The banquet

Everyone quieted down once Vaien and Zhang Han arrived. They weren't too late, actually, as it seemed that the meat only just finished cooking a bit ago.

Gihana had been overseeing the process of everything nearby and came over with a big knowing smile on her face, that is until she saw Vaien's sullen expression. She snickered.

"What's the matter, are the arrangements not to your liking?"

Vaien just furrowed his brow. "Nah. It's fine."

"Hm…" Gihana moved her gaze between Vaien and Zhang Han's faces, then seemed to come to an understanding. Still, she would not talk about specifics of relationships in front of the entire tribe.

She instead turned, the colorful jewelry on her ears, wrists, and ankles clinking, and raised her arms out.

"Vaien, the Red Maned Silu, has returned!" Her voice was bold, carrying far. It was a stark contrast from the slightly sultry tone she used on them earlier. Now Gihana sounded like a true and proud leader. "With him he has brought a new member of our tribe called Zhang Han, one from a faraway land. As we regain a great power into our tribe and welcome our new brother, this is a day to be celebrated!"

There was cheering from all around, smiles thrown at Vaien and looks of curiosity to Zhang Han. The fire blazed brightly in the center, the heat almost stifling.

Zhang Han had a bad aftertaste in his mouth from the earlier conversation and wine.

He waited for Gihana to finish her speech before she led him and Vaien to what appeared to be the seating area for those higher up in the standing at Red Mane. These large couches had servers on either side to bring food and pour drink, and were given pillows on the wooden seats for maximum comfort. The other tribe members had at best a wooden log or bench to sit at while taking a bowl-like platter of meat.

Kalla was sitting there already, along with a handful of other people that Zhang Han did not yet know.

He and Vaien had their own seat nearby Gihana's.

Finally, Gihana thanked the hunters who brought back the food, those who prepared it and the drink, then clapped her hands and a long line began to form for people to take up their platters.

To this, there seemed to be an observable order.

Zhang Han watched from his seat on the couch as the younger children were allowed to take their portions first, then the elderly, then the rest.

Hm, the elderly truly had some respect, Zhang Han supposed that the incident with Vaien's father was truly done out of desperation during a famine. After all, while the elderly might be given respect for their wisdom at most times, during the worst times of desperation they are the most expendable.

Children are like the hope of the new generation, while the old are those who are soon to die anyway.

In any case, he watched as several people gathered extra platters, then brought them up to serve him and Vaien, as well as all the others viewed as important within the tribe.

It seemed that they needn't even get up to take food.

Kalla was laughing loudly nearby as she talked with a crowd of other people. She had that girl, Lily, tucked into her lap. That little girl was about as horribly at eating as everyone else, scarfing up her slabs of meat like a starved dog.

Zhang Han could probably waste hours watching this strange shift in culture.

Somehow it was a bit like Gaojun in the way there was a hierarchy, but not like Gaojun in how constrictive it was. There were certain respects to uphold, but people could walk and talk where they liked. The air felt saturated with merriment as people gulped down liquor.

Yes, now this was a scene that could never be seen on Gaojun, not even if one frequented a bar. The atmosphere was always more subdued, careful, as one always knew the government was watching. any case, Zhang Han had little else to do besides observe the situations around him because of the sour mood of the person sitting next to him. This in itself, however, could prove useful.

The more he knew how to fit in alongside the others here, the better.

So even within what was supposed to be a lighthearted party, Zhang Han still was thinking like a sly diplomat, letting the culture of the people here soak into him.

On the other hand, Vaien was lying on his side gloomily, sipping a drink.

The two of them were on the other sides of the couch from each other.

Right now Vaien was too frustrated with Zhang Han to feel like talking with him.

And he didn't know what to do about it, either. Usually if someone rejected his good intentions like that he'd punch them straight in the face. But how could he dare to punch Zhang Han? That wouldn't be right.

But Vaien didn't know what he could possibly be doing wrong.

He was so kind, so thoughtful, so affectionate! Zhang Han was even the one on top, he literally bends over backwards for him, what more could Zhang Han desire?!

All of his angsty thoughts were interrupted when that brat Gunther brought Vaien a platter of meat. He set it down but had more to say.

"Hey, Vaien," he whispered, "you do know that Zhang Han shouldn't be trusted, right?"

Vaien just raised an eyebrow at him. He glanced at Zhang Han, who appeared to be quite calm as usual, sitting about a meter away as he sipped on a cup of wine and ate food in a manner that was ten times more polite than anyone else in the tribe. Vaien figured that no one was probably listening in right now to overhear what Gunther said.

If they were, whatever. He only asked, "What the heck are you talking about?"

Gunther gave Vaien a look like he was already tired of talking to him.

"I mean, that whole story about the mushrooms doesn't make sense-"

Vaien rapped the top of Gunther's head. Who would have thought that this kid was clever enough to see the flaws in that story about where Zhang Han came from? But no matter.

"Don't bother thinking about that!" Vaien growled. "Whether or not he's trustworthy, I would know best. I've been with him the longest."

Gunther made an annoyed sound, his fingers clung onto the side of the couch. "Stop discounting what I say! I know that-"

"Go away~" Vaien hummed as he used a hand to toss him away.

Gunther gave him a dirty look before dragging his feet off back to auntie Yetay, who'd been looking for him. He'd finished skinning his deer meat, but the list of chores Gunther had was always a mile long. He would be back to address this later!

Vaien just gave a huff of a sigh and leaned back in his chair again. He needed another drink, but when he lifted his goblet, it was already empty. He frowned and held it out.

"More wine!"

In a moment, a pretty girl with voluptuous breasts was about to come over and pour some, but surprisingly, Gihana took the pitcher from her and sauntered over. To be fair, Gihana's rack was just as good as that other girl's, AND she had confidence on top of it all.

Gihana used to be one of Vaien's favorite sex partners, but people change, and that was years ago by now.

A-Ahem, but this wasn't relevant. Vaien was vaguely confused when she came over and poured his goblet full. Then she placed an elbow on the arm of the couch and leaned over.

"Say, already have a fight with your little darling?"