Mathias get out of here!!! Said a rough looking old man with a golden crown on top of his head wearing a red robe with a dragon crest on the back and gold and red armor underneath the robe
"but father"
This isn't the time right now for you to talk back take this ring and grimoire and head towards the East spring using the underground tunnel. From here i can see some parts of the tunnel have been destroyed so you will have to fight once you emerge from the tunnel but there won't be a lot of resistance since most of the humans are attacking from the front.
"Why are the humans attacking us father we haven't done anything to them"
The humans fear what they can't control Mathias if they can't get their greedy hands into it they will destroy it. Take this scroll and recite the words within it once you reach the spring
"What am i suppose to do with this ring and grimoire"
Find somebody worthy to wield them these two things can save our race and kingdom, and possibly our planets future.
(As mathias enters the underground tunnel 4 generals enter the room you can tell from their faces and armor that they are all worn out and tired)
(The general in front had short crimson red hair and eyes, he looked to be around 182cm in his mid twenties and early thirties carrying a katana on his belt while the general behind him on his left looked to be 152cm in her early twenties with long sky blue hair that matched her eye color also caring a rapier on her waist. The general on the right was at least 213cm tall with green hair and eyes holding a large spiked mace while the general in the back looked to be 183cm with ice white hair and eyes holding a spear. Each general had a powerful aura emitting from their bodies)
Where is general Zeus and general Layla!?
My king they are still on the front lines holding the enemy back "said the general in the front" (Leone)
Then how bout our reinforcements from the other races?
The dryads have just gotten here sir they are helping with our defenses and barriers "said the general on the left" (Kara)
I see and the rest?
It will take the lycans, Elves, Minotaurs, Centaurs, and Echidna(Echidna are half snake half man/woman)4-7 days to get here "said the general on the right" (Viren)
DAMMIT!!!(slams fist on table) we won't last 4-7 days. What about the Goblin king and the Beast king?
They are refusing to help us sire "said the general in the back" (Katie)
WHAT I swear on my ancestors grave that if we survive this i will personally rip out their throats!!
Have we found out what is keeping us from converting into our dragon form?
Intel believes it is the barrier the humans put over the city (Katie)
(A explosion rocks castle)
Have we found the source of the barrier then
No sire (Katie)
Then come on
To where if i may ask my king-Leone
Where else; to the battlefield Zues and Layla may be strong but they won't last that long.
Sire you must escape we are outnumbered 10 to 1 (karla)
Escape! are you crazy this my home this is my country. They attacked us first without no warnings killing thousands of innocent bystanders and non military personnel and you want me to escape!!
Sire if you was to fall on the battlefield our country will be left without a king then what are we supposed to do. (karla)
A king without a country to rule is nothing. so what if the king is still alive that doesn't mean anything if his country is in ruins. Now stop arguing with me and come on let's show these damn humans what it means to mess with a dragon.
(The king and 4 generals walked through the hallways of the castle to the court yard filled with tents of the injured and medics rushing around trying to get to everybody. They reached the top of the castle gates and survey the gruesome battlefield)
Damn if it wasn't for this stupid barrier there wouldn't have been this much injured. Viren, karla, and Katie head to the front lines and support Zues and Layla. Leone you stay with me and figure out where the power source for this damn barrier can be.
"yes sir"
(The three generals jumped from the wall all the way to the frontlines unleashing terrifying elemental magic even though they were weakened they were still generals.)
"Sire what are we going to do?"
I don't know Leone all we can do is wait for our reinforcements to come and pray to Gaia that we can hold out in time
(BOOOOM!!! A massive explosion was seen on the front line the shockwave blasted allies and enemies alike off of their feet everybody on the battlefield felt the blast resonate to their very core)
"Sire are you okay"
Yes i'm fine what was that explosion though?
"I don't know sir i've never seen or heard of anything quite like that before"
Let's head to the front lines to check on viren, Layla, Zues, Karla, and Katie where there.
"Yes sir"
(They immediately jumped all the way to the front lines)
I hope those 5 are okay Leone.
"They are strong sir"
(they arrive at the site of the explosion)
"My god sir what monster could have caused this much destruction"
I don't know Leone but whatever it is definitely isn't something of this world.
My king you must get out of here "cough cough" (Layla)
Layla what happened?
I don't know my king it all happened very fast one minute we was all fighting side by side pushing the enemy forces back until this massive ball of pure mana come from behind enemy lines. Viren protected me with his earth magic and i used air magic to brace myself. I don't know what happened to him and everybody else.- Layla
Layla stay here with Leone i'll go search for the others.
Okay sire stay safe and I pray you find the others alive. (Layla)