Out to bathe R-18+

At some point during the intense bang session, Zhang Han felt the spot where he hit his head throb with pain. Before everything grew dark, he vaguely thought that if Vaien had been on top with that stamina of his and big cock…he would've died.

All in all, it was a spectacular time for reversing his usual role.

When he woke up Vaien was lying next to him.

The cave entrance was blocked, so it was unknown if it were day or night. They were both still naked, and two golden pupils were staring at Zhang Han from the side, unfathomable and calculating.

"Your hair and eyes are dark," said Vaien, running his fingers through Zhang Han's bangs. "And your skin is different. The old man told me about different people on planets, never thought I would see one."

Zhang Han wondered if he was like some special creature at a zoo, exotic and novel, but at least that worked in his favor right now.

He tried to wake himself up and gave a dry reply, "There are many different races in the galaxy."

"Hey, you're not sick, are you?" Vaien probed. "You tire easily."

Doing it three times and passing out from a head injury is not 'tiring easily'! But Zhang Han was a previous diplomat, he could easily tuck away all his true emotions.

Zhang Han just said, "…I was the image of health where I came from."

"If you say so."

Zhang Han sighed. This was what his life finally amounted to, huh? Pillow talks after sex with a superhuman man on a deserted planet of ruthless beasts and overgrown plants. A bath would be good. He felt dirty to the point of disgust after vomiting, crashing a spaceship, sweating, and having sex multiple times.

Vaien yawned and stretched his arms. He got up and passed Zhang Han some dried jerky, which was great, because he was starving on top of everything else.

He started gnawing on it without any pretenses, then paused.

The flavor and leathery texture was entirely different from what he'd had before. Gaojun usually relied on protein bars and other forms of quick, dried nutrients. They were all bland. Jerky wasn't the fanciest of foods, but it was heartier than what Zhang Han usually ate.

The next thing shoved into his hands was a set of clothes. A tunic that was a greenish hue, the fabric surprisingly soft, and was tied at the waist with a belt that seemed to have small scales on it. He was used to buttons and zippers, fumbling as he fastened it.

It really was a foreign world. Zhang Han was starting to experience culture shock.

Vaien had been watching him.

"Since you're done, let's get a bath. There's dried blood in your hair, it's disgusting."

"…" Zhang Han frowned before replying, "I didn't know there were baths here."

"I'm not an animal. I know that filth spreads disease," Vaien retorted. "There's a place to bathe in a river nearby."

Zhang Han could only tolerate his snappish attitude. How was he supposed to know the people here still valued hygiene? Especially so when the man right in front of him only thought about sex right after meeting him.

Vaien rolled away the rock blocking the cavern and blinding sunlight poured in.

Zhang Han squinted his eyes then pulled the boots off his space suit to wear. He stood out at the cliff edge to stare at the expanse of green forests. There were gigantic reptilian birds with curving beaks and blue tails that flew up along the clouds in the distance.

And the pool of blood and corpse from yesterday had disappeared without a trace.

Vaien leaned against the cave entrance.

"So let's set things straight," he said, exuding indifference. "It's impossible for you to learn everything in one day, so for now you do as I say and follow close to me. Otherwise you'll end up dead."

Zhang Han nodded.

"And," Vaien had an even colder tone, "never expect me to risk my life for you."

Zhang Han did not feel hurt nor offended by these ruthless words. This was something he wasn't surprised about, and an attitude he was used to. In the end it's all on oneself to survive.

"I won't."

Vaien flashed a thin smile. "Great." He walked outside.

Zhang Han silently followed behind. His bones and muscles were aching with every step after yesterday.

The two went down along the cliff via a dirt path, at times uncomfortably thin. No strange creatures emerged and attacked like yesterday, but Zhang Han was still on edge, shifting his eyes as he followed Vaien.

Eventually they made it to the grasslands below and started along another well-trodden path through waist-high vegetation.

"Hey, you can stop being so tense," noted Vaien, glancing behind his shoulder at an alert Zhang Han. "I go through these parts every day. All the animals here know not to mess with me. Or else…" he flexed his hand aggressively, a number of veins popped out with a crackling sound.

Zhang Han just shrugged, dregs of anxiety eating at him.

But it was true that the ripper lizard from yesterday backed down once it saw Vaien. Zhang Han wondered what difference there was between himself and the red-haired sex addict. Was there a way Vaien made his presence known to these creatures?

He pondered this, and fortunately for his tired body, the river was only about half a mile off from the rock bluff where Vaien lived. It wasn't long before he heard the sounds of moving water, then a lively and bluish-hued river appeared.

For a moment he was once again in awe by the mere sight of it.

Vaien scanned the water's edge before he gestured for Zhang Han to come over.

The water was shallow at this bend, only about waist deep, and the river bottom was a soft sand of white and yellow where numerous minnows and small insects swam.

Zhang Han didn't step in yet. Was there really nothing lurking in here that could kill him?

Vaien stood with his arms crossed.

Zhang Han stared at him quietly.

Vaien stared back, but eventually was the first to break the stalemate.

"What are you standing around for?"

Zhang Han was confused and gave a helpless expression. "…aren't you bathing as well?"

After all…plenty of his *cough* went inside of him last night. Besides, he didn't want to be the first person to step into unknown danger in the water.

Vaien smirked. "You slept for an entire day, I've already done that. Hurry up and get in!"

So that meant that Zhang Han was the only one bathing. He had a feeling that there was a slight difference in stripping naked in a dim cave compared to broad daylight. But it was better than being grimy forever.

Zhang Han neatly removed his clothes. He did not even have any underwear yet. So…really, he couldn't hide anything...

…lately his mind is a mess.

Vaien had watched him undress with a hand framing his chin and eyebrows raised as though enjoying the show.

Zhang Han was a good height, but his posture was rather stiff and rigid, and he inevitably looked tired from a slight droop in his eyes despite the handsomeness of his facial features. Altogether, one could not help but think of him as a serious, listless man upon first impression.

Except during sex, thought Vaien, his eyes sinking below Zhang Han's abdominal muscles.

The thing clearest to Zhang Han right now was Vaien's lecherous gaze. He waded into the stream to blur his most vital parts, but never expected the impact of the water to be so refreshing on his aching muscles.

He unconsciously let out a breath as he cleaned off his body.

However, danger stirred at the moment he let his guard down. Zhang Han didn't expect to see a sharp, white fin burst out of the water towards him.

His chest immediately constricted.

In the next seconds he felt an arm wrap around him and a single fisted hand fly out towards the fin.

A massive fish was struck out of the water and smashed onto the bank.

Vaien slipped his head into the crook of Zhang Han's neck, plastering against his naked body, but Zhang Han could only focus on was that vibrant red hair and spinning surrounding. After a bit he was able to breath again.

In the meantime Vaien's hand hand began to stroke along Zhang Han's chest as he said,

"You almost died again. So troublesome."

Zhang Han swallowed down his anger. "You're the one who said it was safe here."

"For me, not for you," Vaien sneered, "they can tell you're weak, so everything sees you as a tasty meal. But this way we have dinner. Killing beasts like that giant flatfish is nothing difficult."

Zhang Han, as any sane person would be, was bothered that Vaien used him as bait, but in the end he came out of it without a scratch…

Zhang Han abruptly shuddered. One of Vaien's knuckles had brushed over his nipple. Huh. 'Sees him as a tasty meal'. In another sense, Vaien was exactly the same as the beasts.

"You're sensitive here," Vaien mumbled, breathing onto his neck.

Zhang Han only said with a dry tone, "Is that important?"

The giant flatfish was, as the name described, extremely flat. As though something had smashed it down from one side, and both of its eyes were on the same side as its head. It was flopping on the shore pitifully. Half of its tail fin had been destroyed by Vaien's punch, but the man himself was occupied with other things.

"Sure, it's important...for my enjoyment."

Vaien flipped Zhang Han's body around to face him, then lowered his head, sticking out his tongue. He let it trail down the ridge in between Zhang Han's pectoral muscles until it diverted from its path towards his nipple. He licked over the nub roughly.

Then his lips came closer, encompassing it as he began to suck.

Although he kept silent, Zhang Han's chest twitched instinctively.

Two golden pupils turned up to him, full of gloating.

Zhang Han stammered, "You. Why are you doing this here..." but then stopped. He realized he had nothing to say, really.

After all, they'd made such a deal.

Vaien had saved his life not once, but twice, and despite the fact it'd been a deliberate setup each time, Zhang Han didn't know at what other times he'd have to rely on him to survive. Sex with Vaien wasn't bad either, so in the end besides the loss of some of his pride, there wasn't much to be upset about. And what was pride worth on this planet anyway? All he wanted to do was survive.

Still…Vaien was the most shameless man he'd ever met.

There was a soft smacking sound as Vaien pulled on that reddened, erect bud, dragging Zhang Han's attention back to the current situation.


Vaien asked in a low tone, "What are you spacing off for, not feeling it? ...I should punish you."

He suddenly nibbled on that tender nub and Zhang Han's body jolted, a small whimper escaping his mouth. He chewed his lip to prevent another one as Vaien bit down gently again.

Zhang Han strained his eyes to the surrounding fields of river grass with embarrassment. They were doing this in the middle of a river in broad daylight, but at least it seemed that no one was nearby to spectate…

"Heh…" Vaien still had his tongue halfway out. "I like your reactions. They're more subdued than a woman's."

Zhang Han closed his eyes with forbearance.

He felt Vaien's hand trail to the other side of his chest and play with him there, too. He pulled his nipple in circles with a finger. The one already slick with Vaien's saliva was being rapidly flicked back and forth with his tongue.

Soon they were both fully erect and tingled at the touch, their reddish hue contrasting against the yellow-tan of Zhang Han's skin.

Despite the cool water splashing against his hips and bare skin, Zhang Han was getting aroused as the itchy sensation created poured downwards.

His erection was beginning to press helplessly against Vaien's stomach under the water, and he feared that Vaien would know that it wasn't a fish.

More importantly, that they'd end up having sex until exhaustion again. But it was also true that Zhang Han wanted to touch himself and alleviate the pressure. As a man slave to carnal desires, his decision was quick.

His hand was about to reach down, but Vaien, although silent during his fondling, suddenly brought his knee in between Zhang Han's legs and began to rub with precision.

"Ah..." Zhang Han's head tilted up from the burst of sensation. The husky breath of air that came out of his throat sounded a bit stifled.

Vaien continued to tease his nipples, too. He was pleased to see Zhang Han's eyes cloud.

After all, he had already discovered that underneath that dull outer expression was one like this. Flustered, with two dark eyebrows twisted together helplessly. Zhang Han's voice when aroused was low and scratchy, his facial expressions and figure edged with masculinity, a stark difference from all the women Vaien had played around with before.

Interesting. Really interesting.

It wasn't long before Zhang Han came.

In the end, Vaien also decided to let him off despite how he felt his own manhood throbbing, so that this weak outer world-er wouldn't pass out again. He was quite satisfied with teasing.

Zhang Han finished washing up, then Vaien swung the flatfish -that had suffocated on land while they were in the act of lewdness, mind you- over his shoulder to carry.

The two made the hike back with little conversation.