The Old Vs. The New

As a young female , going out into the world alone, isn't easy. My life hasn't been easy. My name is Erica and I'm from the Chi. Coming up in the streets of Chicago , you have too be tough or the world will eat you alive , but I was groomed tough. I came into the world to two parents who could care less about me. My mom wasn't around much , she was an exotic dancer at some hole in the wall club, and my pops was a drug dealer, so his interests were never dealing with me. I raised myself full time , did everything on my own. I realized what I had between my legs was powerful and could get me where I needed too go if I used it right. At 17, I started noticing that the guys my mom would bring home from the club after she danced were ballers with plenty money. Drug dealers mainly , once in a while a business man on the wrong side of town. She didn't pay much attention too me but I was always watching and learning. On my 18th birthday, my mom came home like usual with a guy following closely behind her. I knew at that moment what I was going too do next would be the start of a new beginning for me , and I was ready. They went into the back room for about 30 minutes or so before I heard the door open and heard footsteps approaching me. When he passed me , I grabbed his arm softly and said, "When you want some young , tight pussy , It's right here for you, for the right price of course." He grinned , and replied, "What's your name ? , I'm ready for you now." I leaned over and slid my hands in his pants and while feeling him harden I said "You can call me , Erica , Erica Erotica & Let's go." & from there the story of the new me starts.