you back, just tell me and I will never bother you again...?"

Neutral was surprised as her brother suddenly patted her head, before pulling her into a tight embrace. It was warm, it was comfortable, and she felt save in it, but at the end she pushed her brother away. She didn't want to get consoled this way, she wanted to be angry at him, she wanted answers.

But her brother just insisted and hugged her again.

"You are angry, right? Well, I understand it, I am basically forcing you to calm down after all, but if I don't do this, you won't listen to me, if you won't listen to me, you'll stay angry with me, if you stay angry you'll start avoiding me, not wanting to see me and that's something I don't want. You two idiots are still very important to me."

This time she didn't push him away, she accepted his warm big arms, she was still angry though.

"You pouting? Well, at least I know you are willing to listen to me now, right Neutral?"

She was upset, but at the end she still nodded. She was still the same little girl that wanted her big brothers affection, even now when she is already an outer god.

"You know, Neutral. I never intended to push you two so far away that it would create wedge in our relationship. I simply never accepted your twos help because I was your big brother! I mean, I was the one who had to take care of us all, I had to ensure that we three would survive another day, we were orphans, and nobody wanted us. I just wanted you two to grow up safely, so I had to grow up for the three of us."

Neutral nodded as she heard that, she more or less already knew the reason why he pushed them away, after all she was a big goddess. But still, she wanted to hear it from his mouth, as a reassurance, she couldn't read HIS mind.

Neutral stayed in her brothers lap for a while, before she pushed off of him and stood up.

"Well, I myself found a solution to my problem already, so I don't need your advice anymore. I am all grown up now, heck, I probably am more than grown up, considering that I am an outer goddess. Just you look big brother! I don't require your help anymore to do my job!"

And with that said Neutral disappeared from his realm. Good chuckled, his little sister was still the adorable kid he had to take care off. Well, things might change now, now that she decided to be more independent.


Neutral emerged in a different place than before, this place was even at the border of the Underverse.

She was here, looking around, noticing the billions of billions of souls that were leaving this multiverse. She needed to catch one specific soul out of the bunch, that one specific red soul of DETERMINATION.

She spotted it from the crowd of souls and stopped it from leaving the universe just yet. It was the lover of the girl that tried to become the embodiment of peace, it was this universes Chara.

Neutral stopped it from leaving yet and held it into place. She sighed, it was an inactive soul, how unfortunate, well she still can give it the task.

"Another aspect of you is creating troubles in the multiverse. I don't really have a way to remove it, other than completely obliterating the problem from existence, which I don't want to, because I took pity in that left behind aspect of yours. Take this key with you and one day you'll know when you have to activate it to solve the problem, until then, take care with your new life and host."

Giving the soul the task, Neutral let it continue on its path, she didn't do this because she was lazy and didn't want to deal with this, she did this, because she didn't delicacy of dealing with these kinds of things and tasks.

She sighed, she wondered when the time will be for that soul to deal with that mess, but then she remembered that she still had a lot do. That problem will be solved before she'll be able to finish all of her business.


It has been a while since the events of Frisks, no Akanes rebirth happened, but of course Chara didn't know yet.

What? No, not the Chara whose soul is with her, the Chara that has been left behind after the destruction of their universe.

That remnant that was left behind continued on with the endless cycle of mundane daily activities. Taking care of a house she dreamed together, piecing together memories that weren't supposed to be put together, but she didn't know.

She just lived on, continuing to wait for their loved one, the loved one that didn't exist anywhere anymore.

Chara woke up once again, dressing up in their usual outfit once again, took care of the house once again and cooked once again. All in all, it was just a normal day, once again.

Well, it was a bit noisy outside, but other than that it really was a normal day.

She didn't know what was going outside, but if she knew she would know that her would be shortly coming to an end.

"You are just some stray remnants of HATE, HATE that's been left, because I, no, each aspect of me discarded you, because we didn't need it anymore."

Another her was mercilessly slaughtering the HATE that confined her to this universe, to this place. Be that as it is, but at the end, the only reason that piece of her existing was because the HATE clung onto her existence and as that her existence was assured in this place.

"You piece of garbage are not needed anymore, so stop clogging up some data for the multiverse."

No that was a lie. It has been already over since a long time. She wasn't supposed to exist anymore, she wasn't supposed to be here, she was an anomaly that didn't belong here. She never was aware of anything, her surroundings, her situation, her whole being. It was the desire to stay ignorant, the desire to not know anything, because too much knowledge is dangerous.

She wanted to stay ignorant, repeating an endless mundane cycle of waiting for her loved one, it was for her own sake, she wanted to stay happy after all. Knowing would take that little thin veil away.

"This is the end!"

This was a crossroad.

"All creations end is here!"

The decision between perishing,

"I am the angel that foretold destruction!"

or just accepting that this is the end.

"So, I am here to deliver it!"

How will it arrive?


The new beginning.


Chara was still cooking as all of that happened. She was currently setting up her meal when suddenly someone knocked on her door and opened it.

Chara wasn't really bothered by it for some reason. Well, the reason was that it has been a while since a guest arrived here, even all of her friends didn't visit here since a long time, so she wasn't bothered by the company.

Well, that and even if the person that entered would be dangerous she would have ways to deal with them, so she wasn't really unsettled.


The person greeted her, she just looked at the direction of the voice and gave them a short smile, before continuing to cook, she was a bit surprised, because the voice sounded familiar, but she wouldn't let that distract her from cooking.

"Oh my, I didn't expect to have guests in this time and place, please come inside, I am still preparing lunch for my wife."

Chara felt a bit of pride. It has been a while since she interacted with, basically anything. It was a breath of fresh air to have the opportunity to brag about her soulmate.

"Your wife?"

Apparently the person in front wasn't much of a talker, considering that he only used so few words. Well, at least they asked the right question, though an ominous feeling still spread through her, as if she spoke to someone that she once knew a long time ago. That kind of feeling spread through her.

"Yes, my wife. Are you surprised? I just swing that way after all. I just love her with all my being!"

This kind of conversation continued on for a while. It was more or less about some trivial things. Chara felt a bit joyful talking about her lover to someone else. After all, she didn't have any contact to another living being for a very long time, even if this turned into a bad apple, she was sure she could deal with it.

She just wanted to enjoy the moment, until some rather trivial seeming words completely threw her off.

"It's time to stop."

All thought processes in her brain halted for a moment. She didn't know how to react at these words. They literally came out of nowhere. Chara wondered, time for stopping what? Maybe cooking? That couldn't be, why would the stranger suddenly have problems with her cooking like this out of nowhere?

No this couldn't be it, but when this was not it, what could they possibly have meant? Countless lines of thoughts where running wildly through her brain, trying to connect any possible means how this situation could have come to be.

She didn't come to a conclusion.

"It's time to stop, your beloved won't return."

These simple words felt like a short pain going through her entire body, paralyzing it for a moment, making her drop the pot she had in her hands.

Chara gulped, she even started to sweat intensely after the meaning of these words hit her. Her beloved. Her beloved? Who was her beloved again?

It felt like she was supposed to know, as if this was the most important memory of her life, the core of her very being...

...but she just couldn't remember.

Their name, their birthday, their blood type, their favorite things, how they looked like, she wasn't even sure what their gender or sex was! She just couldn't remember anything about them anymore, as if everything about them was wiped off her brain.

Why. Why? Why couldn't she remember something so important? How was that possible?

"This is all a lie you created yourself. Your beloved is dead, and they will NEVER return."

These words seemed to pierce her heart, her very being. Chara just felt how all the strength in her legs left her and how she just had to kneel in the end.

Suddenly a sharp pain went through her head. It was as if it tried to unseal some forcefully put away memories.

Chara clutched her head, she clutched it so hard that her fingernails slowly dug into the skin of her head, making it bleed a little bit. It was as if she tried to prevent her head from bursting or anything.

Chara tried to comprehend the strangers words, but all that came out was lie, dead and never.

These words rung through her head over and over again, giving her a massive headache. It was as if these words were pulling on something.

It hurt, it hurt tremendously. It was something she didn't wanted. It was something she never wanted to know.

To counteract these three words another word was repeating like a broken recorder in her head. It was the word 'no'.

"It's over, you don't have a reason to exist anymore."

This was the last straw for her, the last drop that made her emotions overflow. She had enough of this, she had enough of these insults, she had enough of this situation.

Before she knew it, this feeling grew into animosity to the party that said these words. Without thought or hesitation Chara wanted that person to disappear and as such her world acted on that reflex.

Every object around her distorted into a more dangerous looking form, aiming at the stranger that just suddenly busted into her house like that, starting to insult her.

For a split second her body stopped to be tense. She breathed out in an exhausted manner, noticing that time seemed to stand still for her. She wondered why this was happening.

Not only that time seemed to stand still, but this entire situation. She tried to think back to the words that made her like this, but for some reason that memory seemed to completely slip her mind.

But at this moment she absolutely didn't care anymore.

One little stab and this would be over, it was as simple as that. She only needed to stop holding back and this would be over, but for some reason there just was this little hint of hesitation in the back of her mind, a thought that told her that she should overthink about the things that were said, a thought that a weight would be lifted of her shoulder if she listened to the person in front of her.

She scoffed at that thought, as if that were true.

Chara was still crying, but she still didn't care about anything of that.

Where her feelings come from, why those words hurt so much, why she couldn't remember anything about her lover, who that person in front of her was.

She just plainly doesn't care at all. She was going to end this right here and now and continue on with her life, doing the same things over and over again, even if she knew that her beloved wasn't there anymore.


She was going through with that, no doubt about that. There was nothing in the multiverse that would make her stop in that decision.

Well, no thing in the multiverse, all right, but what if that thing wasn't from her multiverse anymore? What if that thing was a person? But the most important thing is that the person in front of her was herself.

Seeing herself just...

"Well, you finally realized who was talking to you. Took you long enough, idiot! Seriously, how can my adult self be such an airhead? Did my love to her really warp me so much?"

She just silently looked at her for a moment, not knowing what kind of face she currently made. This situation was just getting over her head.


She was really confused. She just couldn't put any of her thoughts in order, just resulting in some incoherent mumbling as she opened her mouth.



Needless to say, both of them were confused.


After a while of only heavy confusion, both of them somehow managed to position themself on some seats before the living room table, they had a lot of talking to do.

"Want some tea?"

The situation between them was still a bit weird.

"Huh, oh know. I don't really need any, I originally wanted to leave after I dealt with you, so that's not necessary!"


Well, a bit was a too weak of a word here. They were really awkward with each other.

Both of them just fidgeted a bit for a while, until Chara (SoW) was the first one to speak up.

"I am sure you have questions for me, why not ask them? I promise that I'll answer to the best of my capabilities."

With that said, Chara (END) was still a lot uncomfortable with this situation. She just couldn't open her mouth, but she shook her head and steeled herself. She needed answers. Now.

"Well, first of all, what is this place?"

Hearing this Chara's (SoW) expression just darkened a considerable amount. She just realized that she had a lot of explaining to do.

"Are you serious?"

Her other self nodded at that question. She was pretty oblivious about the things around here since a long time even so.

"Well, do you at least know which part of 'me', I mean original me, you are?"

She just shook her head once again. She really had a lot to explain to her other self, didn't she?


After a very long and thorough explaining both Charas' just laid face first on the table surface. Chara (END) had a lot of information to take and Chara (Sow) had a lot of explaining to do, but at the end they both managed to answer all necessary questions.

"So I am that part of me."


"And just because of my obsession I managed to create a distortion in the multiverse."

"That you did."

"And all of that without even knowing why I did this to begin with?"

"Very generalized, but yes, that's the short version."

A moment of silence was between the two of them.

"Is Frisk alright?"

For a moment, the smile of the younger Chara disappeared. Painful memories.

"Frisk is gone now."

The older Chara had a shocked expression as she heard that. Thinking that she wasn't there anymore was a big shock for her.

"Woah calm down, I know it might be a surprise that she is now away, but don't think about it too much, she chose to reincarnate with a hard reset of her memories, so that is cleaned out, but I can assure you that the person that was created through it is just a sweetheart as big as her, promise!"

END Chara wiped her tears away, before shaking her head a bit. She wouldn't have wanted that she would be miserable about her death.

"Tell me about her."

"Really, you want to know that?"

She nodded and so the two talked about Akane for a while until they had enough.

There was really a lot of information to take, so much information that the author decided to spare you with all that info dump. She just didn't want to write anymore of that in this chapter.

ANYWAYS, after exchanging the information both of them were silent again. Especially END Chara had to process a lot of information.

"So, what now, adult me?"

She looked at her younger self and wondered. Indeed, what now. She couldn't stay here, that was clear, but where else could she go?

"You didn't make any plan to help me out, did you?"

SoW Chara just shook her head. She didn't plan anything in particular here, she just kind of followed some orders, she would have never though that this kind of aspect of hers was creating troubles. She just thought that it was just some destruction incarnate, pestering the multiverse, not some love-crazed fool, sealed in a lot of denial.

"Can't we be one again?"

Once again she shook her head.

"For that it's way too late. We are now two different entities, not belonging to each other anymore. Just like how all the other versions of 'me' in the multiverse aren't ME. Simple as that."

The older one nodded, that made sense to her, just like how all other beings that shared the same name, personality and basically every other trait of hers in the multiverse just aren't them, simply because they both hold a different soul.

"So, our souls already split apart."

"Oh, they did more than that, they are completely independent from each other. It's like how something whole split apart and instead of two halves we now have two wholes again. Funny, isn't it?"

She nodded once again, before the two of them fell into silence again. They didn't know how to proceed from now on.

"Think you could smuggle me out of here somehow?"

The younger one wanted to deny that for a moment, but then she an important detail again. The key she got was for transporting something out of this place, but she would automatically return to her old place after she completed the task, so why would she need a two-way key?

"You know what? I can! Just take this crystal and crush it completely! Should take you away from this place, how about it?"

She just looked at it for a moment before taking it, looking at her younger self with a questioning gaze.

"Just do it! I promise it won't do anything to dangerous, I hope."

"What was that last part?"

"Who cares, just take the risk head on? What's the worst that could happen? After all Neutral gave me this crystal!"

END Chara nodded, before crushing the crystal in her palm. After she did that she was enveloped with a blue energy that transported her away from this place.

SoW Chara had a satisfied smile on her face, she was a bit happy.


"I'll take this picture back home with me."

Because she was basically robbing her own house. She took all objects that had a sentimental value somehow with her and returned that way to the BNHA universe.

Where she stored the objects as she returned? Who knows? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


"Any day now."

Neutral was waiting for her delivery. She promised her brother to deal with that little problem and that she did.

That Chara managed to successfully deal with that little singularity in the middle of the multiverse and now she was waiting for the delivery that should arrive.

Right as she was getting impatient it finally came.

An adult Chara popped into existence from out of nowhere and fell right before her two feet.

"Took you long enough to arrive."

Still a bit disoriented she looked confused around, wondering where she was, but before she could memorize any details she was just carried up on her collar and dragged somewhere.

"Who are you? Where am I? What is this place? Where are you taking me?"

Neutral just sighed, this situation already gave her a massive headache and now she had to explain it?


"Calm down, it's me. I'll bring you somewhere where we will decide about your fate, so quit struggling and just obediently follow me."

Chara instantly just shut up, pleasantly surprising her. Maybe her kind advice got through?

No, she didn't notice, but she glared really heavily just now, making it unable for Chara to breath.