Life with Malachi

I knew from the start , my life with Malachi would be completely different from my life with Damien, but I had no idea how much. We pulled up to a large estate, with bodyguars with guns guarding the gate entrance. Malachi rolled down the window, one of the guards replied "Yes, boss.", after being directed too open the gate. When we arrived at the main door of the house , a beautiful latino woman, with long silky black hair and the perfect shape, opened the door and ushered me too come inside. The stranger began unpacking my things and moving them inside. Once I managed too get inside the house , I noticed how extravagant it was. The woman who had brought me inside, introduced herself as Alexa. She was one of Malachi's "bitches". The house had 10 bedrooms, 6 of the bedrooms I passed on the way too be shown my new one , had female names on the doors. Curious to why this was , I asked Alexa if other women stayed here and what was the purpose if they did. To my surprise , Alexa said "Damien, likes to have fun , and he likes to have women" We work for him, and we are his women as well." I realized I was in deep with things I hadn't know anything about. Alexa began explaining the house rules too me as we got situated in my new room. All the females are required to get along , We do as we are told to do, and Malachi chooses who he wants to be with on certain days. "If you follow his rules , you'll be fine, if you don't he has cruel punishments for when we disobey." I was deeply regretting the choices I'd made that brought me to this point, but I had embodied the title of Erica Erotica with dee and I wasn't going too quit now.