The Meeting

The photo on display sparked a memory. Simon immediately remembered his dream. He recalled sitting in his plane, maneuvering through a host of enemy planes and missiles,the memory was still fresh in his mind.

Simon was no fool, seeing the captain's photo made him realize though he didn't want to, that his mission over the enemy camp was far from being a dream.

Perhaps he's in a dream?

The headache had returned, heavy now but he fought it. A powerful surge of adrenaline bubbled through him. At first he thought he was part of the team in question which had started the pandemic but then he realized one crucial thing, the timing was off. Off by a whole ten years. It couldn't have been him.

In the year 2020, Simon's team had attacked an enemy camp but they had failed and perished before completing their task.

They had perished, all of them, Simon was sure of it. He stared at the photo in front of him in disbelief, a look of confusion registered on his face.

Steve? But I watched him die.

He felt his doctor's touch and reminded himself to calm down, the sudden spike of adrenaline could be debilitating.

Simon was no doctor but he could feel the pain. He heard the screams of his teammates, he closed his eyes and pictured Steve's plane as it went up in smoke, he gritted his teeth. Was it all a lie?

The General glanced at his doctor and nodded, assuring her he was alright. He took several minutes to gather his thoughts then spoke.

"Let's find out more about this Steve", he told his VIA.

"Steve Corner, veteran pilot for forty years. Impressive career record. He wasn't always a pilot of China, little of what he was before he joined the Chinese force is known. Lost his team once in 2020, only survivor of the team of twelve."

"How did he escape?" Simon cut in.

"That's not included in his profile", Alice replied and watched the disappointment register on Simon's face. "But I could help you check if you want. I'll search deeper, maybe I'll find something."

"Please do, thanks" Simon smiled at his assistant.

"It's been two thousand years so don't expect too much", She smiled softly.

The doctor spoke up. "Simon. I think it's time for you to do some explaining. From your looks and reaction, I can tell you know way more than you're actually telling. So, what is it? Why all the questions and strange acting?" Elaine eyed him.

'Very straightforward', Simon thought. He expected nothing less from his doctor.

"First, and pardon me for starting with a question, is time travel a thing in this age?" He asked.

Alice stepped forward. Her entire frame was now visible, illuminated by the lights of the holograms. Both hands were on either side of her thin waist, she kept her voice low but audible.

"No, not yet" the VIA replied.

Simon was about to speak next but Elaine beat him to it. "What Alice is trying to say is time travel hasn't been officially confirmed yet, but there has been rumors"

"As there has been for thousands of years", Alice rolled her eyes. "Time travel isn't real, at least not yet"

Simon contemplated their words for a minute then spoke, choosing his words carefully.

"This is probably going to sound crazy but I think I just time traveled"

"What!", both women exclaimed, shocked beyond words.

The General raised his head only to see two sets of eyes staring at him like he was crazy. He managed to smile, he knew he would need to provide some sort of reasonable explanation for what he just said.

Unfortunately, he had none. He wasn't even sure of anything. Life since he woke up had become a lot more complicated than usual.


Old and young people greeted the young General as he made his way towards the gathering place of the Generals.

Apparently, he was the only General who still interacted with commoners and was by far, the most loved.

Inasmuch as he seldom allowed or invited guests to his home, he was friendly to those who spoke and worked with him.

The elevator ascended. Simon couldn't help admiring himself through the mirrored walls of the elevator, he raised his hand and patted his chin. Beautiful, he thought, smiling.

The door opened and he emerged at an elegant hallway, he strode over to the only visible door and studied the ornate lettering - General.

'Very commanding indeed'

It had been exactly one week since he woke up a changed man. He recalled with a sigh the happenings of that day and could remember vividly the look on the women's faces when he announced he had time traveled.

They hadn't given him a chance to explain properly. Before he knew it, Alice had punched him in the face and almost broken his tooth in the process.

Alarmed, he had backed off, scurrying to the other side of the bed, desperate to distance himself from his wicked assistant.

He forgot the headache and it seemed the doctor did too, Elaine just sat there, laughing uncontrollably. Alice held out her finger, pointing threatingly at him as she spoke rapidly to Elaine of how important it was to restrain Simon for he had obviously gone completely insane.

"Not a day to remember" Simon said under his breath and shook his head tiredly.

"What did you say?", Alice inquired.

"Nothing nothing, I said nothing", he quickly replied and touched his left cheek where she had punched him.

Ever since that wicked punch, he had tried not to get on his assistant's bad side. She was no longer in her tangible human form, instead she took the form of an undetectable chip attached to his being.

VIAs were prohibited within the Generals' meeting room but Alice had always accompanied Simon ever since he became a General, none of the others knew a thing.

He took a step forward and breathed, the door opened up before him, granting him entry.

With the door out of the way, he saw the other Generals seated, their gazes were immediately redirected to meet him. Simon swallowed hard and walked in.