Blindfold 10/10 would use again R-18+

Vaien barely registered this, so naturally it took him by surprise when the hand that had been pumping his cock clamped down near the tip. It cut off his release. Stifled it. His body screamed at him with want.

A string of moaning curses flew out his lips.

To conclude Vaien's torment, Zhang Han pushed his member inside of him within the next moment.

Vaien's entire body quivered intensely from a mix of pleasure and insanity inducing frustration.

He cut a pathetic figure as he whimpered, "Zhang Han…you bastard….aah..." it was hard to think of anything else besides the climax he had been so close to reaching, the one that had been sealed off.

Zhang Han was acting so boldly this time. A part of Vaien wanted to force him to let go, force him to obey his wants and bring him the sweet gratification he desired, but a larger part almost felt good letting Zhang Han control him.

For now he bore with it, his fingers digging through the fur and into the ground below.

Zhang Han continued to slide inside of him. Vaien's inner walls were not quite moistened enough by the bit of precum he'd inserted, and stuck onto his cock. But he did not care to slow himself, the puckering sensation even felt good against his hard member.

The cool and damp air felt like the temperature had elevated to steamy.

Pressure had been pooling between his legs this entire time. Vaien was more reactive than he would have expected from one mere blindfold. It became more and more unbearable as he heard his breathless groans, staring at his shadowed figure pinned to the ground as though weak.

Vaien just wanted for Zhang Han to hurry and finish putting it in.

"Zhang Han…" his shaky voice whimpered his name with pleading once more, and Zhang Han's last strand of forbearance snapped.

"Hold still," he said. "Keep your hips up."

Without waiting for a response he pressed in deeper. Although it had only made it halfway in with his first shove, this time he was reluctantly swallowed near to the base. Heat encompassed his cock.

Zhang Han's face flushed. He heaved in a breath.

Vaien convulsed as he felt his insides filled, Zhang Hans member throbbing along his inner walls.

"Nnn…" he whimpered ripely again, wanting nothing more than to rip away the hand that was blocking him from coming. He growled weakly, trying to uphold his already shattered visage of rationality, "'re in, so let go of my..."

Zhang Han kept his hand pressed over the top of Vaien's erection with no intentions to heed his commands. For all the times he was irked at his arrogance, shouldn't he let him suffer a little now?

And so he retorted, "Didn't you say you'd listen to me this time?"

Vaien made a noise of annoyance, strained and half a groan.

His backside was pressed harshly against Zhang Han's abdomen.

The skin there was firm and muscular, unlike a woman's buttocks, but Zhang Han liked it. Suddenly, he felt Vaien flex slightly, trying to worm off his cock so that his hips could keep thrusting into his hand for relief.

But this time Zhang Han would not let him have his way.

He exerted force to pull up Vaien's hips back up to his, and so his cock slipped all the way back inside of him, allowing a soft and contented grunt to peel from his lips.

He kept a grip on Vaien's hip to hold him steady, then pulled out once, slowly but torturously, then sunk back in all the way to the hilt.

And again.

Zhang Han gradually increased his speed in order to chase his own release.

Wet sounds now filled the air from their lovemaking.

Vaien felt weak from lust, his head mushy. Part of him desperately wanted that hand clamped onto his erection to move again, another part of him screamed to simply press up his hips and accept Zhang Han's punishing speed.

With his front blocked, a new and intense sensation began to well in his belly as his sweet spot was hit with precision.

"Uh…nnn..." he gave a groaning whimper, all the more pleading than before. "...fuck. It feels weird…"

He gasped at another penetration. "Zhang Han, you must let me…"

Zhang Han was feeling satisfied by his pace. "What is want?" he asked hoarsely, knowing full well what Vaien was trying to say. He kept grinding on that spot inside him.

The friction was growing a heat deep inside of Vaien, fanning out from the place they were connected. His eyes teared up, his tan and supple skin bright with sweat.

Vaien did not know what he was saying, perhaps became something like irredeemable groans and pleads as Zhang Han fucked into him. His body was being pounded into the furs, but his backside always kept upwards into an iron grip. His blocked erection was throbbing, tingling, and burning all at once.

The fingers pressed over his slit were getting wetter as drips of cum managed to leak out. His blindfold turned damp from tears.

And suddenly, within his agonizing bouts of unhindered pleasure, Zhang Han's hand let go. His palm slid down Vaien's cock with pressure while his body was shook by rapid thrusts.

Vaien felt like it had been an eternity of a wait.

His mind went blank and his voice was hitched into silence as he came.

Thick cum burst out along with the shudder of his body, dirtying the grass with white dew and a strong musky scent. Climax lasted for longer than normal, he did not even realize that his insides were sticky and warm with cum until he regained his senses a few moments later.

Zhang Han saw red hair sticking to the back of Vaien's neck.

He tilted his head to look towards him for the side, seeing flushing and moist lips, and his heart felt strange. He leaned down, pressing their lips together.

Vaien's head still felt half cloudy, but he pushing his lips back on instinct. He liked the taste of Zhang Han's mouth and softly pried his tongue inside. He turned over with Zhang Han's softened member still inside of him and wrapped his arms around the back of his neck, pulling him down.

Their kiss was feverish and insatiable, Zhang Han felt a sting as his tongue was bitten, a slight whimper curled from his lips. Parting was only brief, to gasp in air, then they stuck to each other again.

Soon enough Vaien was wrapping his legs around Zhang Han's hips, pressing his belly forward until his manhood, beginning to grow erect once more, poked onto his abdomen.

"Hmm..." Zhang Han grumbled, realizing what would happen if they were to continue.

Him being exhausted and fatigued today still carried into this moment, so the bout of sex had really been overkill. He pulled off Vaien's lips and out of him, hearing some cum drip onto the fur, then laid down as though he were a dead body.

"Come on, Zhang Han..." said Vaien, not at all tired after one round. Then he just sighed with a hint of doting, slipping off the blindfold as he peered down at the man next to him.

Zhang Han had his eyes closed lightly, about to doze off at any moment.

He had to admit the blindfold was pretty good to use. Simple, but it worked. Zhang Han came up with a good idea this time.

Vaien's thin pupils switched to scanning the dark grasslands around them, searching for movements or unwelcome eyes of creatures in the night. He could see well in the dark, truly like a kind of predatory cat like a jaguar, it was part of the reason why he was not overly concerned about camping in an open grassland.

Things like goliath killers were daytime only hunters, although there were also a few nastier types at night, but usually they were in forests and not out on the open plains.

However, he was trying to remember if there was a river or stream nearby so he...could clean himself up. "Hmmm," he hummed while thinking, hearing the slowing breathing of Zhang Han as he fell into dreamland.

Then, he thought he heard the trickle of stream water farther off.

Vaien propped up Zhang Han and prodded him lightly.

"Hey. Wake up for a bit, let's go bathe."

Zhang Han mumbled something incoherently, his eyelashes fluttered, as though trying to heed his commands, but ultimately he did not awaken.

"...why did you want to do it if you were this tired?"

Vaien truly did not know what was wrong with Zhang Han tonight. He almost wanted to bring him to a healer and ask if he wasn't sick somewhere, with him initiating sex and even going as far as to mercilessly tease him during the act.

Complaints were quietly uttered from his lips as he found clothes then lifted Zhang Han's body up onto his shoulders, planning to drag him to the source of water whether he was awake or not.